ravic Mon Nov 20 22:48:44 2006
this is an awsome site. does anyone know how you submit things onto it?
Blake Sun Nov 26 00:29:22 2006
Hi, Thank you very much for this site. As a screen reader user, this site is really great because I can not access print versions of the gamebooks without scanning them page by page. The html vversions of the gamebooks are great! I'm currently playing Hellfire. I haven't tried playing pdf versions of the games yet, but I will try it sometime. Again, thanks for this site. |
James Sun Nov 26 13:10:41 2006
I think to submit things to the site you just email your gamebook to the site owner. |
Yes, that's correct. |
eye of the dragon Thu Dec 7 12:49:17 2006
this is an new way to use fighting fantasy books |
Claire Sat Dec 16 13:22:22 2006
Is there any way of saving games when you're halfway through because i've never enough time to finish a whole one. This isa great sight by the way |
Ibrahim Mon Dec 18 16:44:45 2006
Hi Claire. If your using internet explorer, click on the menu bar at the top of the screen, click favourites and click add favourite. Choose a name for the favourite for example Hellfire1 and then click OK. When you want to come back to the game, you access the favourite within IE itself or from the start menu favourites option. |
Claire Mon Dec 18 16:52:16 2006
Thanks a million. That helped a lot. It saves me from getting to hooked on one game. |
redheart772002@yahoo.com Thu Dec 28 12:28:38 2006
from wer websites can I downloads more fantasy fighting games: |
See the links page. |
U.A. Fri Dec 29 13:14:25 2006
Hello everyone.<br> Just finished Hunger of the Wolf.<br> My review: 8/10<br> I enjoyed this adventure. It had a mature plot and was quite well-written.<br> <br> It might be interesting to see how much people have enjoyed each of the gamebooks.<br> Below is my ranking and rating:<br> Outsider (8/10) Excellent, but by the end was going on a bit long<br> Hunger of the Wolf (8/10)<br> Midnight Deep (8/10) An excellent story spoiled by a silly ending<br> Bad Moon Rising (8/10) I'm enjoying this one right now<br> Bodies in the Docks (7/10) I liked the non-fantasy setting with sufficient mystical elements.<br> The Black Lobster (7/10) Good sense of humour<br> Impudent Peasant! (7/10) Good sense of humour<br> House of Horror (7/10) Interesting.<br> Curse of the Yeti (6/10) Well-written.<br> Cold Heart of Chaos (6/10) This was OK for a short adventure<br> The Trial of Allibor's Tomb (6/10) Someone likes Deathtrap Dungeon<br> Rebels of the Dark Chasms (5/10) This was OK for a short adventure<br> Isle of the Cyclops (5/10) The luck-based confrontation with the cyclops ruined this one. <br> Riders of the Storm (4/10) Not quite as silly and contrived as Hellfire<br> Lair of the Troglodytes (4/10) I really don't like being a Dwarf<br> Hellfire (4/10) Silly and contrived<br><br> Just my opinion presented so that others may present their opinions.
Gamebook Fanatic Fri Dec 29 14:21:34 2006
U.A., I think you got some of them mixed up. The one where you play a Dwarf is in Rebels of the Dark Chasm, not Lair of the Troglodytes. You play as a Troglodyte (well, duh) in LotT.
Anyway, haven't finished Hunger of the Wolf yet myself.... but I must say the second plot (after you've dealt with Saul) really caught me by surprise. Great work as far as storytelling goes! |
Phil Sadler Fri Dec 29 15:41:16 2006
What brilliant reviews U.A! Tell us though, what really irked you about my books? LOL! I mean they are far from silly and the very nature of all FF books means they are "contrived". Seriously though I enjoyed reading your post but I would only rate it as a 4: silly and contrived. |
U.A. Sat Dec 30 12:16:25 2006
Thanks for the correction GBF. I must admit that I was turned off quite early by that adventure and barely played it, so the details (or the major, obvious facts) didn't stick in my mind.
Phil. It is obvious from the posts on this site that lots of people enjoyed Hellfire, and for many it seems to be their favourite. Don't be concerned about what one person thinks. It's a matter of taste, after all.
Jamie Sat Dec 30 23:59:04 2006
Hi. When I click the 'contact' link on the front page it opens a new window with a password dialogue. Surely this isn't meant to happen...? |
No, it's supposed to open a new window in which you write an email. It works fine for me in both Firefox and Internet Explorer but I'll keep an eye out for the problem you mention. |
Exiss Tue Jan 2 06:12:45 2007
I have question: what requirements have to be met in order for a submitted gamebook to be accepted by the sitemaster? |
Broadly speaking, my requirements for a gamebook that will be adapted for online play are as follows :
- It has to be (in my opinion only) at least as good as those already featured. - It should be close enough to the standard FF rules (or a subset of them) for the software to deal with, although I will consider conversion to FF (as with Isle Of The Cyclops) or simplification (as with Bodies In The Docks).
I am more flexible about what goes on the downloads page. I'll happily put anything up there that is complete and reasonably well written. |
Et.Z. Tue Jan 2 13:38:33 2007
U.A., I hope you understand Phil's reaction. Writing a book is so much work (I'm working on mine right now) and as any piece of art, people will be sensitive about it as they pour their soul into the process.
Maybe you should try to write your own book and think how you would react if people called your book ''silly and contrived''. After all the guy gave the whole thing to us for free.
I believe that Hellfire was too hard myself but I still enjoyed the book. That's plenty of other strengths to the book which makes it worthwhile.
Phil, I know you aren't working on a new book right now. I would like to know if you would consider participating in a collective effort.
Et.Z. |
Exiss Tue Jan 2 22:57:31 2007
Thanks for the answers, webmaster, that's helpful to know. I have just one more wondering: if I email a gamebook to you, would it need to be in the form of an attatchment (i.e. Word, etc.) or could it be written out in the email's text? |
Either is OK, although if you send it in the body of the email I will probably just copy and paste it into a Word document anyway. |
Exiss Wed Jan 3 14:30:56 2007
Alright, great! Thank you. I'm hoping to be able to send you a gamebook of mine in the (somewhat) near future. |
Magnus Munda Sat Jan 6 00:13:19 2007
How about a forum with sections for: *Reviews *Walkthrough *General Gamebook convo
Wouldn't that be neat or what? |
Thanks very much for the suggestion. It's a good idea, but will almost certainly never happen as I don't have the time. However there are several forums out there already that are pretty much what you are looking for, see the links page. |
Magnus Munda Sun Jan 7 02:10:10 2007
I have finally understood why you don't want a forum: time.
Ok, I'll browse through the links.
Good day. |
Phil Sadler Thu Jan 11 21:39:51 2007
"Phil, I know you aren't working on a new book right now. I would like to know if you would consider participating in a collective effort."
I'm in the middle of exams for the moment so I have to concentrate on those for the time being, which is why it's taken me so long to read your post. I'm still not all that sure that I'd really want to put myself through the process of writing another book even with someone else. Firstly, I just don't really know if I have it in me anymore and secondly I'm very used to working on my own.
It's still an interesting thought though: do you have any ideas about what you'd want to do and do you have anyone else on board for the project? |