Gaetano Thu Mar 6 04:37:09 2008
Gary Gygax. the creator of 'Dungeons and Dragons'. He was a pioneer in the field of role playing games. Gamebooks such as Fighting Fantasy are a spinoff of role playing games. Without Mr. Gygax, Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone might never have started Games Workshop and gone on to create Fighting Fantasy. Many of the other gamebooks we love might never have been written.
Mr. Gygax passed away a couple of days ago, which is what Josh had referred to. |
Seeker Thu Mar 6 05:21:13 2008
Gaetano, are you sure the Steven Jackson who created Games Workshop is the same guy who was involved in gamebooks?
From what I recall, that was a common misconception as two "Steve Jackson" were involved, rather than just one: one being in gamebooks and the other one with Games Workshop. |
Sagittarii Thu Mar 6 17:55:57 2008
Steve Jackson created FF AND Games Workshop. Well helped any way. I should know seeing as I play Games Workshop products (Warhammer, Warhammer 4000 and LOTR SBG). |
Gaetano Sat Mar 8 06:03:09 2008
Hello Seeker-
Steve Jackson and and Ian Livingstone co-founded Games Workshop in 1980 (as a result of the growing interest in Dungeons and Dragons). You are of course correct that there is also 'another' Steven Jackson, based in the United States, who was/is involved in gaming and also wrote Fighting Fantasy Books.
What's also interesting is that Joe Dever, author of the popular Lone Wolf Series, originally created that world as a setting for his Dungeons and Dragons campaign (Dever had won a Dungeons and Dragons tournament in Los Angeles, which was part of what inspired him to pursue writing gamebooks).
Point is, it's probably not a stretch to say that without Dungeons and Dragons, role playing (and ultimately many well loved gamebook series) would not have developed as we know them today (if at all).
RIP Gary Gygax |
Seeker Sun Mar 9 04:03:52 2008
Ah ok. I stand corrected. |
duffmeister Mon Apr 14 18:11:27 2008
Coming soon to ffproject.com, 'The wrath of Cain'...can you enter Port Blacksand and defeat the god of all vampires? Da duh DUMMM... (All said in a deep growly voice, like the guy that voices ads for hollywood movies). |
Juliu$ Tue Apr 15 11:31:04 2008
Anybody know if you can submit gamebooks? |
duffmeister Tue Apr 15 20:08:31 2008
yeah, you go to 'contacts' and you'll get an e-mail adress,then you send your gamebook as an attachment. If it's good enough it'll get put on downloads section (like my 'The Wrath of Cain.) though it may take a while to be added, as with my gamebook. |
duffmeister Tue Apr 15 20:19:35 2008
oh, and while I'm on the subject, I'd better ask the mysterious force which governs this site. Sorry to everyone else who's getting sick of me talking about Cain, but when will my gamebook be put on downloads? |
duffmeister Mon May 5 19:44:50 2008
hey,hey,hey...am I seeing things? Why have about 50 bits of the guestbook vanished? I wrote that ages ago. Very, very confused is what I am. Has there been a glitch or something? |
Stuart Lloyd Mon May 5 21:21:28 2008
The websites been down for ages too. |
Stuart Lloyd Mon May 5 21:22:51 2008
The Wrath of Cain has gone from the downloads page. Has this website rolled back to April 15th. |
duffmeister Thu May 8 18:51:04 2008
um, just wondering, when will 'The Wrath of Cain' and 'Beggars of Blacksand return to the site? |
When I get round to it. This may be seen as the answer to all similar questions. |
duffmeister Sat May 10 13:45:30 2008
here's a question. On Titan, how much time's passed since time was released. Is it about 2,284 years? |
Stuart Lloyd Sun May 11 22:22:59 2008
Just found this for all your reference needs. |
duffmeister Tue May 13 16:36:57 2008
Um...why do bits of the site keep going down? It's seemingly impossible to even leave messages or play gamebooks online. The last few months aren't going to dissapear again are they? |
I don't know, I've emailed the hosts to try to find out. To get the recent loss of a couple of weeks' worth of guestbook messages into perspective, it's only the second time this has happened in five years. So it's unlikely to happen, but obviously you shouldn't make a guestbook message your only record of something important.
UPDATE - The hosts don't really know what the problem is (they are still investigating), but they have moved the site to a different server. Hopefully the performance will now improve. |
Ulysses Ai Fri May 23 03:09:54 2008
Hello everyone. I have a question for people:
When a new gamebook appears on the Downloads page, do you read it right away, or wait for an online version to appear? If you do read it, do you just 'taste' it, or play it through in full?
Thanks everyone. |
Haoie Fri May 23 03:56:23 2008
I wait for an online version. Less incentive for me to cheat my way out of things. Only once or twice have I read the text first. |
Age of Fable Sun May 25 07:15:50 2008
This is a question for 'NEWS'. Would it be possible/useful to have a publicly available 'skeleton' of the code used on this site, so that people can send you their gamebooks ready to go, rather than you having to turn the documents into code yourself? |
It's a reasonable suggestion, but I'm pretty confident that in practice it would be far more trouble than it was worth, and also that very few authors would want to do this. |
duffmeister Fri May 30 20:01:04 2008
I have a question for news. What qualities does a gamebook need to get an online version? |