Et.Z. Thu Jan 11 22:26:50 2007
Thank you for your reply (and good luck on your exams!)
Well, it was mostly an idea I've had for a while. I've started countless books (about a hundred paragraphs each) but never finished any of them.
Not to sound pretentious but I think that my writings are up par to yours.
I don't think it's feasible to involve too many people to write one book, but I think it might possibly work if a few motivated individuals are involved.
As far as the main ideas, I personally have quite a lot of them.
I would like to try something very different, along the lines of the Creature of Chaos.
hamish Mon Jan 22 22:27:22 2007
Cool site! |
Dude Mon Mar 19 05:12:50 2007
hey great site, is it still being updated regularly? |
mrpibb Sun Mar 25 04:34:16 2007
awsome site! love the gamebooks. the diamond key is my favorite so far. to other blind people who play plain text gamebooks how do you jump to the section that you need, and what screen reader do you use? |
Ibrahim Fri Mar 30 17:22:19 2007
Hi Clairre.
Well met. I use JFW also. I love it when I meet new blind people who enjoy similar things to myself. Tell me, do you like text adventures or as they now call it Interactive Fiction as well? Perhaps if you are on messenger, you could add me. My email address is "igucukoglu@hotmail.com" and I can introduce you to this facinating medium if you aren't already aware of it. It is truely brilliant stuff, like being inside a novel where you control the every actions of the main character.
All the best. |
Shadow Dragon Fri Mar 30 17:55:58 2007
I am also a blind user, which is one of the reasons I like this site so much. Ffproject.com and sryth.com are probably of my two favorite sites on the net to date, heheh. Anyway, if there are any other blind users out there, feel free to add me to msn. Or even if you're not blind, shrug. Works for me. MSN: kicrush@hotmail.com Also, to the site admin, I'm not sure if this has been asked before or if you can even offer a proper date, but do you have any idea when The Diamond Key will be available for online play? It sounds really cool, but I can't really check it out because I hate wading through PDF with my screen reader. Thanks. |
I never commit to any schedule, but I would expect to have The Diamond Key ready around late summer. If that sounds a long way off, remember that it's twenty times the size of, say, Isle Of The Cyclops. |
Claire Fri Mar 30 18:17:42 2007
Hi Ibrahim,
Yeah, I love these text games, I've always loved reading and stuff. I love listening to audio books, I'm trying to find a good machine so that I can download them from the web. It's brilliant when you can just turn on a cd player or tape recorder and have someone tell you a story.
I found out about this site from a link on another site: www.whitestick.co.uk. It's a great site too. I've finished a few of the games, but not all. Which ones were your favourites?
I'm not on messenger yet, but will drop you an e-mail sometime, or u can send me one. E-mail: clairejmb(at)eircom(dot)net.
Take care. |
mrpibb Sat Mar 31 01:47:08 2007
ibrahim when you say interactive fiction you mean like adrift and muds and stuff? if you like these kinds of games alter aeon is one that has a log in for blind players that cuts down on spam
oops forgot... Sat Mar 31 01:51:17 2007
alter aeons website where you can connect is "dentinmud.org" and the port for blind players is 3010. i can't get to the website through my browser but if you use a mud client you can |
dark Thu Apr 12 11:08:01 2007
Well, it seems like ages sinse I last checked this guestbook.
First, I'm really pleased people have come here via the links on Whitestick.co.uk. I emailed the webmaster the links to a few gamebook sites, ----- but i didn't expect him to put as much work into creating the page as he has done, particularly putting links to the start of each book.
Also, I've done a pod cast about this site where I talk a bit about gamebooks, play a litle of Impudent peasant and generally behave like a loony. I hope it'll introduce more visually impared people to the genre, and this site, and also It might be of interest to people who are wondering what playing Ff with a screen reader is like.
You can find it on the Blind cool tech website at http://www.blindcooltech.com/
I'd like to do a couple more pod casts about gamebooks, perhaps one about Html books like Chronicals of Arborell or Lone wolf, and one on how to go about playing a gamebook presented as a text file with a screen reader (sinse this is something that's come up in this thread).
stil, I'll be looking forward to trying out Diamond Key when it's onlinified, there's no denying it does gamebooks much easier to play, particularly the way that this site handles all of the dice and calculations. |
Jeff Sinasac Sat Apr 28 21:05:15 2007
Hey, Dark. Nobody else has mentioned anything, so just wanted to say I really enjoyed your podcast. Nice work. |
stan Mon Apr 30 21:03:18 2007
"Thanks for interesting site. Keep up a great work." |
morris Fri May 4 03:00:11 2007
This could be a lot nicer i think. |
fans Fri May 4 05:25:37 2007
Hi all,
How good you are can make those interesting game books and it is fun!! Thank you for sharing that to people!
^_^ |
Shadow Dragon Sun Jun 3 15:41:39 2007
Yeah, spoilers would be nice. I always get stuck with the random search options, they waste sections so badly and you never know what you need and what you don't. |
EternalGamer Sat Jun 9 10:43:50 2007
Great website! As much as I love playing text adventures aka works of interactive fiction, there are times when I just don't feel like bothering myself with parser problems and inventory juggling. These are the moments when I missed game books. I am now missing no more. |
Age of Fable Wed Jun 20 10:10:44 2007
Suggestion: it'd be pretty easy to set this site up so that it used the Palantino font, which is pretty common, and quite close to the font used in the books. |
When I made the site, which is over four years ago now, it seemed that browsers could only support a few fonts, Palatino not being one of them. Now it appears that both Firefox and Internet Explorer can display it. So I'll bear this in mind. |
Question Wed Jun 20 14:00:01 2007
On the other hand I do agree that changing the font would be a nice addition! ;-) |
Joshi Wed Jun 27 15:30:00 2007
This website is really good !!!!!!: i love all the books!
iomo. Mon Jul 16 13:08:04 2007
we are currently playing stealer of souls in old school format.
steve jackson and ian livingston are our heroes. |