Wrong Way Go Back
You squint about and see that the decks are completely abandoned. Examining an electronic noticeboard, you see it filled with a star scape dominated by an uncomfortably large star. Superimposed on top are large flashing red letters that read "STELLAR COLLISION IMMINENT". |
60 references, fairly hard
The Diamond Key
The lady's journey smells dangerous, but you are curious as well. For many moments you stand as the breeze cools you, turning things over in your mind. At least she will be heading north, away from the arid lands. Wandering up the street in search of an inn, you contemplate the idea of sleeping in, perhaps in the arms of a perfumed lady. Yet adventure is calling... |
1000 references, fairly hard
Planet Of The Spiders
Giving up, you slip into the ship and the hatch closes behind you. Slumping in the large comfortable chair that dominates the interior of the small ship, you feel a deep despair. You have never even been to Earth, growing up as you did on the excitement-packed manufacturing planetoid of G15-275. Even so, you are determined to save it, and the treemaids as well. But how to do it? |
109 references, medium difficulty
The Golden Crate
Fresh from battling giant, demi-human spiders from Arachnon, our hero once more finds himself thrust into the bosom of adventure. Can you retrieve the Golden Crate from the evil clutches of the arch villain? Great obstacles stand in your way, such as: Space Pirates, Insane Computers, The Outlawed Concept of Time Travel, and at long last: a Death-bot. |
266 references, fairly hard
The Hypertrout
Is it a fish? Is it a boat? No! It's...well actually it's kind of a fish and a boat. Anyway, it's really big and dangerous, and you have to do something about it.
Can you unravel the mysteries of the Hypertrout, escape with your life, and cover yourself in glory? Actually, just escaping with your life will be enough. |
77 references, fairly easy
Contractual Obligation
Your girlfriend is torn from you by legal technicalities. Can you get her back by performing a series of seemingly unrelated tasks to save your former employers, those innocent, yet homicidal, treemaids? |
127 references, fairly easy
The Dead World
It was supposed to be an uneventful trip back to Amorphonon 12, but of course something had to go wrong. Your ship has crashed on an arid world, amidst the remains of a once-great civilisation. What happened to them? Not that it really matters. The rescue ship will be here in 3 days, so there is no need to explore the ruins. I mean, something might happen to you...
170 references, easy
Return To G15-275
The Galactic Disposable Cutlery Corporation is not as benevolent as its marketing department would have you believe. It has made you a prisoner by means that are entirely legal but really, really unfair! Can you escape from the clutches of the company that claims to own you? It won't be easy... if only you were a real person... |
600 references, fairly hard
The Ravages Of Fate
Where the Empire's justice cannot prove guilt or innocence the matter is left in the hands of the gods; or better said: at the claws of a troll. Likewise, those whose guilt is certain are sent, for both may win freedom by venturing into the forsaken lands beyond The Jaw and returning with one token of vindication and absolution: the head of a troll.
100 references, fairly easy
Tales From The Bird Islands - Sapphire Atoll
Pinch... pinch... little flickers of pain slowly goad you back into awareness. You taste first the salt in your throat, and then feel the sun beating down on your back. Pinch! With sudden horror, you realise something is eating you alive! |
47 references
Tales From The Bird Islands - The Island Of The Tyrant
You stand at the prow as your ship cuts through the placid sapphire waters, the hot sun overhead making the sea sparkle. The breeze of your passage provides a welcome cool as you gaze ahead, wary for the emerald patches of shallow water, but mostly your eyes seek the dark mass of your destination: Blackfort Island... |
166 references
Tales From The Bird Islands - Island Of The Soulless
You’ve been drunk before, but as you climb back into consciousness, you feel worse than you ever thought possible. Colours jar your eyes in an incomprehensible jumble, while a cacophony of noises vie to piece your ears painfully. Your tongue feels like it has swollen to three times its size and everything hurts. |
64 references
Escape The Asylum
Growing stronger by the second, you spy the full syringe and gently lower yourself to pick it up. You grope at the orderly's fat neck until you feel a throbbing artery and plunge the needle into it, expelling the drug into his system. Now he will be out for... well, you don't know. For long enough to escape... you hope! |
50 references, easy