C-Star Wed Oct 31 20:57:45 2012
And Andre, I'll check out the site as soon as my laptop works again. |
Robert Douglas Thu Nov 1 01:19:09 2012
@ Andre,
I'll try to check out your site sometime but - as I've said in previous posts - I'm a bit tied up with my writing at the moment. However, I quite like the idea of fans contributing to a particular adventure, sounds a fun project! I wonder what kind of adventure we'll end up with...? If anything, it might seem a bit bizarre as a patchwork of various writing styles.
I might break off from Sean Calibre Book 2 to do another 'self-indulgent' interview concerning Nye's Song (now that I can talk about it) and posting it on FF Project and the Official Fighting Fantasy Website. Don't reckon I'll be posting on the Forum there, however, as I hardly got any replies to my topic ideas. |
C-Star Thu Nov 1 08:05:50 2012
Yeah, i'm a bit unsure about the fans contributing to projects. The mixture of different ideas might not exactly be consistant with eachother. But it could work i guess. At least there'd never be any unfinished projects. And I agree, Bodies On The Docks is an awesome book! Just wish it was continued. |
Glen Thu Nov 1 09:37:19 2012
I second that. Too many unfinished series... |
C-Star Thu Nov 1 14:39:11 2012
That's one of the reasons I love Wrong Way Go Back. It has one single, continueous storyline with plenty of humour. I'm sure chapter 7 will be awesome! |
Robert Douglas Thu Nov 8 03:46:34 2012
Honestly: do you believe gypsy folk would have been offended by Nye's Song? Erm...how on earth? |
Andre` Pietroschek Sun Nov 11 15:03:24 2012
Thanks to Robert Douglas and good muse for your writing! Thanks to Simon Osborne for the 'Strange case of Bodies in the Docks'. Otherwise feel free to visit http://pietroschek.deviantart.com |
Tammy Tue Nov 13 16:33:57 2012
Hello everybody :)
Thanks, Douglas, for your kind comments. |
Robert Douglas Wed Nov 14 02:13:02 2012
Hi Tammy,
Is this the first time you posted on FF Project? Please feel free to join in with any discussion or introduce one of your own topics - more the merrier! - and the community here I'm sure will appreciate it :)
You can also send any gamebooks you've written to Andy (check out the fantastic list, top left, and the Downloads section besides). I feel a bit like a tour guide now!
Again, we're sorry to have missed you at the Windhammer; hopefully you'll be thinking of submitting an entry August 2013? Only thing: I'm not sure if the world's going to end on 21/12/2013, if the Aztec prophecy is anything to go by!
Hope you keep in touch with us on this fun and friendly site :) |
Robert Douglas Wed Nov 14 02:16:10 2012
Correction: 2012...why does that keep happening with me?! |
C-Star Thu Nov 15 17:51:31 2012
Ha i'm heading off to a science quiz now. If the brainy mathimaticians among you could wish me luck, that'd be class! |
Ibrahim Sat Nov 17 19:05:53 2012
Hi Everyone, I'm back for an impromptu visit to see what's new. Andy, could we have a couple more gamebooks please? I'd really like to play something before Christmas and I simply love this website's game management engine, saves me from having to do the work and removes the temptation to cheat. I'm currently reliving the classic old days of Infocom Interactive Fiction, anyone interested in that should write me a note at ibrahim(underline)gucukoglu(at)sent(dot)com, otherwise enjoy your weekends everyone, I'll be back soon if I've anything interesting to comment on. |
Ulysses Sun Nov 18 23:44:12 2012
@ Ibrahim
The adaption of gamebooks for online play cannot just be achieved on demand. Firstly, sufficient-quality gamebooks have to be written and sent in to Andy. Then he needs to invest his personal time in the adaption. Gaetano submitted Devil's Flight to this site at least a couple of months ago, and I believe Andy has been working on this to date. The fact it hasn't appeared yet for online play indicates that the task of adaption is not so simple. It is good to remember that we all enjoy this site ad-free, and that Andy maintains it out of his own good will amongst the other competing interests of his personal life. The ease of play that you and all of us enjoy comes after a lot of hard work by other people, and that should not be unappreciated.
Robert Douglas Fri Nov 23 01:52:40 2012
'...And this was the result: Sorcerer Mark II...' Nicholas Thorne shakes his head, then, 'Sheer bloody lunacy!' |
C-Star Fri Nov 23 19:48:25 2012
@Robert Douglas
I'm interested now. Where did that quote come from? |
Robert Douglas Sat Nov 24 01:27:05 2012
'The One Game'. Google Stephen Dillane and you'll find this credited within his acting career. One of his first acting roles. Also known for the Midland Bank advert, 1987.
Smith Smith Wed Dec 5 06:54:17 2012
Its me Susan.currently diagnosed with Leukemia being Cancer of Blood.according to medical report I have limited days on earth.I want you to Pray for me.send your prayer to my email susansmith716@ymail.com
C-Star Wed Dec 5 08:24:52 2012
Um, should I have heard of you? (Please don't take that the wrong way.) |
Phil Sadler Wed Dec 5 16:03:02 2012
No, it's just strange spam. |
C-Star Wed Dec 5 16:37:49 2012
Oh hi Phil. Yeah that's an odd spam. That's the one obvious problem with this kind of guestbook. Obviously I've never tested it (i'm too innocent), but with the ability to type in any name, couldn't I just call myself, for example, Ullysses A.I.? Luckily spam seems to be very rare on this site. |
Around about 2008, there was a huge onslaught of spam, and I made changes to the guestbook to try and filter it out. In the main, it's been fine since (my apologies to all the 'false positives' that had to wait before their messages appeared), but this one seems to have got through. Anyway, get well soon, Susan Smith Smith, and if anyone religous out there would mention her in their prayers, it can't hurt, can it? |