The Doctor Thu Dec 13 06:20:03 2012
OK, guys, this is hard to explain, but interact with old Arthur Wellesley as little as possible. He won't remember much of what you tell him, since we've been drinking, but if any critical information, especially concerning Waterloo, makes it into his subconscious, it could create a rift in the spacetime continuum.
This is a very dangerous situation, and it's all my fault, but if any one of his decisions do not occur as they should in the battles to come, we're in big trouble. Every single death of those wars is a fixed point, and cannot be disturbed. Worse still, if he finds out about the trap Nappy will deliberately set up for him at Waterloo, the British might carry the day, and the whole of history will be rewritten! |
bcyy Thu Dec 13 06:29:00 2012
Be careful when fighting Napoleon in future, OK? Always make sure he hasn't got a trap waiting for you! Remember what he did to those guys at Austerlitz? He's going to something very similar to you at a place called, I dunno, Waterloo?
Also, did you ever think of replacing a cannonball with a shell filled with lead shot in your artillery? It's pretty good against infantry. |
The Doctor Thu Dec 13 06:38:43 2012
What have you done? You could have just doomed the Great and Glorious French Empire! Do you understand that if Napoleon gets trounced at Waterloo, a far worse future is in store for you?
The Doctor Thu Dec 13 07:03:07 2012
OK, so let's see...
The GGFE is now divided into the European Union, Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Iran, Japan, Vietnam, Brazil, Argentina and Australia, the Chero-French alliance never occurred, and the Cherokee Confederate has been annexed into the American colonies (wait, are they an independent country now?). The Sino-Soviet war never occurred since there was no French gold to back Stalin up, and in any case he got himself tied up with this nutcase called Hitler who should have died in the fifth Prussian uprising. A new chap called Einstein whose great-great grandfather should have been killed in a shipping accident has found a class D source of energy (I like primitive energy sources, energy sources are cool). Latte is marketed 20 years sooner than it ought to have been, and MacDonald's did not buy out Microsoft, so MacWindows is now Windows 2007.
Actually, you guys are doing pretty well without the GGFE.
Now all I have to do is use my sonic screwdriver to set every computer logging onto this website to emit subsonic waves that make everyone think that this is all just a big prank. The beauty of it is that no memories need to be wiped, since the GGFE never even existed. |
C-Star Thu Dec 13 16:17:31 2012
Well i'm confused here. I'm guessing we're talking about massively important historical events here? |
Robert Douglas Fri Dec 14 02:12:44 2012
What on earth have I started?!
The Doctor is clearly troubled that our world is actually based on a paradox: that Wellington should have lost the Battle of Waterloo, but he didn't, due to information from some point in the future (of a particular timeline).
However, as a believer in the 'multiverse' theory, timelines can be artificially created (by paradox).
It's happening all the time - yet we don't notice it. Only by science and the imagination are we asking these questions about quantum mechanics.
Speaking of which: Bryan Talbot (comic-book author/illustrator) invented a character called Luther Arkwright, a government agent tracking down 'disruptors' throughout various timelines. It's a sort of cross-time traffic premise. Roleplayer Independent featured a game set in a world where Great Britain and Russia defeated Napoleon much earlier than in OT, thus becoming two vast super-powers. |
C-Star Fri Dec 14 08:30:10 2012
I know this is completely unrelated, but I have to bring this up somewhere... in the past 3 months, 4 or 5 teenagers commited suicide in ireland. One was a tragedy, two was painful, it got ridiculous when it hit 3. The last one was just yesterday. Weeks before christmas. Since no one takes my facebook page seriously, I wanted to ask you guys, what do you think? Are there any possible solutions? I'm getting sick of hearing about a new dead girl every 3 weeks... |
C-Star Fri Dec 14 17:56:47 2012
@Yurio. Since everyone else is focused on their new topic of conversation, I'll offer some advice. I've never finished either of those books, so I am of limited help. My recommendation is simply download the word version, and use that to find out what items you need to get by that paragraph, then use the search text feature to find out where that item is. It's what I do when I'm stuck. |
C-Star Fri Dec 14 23:00:38 2012
I'm sorry to post such a depressing topic on such a positive site, but this is a problem I don't want forgotten...
Robert Douglas Sat Dec 15 02:48:40 2012
@ C-Star,
Although it's a depressing subject, suicide is something that should be discussed. Being a teenager isn't quite a smooth experience, what with hormones and growing up through school. In my own personal opinion, Primary school was okay, but I resented secondary: that first year, being thrown into the melting pot with other kids who were either nervous, malevolent, shy, jealous, etc, proved a very awkward time. They say school is a rehearsal for later life - I pray it's not!
