Gamebooks by Tammy Badowski |
Tales From The Bird Islands - The Sleeping Dragon
Large white owl-like creatures burst from the trees and attack your party, tearing their flesh to bits with their talons. Blood splashes through the air and all that is heard by the fire are garbled screams and squawking birds. They do not attack you and rather than stick around you run as hard as you can through the trees. You do not know how long you have been running for but you just cannot run any further... |
100 references
Escape Neuburg Keep
You wake up from a dream in which you were being eaten by a ghoul. All you can recall from this nightmare was its teeth biting into your forearm, your blood leaking out on the floor, and your muscles being gnawed on desperately. The sound of the ghoul biting down onto your forearm bone was what woke you up. The crunch... the gurgling... the hissing delight of laughter... |
30 references, fairly easy
Rise Of The Night Creatures
"Where are you?" He whispered harshly and noticed his son on the floor. The tone that came next was almost welcoming. "Ah, there you are. It is time, so put your toy away and come here." The little boy kissed his teddy, got to his feet so he could place it in the crib, and his father lifted the axe up high over his head... |
265 references, hard