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Escape The Asylum
Gem Runner
A Princess Of Zamarra
A Saint Beckons
A Day In The Life
Rise Of The Night Creatures
New Day Rising
Bloodsworth Bayou
Golem Gauntlet
Shrine Of The Salamander
A Flame In The North
A Shadow In The North
Escape Neuburg Keep
Any Port In A Storm
Below Zero Point
Tales From The Bird Islands
The Ravages Of Fate
Nye's Song
A Knight's Trial
Return To G15-275
Devil's Flight
Above The Waves
The Curse Of Drumer
The Word Fell Silent
A Strange Week For King Melchion The Despicable
Sharkbait's Revenge
Tomb Of The Ancients
A Midwinter Carol
The Dead World
Waiting For The Light
Contractual Obligation
Garden Of Bones
The Hypertrout
The Golden Crate
In The Footsteps Of A Hero
Soul Tracker
Planet Of The Spiders
Beggars Of Blacksand
The Diamond Key
Wrong Way Go Back
Hunger Of The Wolf
Isle Of The Cyclops
The Cold Heart Of Chaos
The Black Lobster
Impudent Peasant!
Curse Of The Yeti
Bad Moon Rising
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Bodies In The Docks
House Of Horror
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General Chat

Sat Nov 15 13:41:24 2008
Hey all! I'm glad this site is actually still active and adding books.

I played Soul Tracker a while ago, using the PDF, and enjoyed it. I only died twice, mostly to poor choice rather than the authors whim, which is how it should be-can we ever expect a sequel? :P

And will Shadowcaster ever have the bugs ironed out? I tried it and ran into some dead end pages and things, and it was dissapointing.

robert kingett.
Sat Nov 15 16:28:36 2008
i loved soul tracker, i beat it in a day, now i am going to try to go back and beat it a different way, but that is not y i am posting in this book...

i am looking for a guy who goes by the screen name dark, one of the authors told me that he has a program that will convert these texts into audio? like an audio book?

i know of only one other program that does this, but not many game books are avaliable for the program, so i am interested to try darks program.

if anyone knows the link, email me @ kingettblue at yahoo.com.

o, and this is the link to the Hyena home page.http://www.projectaon.org/staff/jens/

so if anyone knws how to find that program, or his podcast, could you please eail me @ kingettblue at yahoo.com.

Dark's podcast is at http://www.blindcooltech.com. Regarding the text to audio conversion, I believe he uses a screen reader rather than something like Hyena.

Sun Nov 16 11:05:44 2008

Sorry about the bugs in Shadowcaster - I have gone through it and sorted some out:

448 – turn to 455 instead of 10

393 to leave the caves turn to 351 instead of 49a

342 turn to 374 instead of 60

241 – turn to 70 instead of 107

132 – turn to 464 and not 82

If you found any others, please tell me.

Sun Nov 16 12:00:41 2008
Sorry, meant Dwarmin

Thu Dec 4 06:00:32 2008
Hey I've recently written a 200-section gamebook using the Fighting Fantasy rules but set in a different world. The book is an old-school dungeon crawl. I was wondering if it could be added to the Downloads section if I sent it to the site admin.
Definitely. Send it to me (use the contact link) and it'll be on the downloads page within a few days.

Thu Dec 4 20:29:35 2008
Thanks, I'll send it in soon.

Sun Dec 7 10:33:36 2008
Oh, and could I send in Chapter 1 and 2 of 'Rise of Skarlos'?
Yes, if they are reasonably complete in themselves - as, for example, Shadowcaster is, even though there is more of the story to come.

Sun Dec 7 11:48:10 2008
Just completed Cold Heart of Chaos and Bad Moon Rising The new way combat works is great.

Thu Dec 11 11:31:04 2008
I've already finished my gamebook and wish to submit it to this site so can I use like...Yahoo instead of Outlook since I have no idea how to use it and I don't have a Send button.
If I understand you correctly, you are talking about not being able to use the contact link because you only have web-based email. You can of course send your gamebook in using Yahoo. I'd ideally like to avoid posting the email address directly because I have enough trouble with spam as it is - but if you right click on the contact link and select properties, all should be made clear.

Sat Dec 13 07:31:27 2008
I've sent my gamebook....FYI

Sat Dec 13 18:53:23 2008
So in Welcome to Blackheart Asylum you play a woman, right?
Or a man who can pass for one.

Sun Dec 14 06:40:55 2008
@Kekataag, actually I assumed that most players would be male so I made it a female identity as a joke =)

Mon Dec 15 02:37:44 2008
Hey fellow book gamers,

Good site. I wish there were more sites dedicated to adventure games like this. Or are there? Does anyone know where I could find similar games?

Just a suggestion to all you writers; I think pictures to go with every scrip would be awesome. I know that your supposed to use you imagination, but to have graphic pictures to go along, I think, would make it even better.

Thank you for all your hard work writers.

Well, this site has a links page at the top of which is a list of similar sites. It's not a long list, but if you are content with hyperlinked gamebooks or even plain text ones there are plenty more links to sites containing these.

Regarding illustrations - yes it would be nice to have more. But finding pictures to match the text is very time consuming - I got fed up of that activity quite quickly. The ideal would be contributions from amateur artists, but I think it needs to be of a comparable standard to the artwork in the published FF gamebooks in order to live up to the quality of the writing. In any case, only one artist in over five years has actually sent me anything. Another possibility would be authors themselves collecting together some artwork and writing their stories around it - but that's out of my hands.

Mon Dec 15 03:29:08 2008
Speaking of graphic pictures, I'd be happy to draw and ink some and scan them for anybody who wants them for their gamebook.

You'll need to gimme the description of the pic and ur email for me to send it to you though.
If you can produce decent artwork (as mentioned above, this would mean on a par with the published gamebooks in terms of quality, but could be much less complex), then I could definitely make use of it here. If so, I would recommend that you choose one of the shorter gamebooks and draw whatever scenes from it inspire you most.

Mon Dec 15 12:23:57 2008
Btw, will 'Quest for the Ebony Wand' be made into an online version?
I'll probably do the Victor Cheng gamebooks next, then there's likely to be some more from Ulysses Ai. I'm not thinking beyond that at the moment.

Mon Dec 15 18:34:34 2008
So, what do you guys think of Quest for the Ebony Wand so far? I know it's horribly written and extremely disjointed (I put very little effort into it), but I just wanted to see what other people's opinions were.

Tue Dec 16 01:05:32 2008
Is Quest of the Ebony Wand ur first gamebook, Kekataag?

Ulysses Ai
Tue Dec 16 03:26:27 2008

I had a read through your gamebook, and:

Hope that is helpful, and not offensive.
Feel free to offer a counter-review :)

Tue Dec 16 12:14:23 2008
Actually this is probably my fourth and fifth finished gamebook. Regarding the LUCK tests, I'm sure that there were a large number of boss fights you had to win with almost every one of them awarding the player with LUCK points. Also, I mentioned that the book used the series' original rules (meaning the first few books). That includes the rule about the Potion of Stamina, Fortune and Skill you can get at the beginning of the early books. Other than that, I agree with all of your comments. The part with the merchant was especially badly written! Anyway, thanks for the comments.

Tue Dec 16 15:55:33 2008
I'm currently working on a rewrite. When I'm finished (which will probably be in a couple of days' time), I'll send it in.

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