ffproject.com Picture


Escape The Asylum
Gem Runner
A Princess Of Zamarra
A Saint Beckons
A Day In The Life
Rise Of The Night Creatures
New Day Rising
Bloodsworth Bayou
Golem Gauntlet
Shrine Of The Salamander
A Flame In The North
A Shadow In The North
Escape Neuburg Keep
Any Port In A Storm
Below Zero Point
Tales From The Bird Islands
The Ravages Of Fate
Nye's Song
A Knight's Trial
Return To G15-275
Devil's Flight
Above The Waves
The Curse Of Drumer
The Word Fell Silent
A Strange Week For King Melchion The Despicable
Sharkbait's Revenge
Tomb Of The Ancients
A Midwinter Carol
The Dead World
Waiting For The Light
Contractual Obligation
Garden Of Bones
The Hypertrout
The Golden Crate
In The Footsteps Of A Hero
Soul Tracker
Planet Of The Spiders
Beggars Of Blacksand
The Diamond Key
Wrong Way Go Back
Hunger Of The Wolf
Isle Of The Cyclops
The Cold Heart Of Chaos
The Black Lobster
Impudent Peasant!
Curse Of The Yeti
Bad Moon Rising
Riders Of The Storm
Bodies In The Docks
House Of Horror
Rebels Of The Dark Chasms
Midnight Deep
Lair Of The Troglodytes
The Trial Of Allibor's Tomb

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General Chat

Thu Apr 7 11:27:33 2011
Well, its been about a week. I wonder if that was just someone who wanted to make a nasty comment and chose to do it here.

Thu Apr 14 11:44:24 2011
Just a quick question for the webaster. I was wondering if you could keep all of the books in the WWGB series together? I've noticed that they're spread throughout both the main list and the "more" page.
Fundamentally, the gamebooks go in chronological order. This is pretty close to what you want though : http://www.ffproject.com/gby12.htm.

Fri Apr 15 22:08:38 2011
Pages on this website no longer expand out to full monitor width. Is this intentional?
Yes it is. I felt that it was just too wide, even on a laptop screen. The basic design of the site has not changed for several years, while at the same time monitors have been getting bigger and bigger. As the point of the site is gamebook simulation, it seems to me that the text ought to appear in a more book-like shape (tall rather than wide).

The slayer
Thu Apr 21 01:08:47 2011
Wow I'm glad to see this thing still up running and it's great that there is more books then when I was last here. Does anyone remember me?

Thu Apr 21 02:47:43 2011
Uranus, I think, if you make a nasty comment like that, you should back it up with reasons as to why you think this site is crap. The webmaster and authors of these fine gamebooks have made a great deal of effort to make this site for all of us, and without getting paid in the process, which is amazing, in my oppinion. As far as I've been able to gather, this is strictly a voluntary endeavor. Have you made a site like this, ever written a gamebook? If not, then, to be nice and polite, you should keep your comments to yourself. To not be so nice and polite, I think it best you keep your mouth shut until you put the effort into anything like this site, or write as good a gamebook as Sadler's, Ulysses's books, or any of the other great authors who have contributed to this site. So, that's my two cent's put into this, for what it is or isn't worth. Hope everyone's well, and look forward to more great gamebooks!

The slayer
Mon Apr 25 20:44:50 2011
Any one seen the official FF website recently? Although it contains a lot of professional elements and it has plenty of content I think the layout is awful. I reckon I could do a better layout then who ever it is they are paying to make the website.

Tue Apr 26 14:56:05 2011
Question for the webmaster, I've noticed that in several gamebooks, I've only been able to get a skill score of at most nine. This makes sence for some of them, but I was wondering if it was intentional or not?
Yes, it's intentional.

Thu Apr 28 22:20:39 2011
I've noticed a new feature in some of the gamebooks. It seems that the books are now letting me read more than one section at a time if there is no upcoming choice. I must say, I really like this feature, and find that it makes me feel like I'm really reading a book. Great job!
Thanks. In time I intend to apply this to all the gamebooks if possible.

Fri Apr 29 07:34:51 2011
I'm having a ball writing my own FF. I've written it all out in an exercise book and am now embarking on the arduous task of typing it all up, making sure everything is cohesive.
Also, 4 drawings down :), more to go :(

The slayer
Mon May 2 01:30:47 2011
Yo webmaster. I was wondering would it be possible to make a ff book that has an rpg format(levels, exp, level up stat increase) into one of the ones on this website?
It isn't really the nature of FF gamebooks to have this kind of progression, generally advancement is driving the story forward rather than increasing values of attributes. As far as I know, the nearest thing to what you suggest is Ulysses' Wrong Way Go Back series as it allows you to accumulate skills and bonuses along the way. I am not aware of any amateur gamebook that comes close in this respect (on this site, the closest is probably Outsider!).

Sun May 8 20:30:09 2011
@ The slayer
There are the fabled lands series

Tue May 10 11:05:11 2011
@The Slayer

Also the Bloodsword series by the same people who wrote Fabled Lands ( Oliver Johnson and Dave Morris) is very RPG like in strucuture- with four classes, multiple levels, and the ability to acculate items, abilities, allies, foes and entire histories across five books. They are truly epic and IMHO perhaps the best gamebook series ever written. If anyone is interested they're called:

The Battlepits of Krath
The Kingdom of Wyrd
The Demon's Claw
The walls of Spyte

Their stand-out qualities are fabulous writing, a wry sense of humour, a very non-linear structure that rewards multiple paths with different narratives (much like Ulysses' "the Diamond Key"), a wonderful sense of imagination, intricate game-play (supporting multiple players at once if wanted) with a well-developed magic system and interesting classes with different abilities.

The main weakness they have is that they are prone to min-maxing and the combat is slightly broken if you want to abuse it.

Any gamebook fan should definitely check them out.

Thu May 12 20:59:24 2011
Wow, glad to see someone mention Blood Sword! Best gamebooks I've encounted ever. If I'm not mistaken, they're a spinoff from Dragon Warrior?

Fri May 13 12:47:11 2011
@Haoie - good to see I'm not alone in admiring these works. I'm not sure whether Dragon Warriors was published before or after the first book, but they have a lot in common with it.

Thu May 19 20:57:21 2011
I managed to get the PDF files of Blood Sword off the old Home of the Underdogs site before it went down for good. Who remembers it?

Thu May 19 23:12:54 2011
I spent all yesterday trying to remember the name of that site. All I could come up with was dog-something.

Fri May 20 11:40:04 2011
I also downloaded them, and spent an incredibly enjoyable month or so scouring every page. I think they are the absolute high-water-mark of the genre, together with classics such as Creature of Chaos and the Sourcery! series.

Golden knight
Wed May 25 10:24:39 2011
What a great idea. thanks for posting these games.

Golden knight
Wed May 25 10:25:50 2011
Are you planning to put more books on? Keep up the good work.

Thu May 26 20:54:51 2011
I think the Cretean Chronicles trilogy were also pretty good. Quite educational too, when it comes to Greek mythology. Who's read those?

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