Without FF (and Knightmare tv series), things for me would have been a lot worse. These fantastic adventures provided some form of sanctuary from a cold, cruel world.
The lyrics of XTC's Colin Moulding in his song 'Cynical Days' just about says it all for many suffering with depression. This is universal for many sufferers.
Many teenagers get stressed about doing well in their exams, trying to fit in, domestic problems. Possible solutions would be for teachers to approach students struggling or displaying obvious signs of depression, then perhaps alerting this to their parents (who are often oblivious to their children's needs in face of their own problems). Of course, to this end, such knowledge of a ready helping hand from the authorities would have to be made clear before pupils start secondary (as I said, a turbulent time).
I must also say here that one particular teacher went out of her way to be nasty to several students - including myself - whilst at secondary school. A grown adult shouting and bullying an 11-13 year old is hardly right, is it? |
C-Star Sat Dec 15 18:56:14 2012
Amen. People say that your school days are the best days of your life. Blind nostalgia, they're only fooling themselves. Primary school was crap, I had like 1 friend. I had to go solo for the first three years of secondary school. Solitude was my norm. Whilst the others were out together in the cinema and going to discos, I was at home beating F-Zero on master difficulty. Throw an equally immature and hurtful step dad in the mix, and you get one hell of a mess. People no longer openly profess their hatred of me, and through some combination of them letting down and me becoming desensitized to it, things are now bearable and I'm hoping to meet like minded people in collage next year, but the memories don't go away.
But I'm starting to go all self pitiful here. Whilst I'm 100% sure bullying will never be completely eradicated (as part of human nature, it's been around since the dawn of time and will almost certainly stay until the end of it), there must be some ways to cut it down and help the victims. Teacher's would be a definite part of the solution, but ultimately it's down to the victim to reveal their problems and confide in someone. If they are unwilling to, there's not much solving anyone can do. Organisations like The Samaritans and Childline are life-savers here, offering a confidential way to talk to a non-judgmental person and get some advice.
I posted a similar message on Facebook, but no one I know really seems to be interested in discussion. I thought this might be a decent place to bring this up, since some of you have about a decade's more life experience than me and have gone through school yourselves, and probably have a bit more knowledge behind your words.
And I realize I never mentioned. The latest victim was the second victim's sister. My heart goes out to their poor parents. When I read about that first incident months ago, I never imagined things would escalate to this, and I truly hope this girl signals the end of this vile chain reaction.
P.S. @Ulysses I'm really looking forward to episode 7 and 8. I'm sure they'll put a beautiful ending on a great series.
Ibrahim Sat Dec 22 04:15:17 2012
Merry Christmas everybody, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday whatever you're doing and that 2013 brings you health, wealth and prosperity in your personal and professional lives. I'd like to take this opertunity to thank Andy and every author of the games on this website for providing many happy hours of entertaining and challenging gameplay and hope that this continues to grow still further in the new year. |
Robert Douglas Sun Dec 23 22:22:33 2012
The Aztec Prophecy didn't come to pass. I'm very disappointed.
Aiken Mon Dec 24 00:48:22 2012
On the contrary, the world did in fact end, right on time. The Player re-rolled his stat.s and started again. For time is a garden of forking paths. And now is a page in the minds of men. |
C-Star Mon Dec 24 09:07:22 2012
Ah don't worry, there'll be plenty more loons predicting the end of the world over the years. |
Robert Douglas Mon Dec 24 16:23:53 2012
It probably did end, and we're all dead - but we don't realize it. Bit like the Matrix where it's a realistic world although the rules cans be bent or broken. Sounds a bit like a gamebook!
Not sure if it is the start of a new cycle, ie. Mankind's evolution, alien contact, reversal of magentic poles, and so on.
You're right about loons and their predictions. One fellow predicted the second coming of Christ, and he must have been quite convinced by his own claims: he spent about fifty million dollars on advertising alone! Still, it proves his dedication. Money's no object when it comes to great dreams (providing you have it, of course). |
C-Star Tue Dec 25 13:15:06 2012
Yay, it's finally christmas! Merry christmas guys and girls... who am I kidding, just guys :-D |
C-Star Sat Dec 29 10:54:17 2012
So how was everyone's Christmas anyway? It's too quiet here... |
Robert Douglas Sun Dec 30 14:57:17 2012
It's been a very quiet Xmas. Just how I like it. Next year I'll be spending it in a Canadian log cabin, lots of supplies, far away from civilization - with only a couple of wolves for company. Because...
C-Star Sun Dec 30 16:40:35 2012
Ha nice! I loved that book. Especially the plot twist. Found myself running out of LUCK at the end a lot though. Thank God for bookmarks!
I got a new phone and some clothes, so I'm happy enough. Ha I sound like a child here :-D |