ffproject Sun Mar 12 14:50:55 2017
The Scarlet Thief
I've added the revised version of Ramsay Duff's merit-award winning Windhammer entry from 2013 to the downloads page.
Download it here |
ffproject Sun Mar 12 15:03:34 2017
New Day Rising - The First Incoherent Adventure!
After well over a decade, Gavin Mitchell has produced the first episode of a kind-of-sequel to Outsider!
Download it here |
ffproject Sat Dec 23 09:59:10 2017
New Day Rising
You are Severian, only son of the master necromancer of this castle. Growing up schooled by Liches, you showed more interest in the weapon practice you received at the withered hands of armour-clad Wights. At last your father good naturedly confesses defeat and tells you to follow your dream. Taking some adventuring supplies and plenty of money, you head off to the most advanced and populous city in the region... Altgarten.
Finally I've got the online version of Gavin Mitchell's sequel to Outsider! ready to play.
I feel I should manage expectations a little: this shouldn't in itself be compared to Outsider! as it is only small, if comparisons are drawn it should be with a single mission from Outsider!. Also, the rules are pretty much standard FF, rather than the complicated system described in the original. As ever, this is down to the amount of time it would take to make it happen.
Play it here |
Haoie Fri Feb 23 07:55:57 2018
Nice to see a new book! It's been too long since the last one. |
ffproject Sat Jun 2 11:24:05 2018
Rise Of The Night Creatures
"Where are you?" He whispered harshly and noticed his son on the floor. The tone that came next was almost welcoming. "Ah, there you are. It is time, so put your toy away and come here." The little boy kissed his teddy, got to his feet so he could place it in the crib, and his father lifted the axe up high over his head...
Tammy Badowski's werewolf-themed gamebook is ready to play. |
ffproject Tue Jul 31 18:32:58 2018
A Day In The Life
Fleeing circumstances even more unpleasant than usual, you have come to Bloodstock, Britain's finest heavy metal festival. Your mission is to make it through the whole of Sunday and watch Megadeth; the band who, more than any other, have influenced your life. But beware! There are many factors out there to ruin your pure enjoyment, end your liberty or your very existence!
If you want to find out what Gavin Mitchell has been up to since he was a psychic assassin, play this tiny gamebook. |
Haoie Wed Aug 22 19:30:27 2018
Sweet, 2 more new books! |
ffproject Tue Apr 23 21:10:00 2019
New Day Rising - Another World
The second mission for Severian and his team. Download it here. |
ffproject Tue Apr 23 21:17:54 2019
Tammy Gives and Takes Away
Four gamebooks by Tammy Badowski have been added to the Downloads page : Appointment with Lord Azzur, The House of Venus, The House Overlooking The River and Vegan Slut.
At the author's request, the following gamebooks have been removed : The Crimson Ark, The Dark Lord, The Loyal Servant, The Sleeping Dragon and Xshanaar Assassin. |
ffproject Sat Nov 30 09:14:18 2019
A Saint Beckons
You half-collapse against an elm tree. The arrow head is still lodged deep in your thigh, throbs like the devil. Gritting your teeth, you stagger onwards through the dusky gloom, panting with tremendous effort. You lean against the bough of a sturdy oak, as if hoping to absorb its strength. Finally, too exhausted to go on, you give in to thoughts of a peaceful eternal sleep, away from this cold, brutal, hopeless world of woes...
Robert Douglas' historical gamebook is ready to play. |
ffproject Mon Mar 9 19:28:28 2020
Labyrinth Of The Father
Paul Mc's sequel to Satan's Academy. Download it here. |
ffproject Mon Mar 9 19:32:11 2020
A Princess Of Zamarra
A new 500-reference gamebook by Kieran Coghlan, involving orcs and princesses. Download it here. |
ffproject Sat Mar 21 10:54:27 2020
Join Me In Death
Tammy Badowski has written a story - not a gamebook - based on Crypt Of The Sorcerer. Download it here. |
ffproject Mon Oct 12 18:26:12 2020
The Aleff
Greg Neill has sent me this collaborative gamebook, written mainly by him, Kieran Coghlan and Steven Doig. It is inspired by the Aleph in Spectral Stalkers.
Download it here. |
ffproject Thu Dec 24 15:49:45 2020
Skies In The Darkness
I've added Tammy Badowski's new story Skies In The Darkness to the downloads page. This is a sequel to Join Me In Death. Download it here.
Join Me In Death itself has been updated. Download it here. |
ffproject Wed Dec 30 12:43:28 2020
A Princess Of Zamarra
You, like many orcs who fought for Ostragoth, have found your calling as a sellsword to the highest bidder. Sometimes you have been hired to protect caravans or to raid them, to serve wizards or to slay them. Sometimes you have fought alongside your fellow orcs in these endeavours and sometimes against them. It is all the same to you so long as it pays well and gives you an excuse for some bloodshed...
The online version of Kieran Coghlan's Fangs Of Fury sequel is now ready to play.
Play it here |
ffproject Fri Oct 15 14:42:14 2021
The Dark Domain
I've added Phil Sadler's latest gamebook The Dark Domain to the downloads page. Download it here. |
Zizka Thu Nov 18 11:31:53 2021
It would nice to have somewhere to write reviews of the various downloads available. |
ffproject Thu Dec 30 13:58:47 2021
Gem Runner
Guided by the Elders, the leaders of your society on D'Karr, your people have gathered and stored in the Wall of Knowledge all that has been learnt about your world and what is simply referred to as "the space beyond". As a Level 2 construct, you have yet to be allowed even limited access to the Wall, being instructed for now to simply gather more crystals for use in information storage. While your fellow constructs are content with their role and alternate between work and hibernation, you are not...
Simon Christopher Chapman's gamebook is ready to play.
Play it here |
ffproject Mon Apr 25 19:54:19 2022
I've used NeuralBlender.com which apparently "uses state-of-the-art AI technology to generate images from text input" to come up with some pictures for Waiting For The Light. |
ffproject Sat May 14 10:07:12 2022
Escape The Asylum
Growing stronger by the second, you spy the full syringe and gently lower yourself to pick it up. You grope at the orderly's fat neck until you feel a throbbing artery and plunge the needle into it, expelling the drug into his system. Now he will be out for... well, you don't know. For long enough to escape... you hope!
Ulysses Ai's recent Lindenbaum competition entry is ready to play. Ulysses has now added some pictures that illustrate the sign puzzle.
Play it here |
ffproject Wed Aug 16 18:19:15 2023
Escape From Firetop Mountain
I've added Gabe Fandango's gamebook Escape From Firetop Mountain to the downloads page. In this one you are the prisoner freed by the hero in The Warlock Of Firetop Mountain. Download it here. |
ffproject Thu Mar 13 19:42:38 2025
I've added about 30 AI illustrations to Outsider! |