Haoie Fri Apr 8 23:31:58 2016
Longest in terms of references obviously doesn't mean longest in terms of play length, of course. But the Diamond Key/Wrong Way series are very long with lots of replayability. |
SCC Mon Apr 11 05:37:05 2016
The story I'm writing this year is set in the Old World. |
Robert Douglas Mon Apr 11 23:00:00 2016
@SCC, That's exciting to hear! Are we allowed to know which part of the Old World? I'm still engrossed in writing Sean Calibre Book 2. Having said that, regrettably I won't be taking part in this year's Windhammer. I did have some possible ideas - but never mind, there's always next year!
On a lighter side-note, I recently watched 'The Living Daylights' and 'Licence to Kill', both are James Bond films convincingly portrayed by Timothy Dalton. I've just realized how good they actually are, with many twists and turns throughout the plot, and some enjoyable villains! It's a shame Dalton didn't make another couple of films as 007. Roger Moore also made a good bond, alongside the original portrayal by Sean Connery. After Dalton, the mantle had passed to Pierce Brosnan during the 90's, and finally to Daniel Craig's slightly dark-natured, ruthless Bond of the New Millennium. There were moments when both Dalton and Craig had that something in common. Even George Lazenby and David Niven each had a single crack at the role. I don't think there's been a bad Bond as such, although most fans do have a firm favourite. Some of the films can verge on the daft side at times, while Moore's humorous quips regarding a villain's demise became a little tiresome. For example, he judo-throws a villain into a vat of tar...."Oh James, what happened to him?" "He came to a sticky end, darling!" I've heard Daniel Craig is due to finish - I wonder: who will portray the next Bond? |
Negative Tue Apr 12 08:49:52 2016
Well, there is another amazing gamebook community site at - chooseyourstory.com -. The are over a thousand gamebooks there. The two longest gamebooks there have over 500,000 words each! Go check the site, it's amazing. |
Phil Sadler Tue Apr 12 10:37:48 2016
Well my very own House of Pain has 80,000 words - that's not a bad count! |
Haoie Fri Apr 15 07:57:53 2016
Choose Your Story is really good - it doesn't have any of the dice rolling, so it's just a straight interactive fiction, but some of the stories are excellent. |
Negative Sat Apr 16 10:51:01 2016
You are mistaken. Stories their are infinitely more complex than FF. That site has its own scripting language. Just check out Dungeon Stompage or MyVacation. One of them is a fully funtional, open world, fantasy rpg and the other is a sim simulator. |
Haoie Fri May 6 11:52:32 2016
Really? That's something I didn't know. Thought it was straightforward link to link stuff. |
Traveller Thu May 26 22:41:27 2016
Is the website now officially dead? |
duffmeister Mon May 30 16:06:29 2016
That is not dead which can eternal lie... |
Tammy Sun Jun 12 02:02:49 2016
I want to write a gamebook with someone, but not FF related, since I don't write those anymore. |
Gavin Sun Jun 12 03:03:23 2016
You could collaborate on Interloper according to the Spanish localisation of Outsider's system -- Libro Juegos went out of their way to ensure their version was no longer FF related, including different RPG system, locations and so on. Surely the story line of a ritual magician from Terra transported to a fantasy planet is not without appeal.... :) |
Tammy Sun Jun 12 21:36:42 2016
Sounds interesting. You know where to contact me if you want to discuss further :) |
Gavin Sun Jun 12 21:47:23 2016
Will do when I have a laptop back available :) cheers :D |
Tammy Tue Jun 14 20:56:57 2016
Cheers |
Robert Douglas Thu Aug 25 22:52:40 2016
Just wondering if someone can shed some light on what's happening with the Wizard FF publications - any word on what's happening with future adventures? I don't want to sound negative, but after four years of no news I fear the worst. Still, at least they did some new titles, and it's nice to finally have had Bloodbones published. Wizard did a good job of keeping faithful, whilst tweaking them to fit around a pre-generated character system for a new generation of fans. The front cover artwork was really stylish and, at times, I felt torn between familiar-old-school-memory-lane Puffin or revamped Wizard. For me, republished Sword of the Samurai looked better than the original. I'm also wondering if Andy is still there? You haven't made many amber observations for a while, hope everything's okay? |
I am still there. All is well. |
Robert Douglas Fri Aug 26 00:28:09 2016
Hi All, Had a quick look on youtube, found this little gem from the early 80's. I think the presenter is a young Ben Elton, but who are the guests I wonder....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ItRW9uXfIQ |
Robert Douglas Tue Aug 30 11:52:22 2016
@ Andy, Libra's blessings! I'd feared a roving band of Orcs had kidnapped you. BTW, hope it's okay I previously left a link to something I'd discovered on Youtube? As a result of watching it, I'm actually hoping to join a LARP group - sounds great fun! There is that social element I've been lacking recently. |
Tammy Tue Aug 30 23:42:53 2016
Andy is kinda like the Cortona of Fighting Fantasy Project. Ask him anything. |
Robert Douglas Wed Aug 31 10:03:44 2016
@ Tammy, Like the Oracle in 'Armies of Death'. Or Starblazer's 'The Black Lord'. |