Review at Independent Gaming Tue Jul 17 06:22:53 2007
We've put a review of this project up at www.indygamer.blogspot.com. Please check it out and me know if you have any concerns/requests!
By the way, I was wondering what name should we credit this software to?
You can contact me directly at james@jademedia.net!
Best Regards. |
Brian Tue Jul 17 16:19:10 2007
As a child, Fighting Fantasy gamebooks took the best parts of "Choose Your Own Adventure" and "Dungeons and Dragons" with just a sprinkling of Tolkien in it's (mostly) fantasy setting and combined to make a riviting read and game experience. Having collected most of the early books, about 20 so far, I would LOVE to collect the surprising number of titles that are out now. When are they going to be available in the U.S??????. Lucky Brits. I just got Night Dragon from quite a persitent and pricey internet hunt. Has anyone ever BEAT that book? -Just askin. |
Sam Tue Jul 24 10:18:30 2007
Cool Site |
Aleister Fri Jul 27 03:01:53 2007
Wonderful Site!
I am a big fan of gamebooks and admire the work put in here! I have a humble request though: my favorite gamebook from my youth was the Way of The Tiger Series. If I see it online, I will be most grateful. Anyways, I realize the differences from FF, but still it's not so extreme that it would require a complete new program...
Btw,"The Black Lobster" rules! |
All I know about Way Of The Tiger is that it existed, so I can't say how much work an online version would represent. But it could only happen if the writer(s) gave permission and provided an electronic copy, and I had enough free time to do it. So it's not completely out of the question, but probably quite unlikely to happen. Thanks for the compliment though. |
Gaetano Sat Jul 28 02:47:58 2007
Hello Aleister- Way of the Tiger and many other gamebooks are available for free online at the Underdogs http://www.the-underdogs.info/gamebook.php
This is a great source for many of the gamebooks that most of us grew up with.
Gaetano |
Aleister Sat Jul 28 21:12:54 2007
Thanks for the replies! I see it seems quite unlikely to see Way of the Tiger here, but will keep my fingers crossed... Btw, the authors of the series ar Mark Smith and Jamie Thomson.
Gaetano, thanks for the link. The site looks very interesting but take ages to open. But I will definitely check it out. Unfortunately, Way of the tiger is in pdf format there, what I was looking for was something more interactive like the presentations here. Thanks again, though ;) |
Unknown Thu Aug 2 02:22:17 2007
Hello! great idea of color of this siyte! |
Dominic Tue Aug 14 04:04:44 2007
How can I go about submitting a gamebook that I have written to this site?
Thanks Jasan |
Just email it in. I'll put it on the downloads page at least, whether there would be an online version would depend on the usual factors. |
Patrick Tue Aug 14 18:57:43 2007
Why havent you Done Warlock of firetop montain? |
Because I don't have the authors' permission, or an electronic copy of it. |
Mercs Tue Aug 14 22:29:37 2007
Patrick, i was going to ask that, but i think it's obvious. the publishers (Puffin or whoever owns them now) are likely to sue through breach of copyright...
i'm also working on my own one too, it's based upon the first part of Trial of Champions -that is before it became a cheap imitation of Deathtrap Dungeon...
if you guys accept submissions, i'd be happy to forward a copy when i'm done :) |
Rolling Stone Mon Sep 17 11:02:58 2007
Is there any interesting game books here? |
Rolling Stone Mon Sep 17 11:12:49 2007
Hi geat story writers and people here, it's so great that you can write so many gamebooks, i wish one day will be like you all. If I would like to try to write a gamebook, what rules that I have to do when I or before I started? Please give me advice. Thank you. ^_^ |
Paul Spreadborough Mon Oct 1 14:58:43 2007
I used to love these books growing up and i think youve done a great job . Really enjoyable thanks. |
Justin Wed Oct 3 08:49:07 2007
Awesome books - can't wait for new adventures to conquer!! Loved these books growing up! Who remembers 'How to be an Interplanetary Spy?' (or similar) books? Which were a combination of choose your own adventure / gamebook / and 50's comic books? |
Gaetano Thu Oct 4 03:28:42 2007
Welcome Justin. Yes, I read a few of those interplanetary spy books (I think I still own #3). Some of those puzzles still don't make sense to me, though. |
yendys Mon Nov 12 14:22:42 2007
Hi. Any one know any final fantasy gamebooks? Please let me know.
I would like to browse through the illustrations.
Thank you. |
Ulysses Ai Sat Dec 22 00:05:38 2007
Sorry, me again.
I was just wondering what people think about the idea of writing a collaborative gamebook? Each of the paricipants could be in charge of a different section of, say, 30 references. We would need rules such as: Each section must end with no more than two paths for the next section to start with; each section must require no more than one object/spell/codeword to unlock a special area/bonus; each section can provide only, say, three new objects/spells/codewords. The above numbers are just arbitrary suggestions. We would also need to decide the general setting of the story (ie, fantasy, historical, modern, sci-fi, or unlimited), and the style (humerous, or serious). This way those who don't have the time or patience to write a fully-fledged gamebook can still get their writing out there. Anyway, I invite expressions of interest. |
Shadow Dragon Sat Dec 22 10:18:17 2007
This does indeed sound interesting. I have always wanted to try my hand at a gamebook, but I don't think I have either tha patience nor the ability to do a full-fledged one alone. I'd definitely be interested in joining up if this turns into anything. |