Dark Wed Nov 2 09:03:08 2005
Wooopse! sorry about the repeating post there!
I've tried a couple of Muds, but the firewall on my university network seems to have arguements with Telnet, grrrr!
For anyone interested, there is a really really good online Sryth the age of Igtheon Www.Sryth.com, which works in a very similar style to the gamebooks you've posted here, the difference is the game has a much more complex stats and magic system (never fear though, it's easy to get the hang of and I'm writing a beginner's guide for it!), and also over five thousand pages of content with new stuff being added every day!
Oh, and sinse Sryth is single player, no newby hunting!
Why do I want more when Sryth is so good? I'm greedy that's why!
Seriously come and have a look, I love Sryth and I love this site, I'll leave the deductions up to you. |
Name! You think I have a name! Thu Nov 3 03:44:11 2005
Sryth seems a bit overrated. Not that it's bad or anything, but it takes to long to level up. Besides... I like multiplayer type games. I have the same question about gamebooks in ms word format )I am blind also). Anyways, once you get the beginners guide to SRyth posted, I would be delighted to read it. I was probably too hard on sryth, I just couldn't use skills/spells as much as in mud type games. |
Dark Thu Nov 3 08:51:03 2005
I'm wondering nameless one, when did you play Sryth? the game's had a lot of updates run through it recently, including a compeition feature, and new content is appearing on an almost dayly basis. there was a point earlier this year when nothing was heard from the gm for ages, and everyone had thought he'd given up on the game, but now he's back in force.
the guide should be finished in a week or so, but come along to the Sryth.com forum, it's very screen-reader friendly and there are lots of people ready to answer your questions about skills, powers or anything else. there's even a new competition feature been introduced, but Sryth is stil closer to a very huge gamebook than a morp.
Oh, one thing you should probably know is that to get access to the new content (including the competition feature), you have to pay a twenty dollar a year subscription. But there's stil about 2000 pages worth of game that you can play for free, and with dayly updates I personally think Twenty dollars a year is sort of worth it.
Sorry about posting stuff about other games on a Fighting Fantasy board, but I'd personally say that Sryth is like a huge, much expanded and developed gamebook. |
Nameless one Thu Nov 3 17:29:07 2005
I am the same person as was earlier. HOwever, I like Nameless one better now lol. I played about a week ago, it just seemed to slow paced. Not that's a bad game or anything, I just like other stuff better. |
Dark Thu Nov 3 21:54:40 2005
I've never personally noticed Sryth being slow, but if your used to muds then it probably feels that way. Oh well, if we were all the same, everything would be very boring.
I have now finished the Black Lobster, it was also good, nice to play a charactor who isn't the main adventuring hero for once.
I also had a very good go at Hellfire, and I think I got really far. Unfortunately I got roasted by a wall of green flame that non of my items seemed to do much good against. Oh well, so it goes. |
The Nameless One Fri Nov 4 00:33:12 2005
It's kind of weird. I like gamebooks more than sryth, but I am used to muds. Can someone explain that to me lol. I like really fast paced games, and really slow paced games (like the turn based manage your own country games on the internet etc). I don't like the stuff in between as much, and that is the category that sryth falls into I guess. Oh, Dark, play midnight deep. It's fun. |
Dark Fri Nov 4 10:50:22 2005
Well I find the turn based internet stuff rather dull myself, but more due to a total lack of atmosphere than anything else. But the main reason I play any game is for exploration and atmosphere rather than anything else. Be it fast or slow, if there's a good sized world to explore, plenty of good writing in the descriptions that really drawer me in, and plenty of tasks to perform I don't mind how slow or fast the interface is. I've even pplayed quite a few text adventures aka interactive fiction, and sinse you have to type commands they can be really slow, but if they had the atmosphere and exploration elements I really enjoyed them.
I'll be away from my computer for the weekend but when I get back I'll certainly give midnight deep a go (along with all the others). |
Jeff Sinasac Tue Nov 8 01:38:51 2005
Hey, you guys. The Lone Wolf books have been converted to an online format at http://www.projectaon.org. I've only toyed with them online to verify that they have html based play, but I've played most of the original books in book form and have always considered them among the very best in this type of fiction. Give em a whirl. |
Dark Tue Nov 8 11:56:49 2005
They look fun, thanks a lot for the link. The only problem I have is the random generation tables. The seem to have been reproduced as illustrations rather than text. From what the rules say though, the system seems fairly standardized, so if I could get text coppies of the tables I could use a dice (I have a rather cunning programme that will role as many dice as I like with as many sides as I like), once this is done I think the game will be great fun! |
Shadowdragon Wed Dec 21 14:17:04 2005
Heh, I tried to play some of the books from shadowvault, but most of them are too crazy in pdf, lol. Its so hard to find the page numbers because thy aren't even lined up, you have to find the page of the pdf they're on and the page number on that page of the section you're supposed to go to. Personally I'd rather just stick to the FFBook engine. Do you plan to put any of the shadowvault books up on here? Or anymore I should say. I'd kinda like to see that snakeland scorpion one, or that one where you end up put in a prison for something you didn't do. There's a lot more interesting ones, but those are the only ones I can think of at the time. |
A long time ago I did try to contact Robert Douglas - the author of Snakeland Scorpion and Prison Of Pestilence - regarding getting permission for an online adaptation, but was unsuccessful. Maybe one day he'll come forward. |
Ibrahim Wed Dec 21 15:11:54 2005
I have been a visitor to this site for some years now and I am totally blind as well. Come on guys. Andy has done a terific job of putting a dozen well written books up here for all to enjoy. No doubt this is a hobby for him and I'm sure he's got other matters like a job or family to tend to first. I would also like to see new books posted, but please remember that andy is a meer mortal like the rest of us and he can't delivery as we might want. My understanding of it that the books have to be adapted and rewritten to make them work with this engine and outsider must have taken an age to do so please everyone be patient. |
Thanks Ibrahim, although I hadn't sensed much impatience. Your assessment of the situation is entirely correct. The books need converting into a particular format to work with the software, this conversion process takes time, and my time is limited. Of course the raw material - amateur FF gamebooks - are also in relatively short supply. |
Ibrahim Thu Dec 22 16:28:25 2005
I've noticed that a lot of people want more control over combats and stuff like that that the basic FF rules don't accomodate. Not trying to steel patronism away from this site, but I've discovered a very good FF type web game at http://www.sryth.com where among other things you can fight using different weapons, use magical powers and skills as well explore a virtually unlimited world and become the character of your choice rather than being lumbered with whatever the author of the book has determined. Furthermore, there is no specific ending or goal to be reached but the more you complete and the more adventures you conclude successfully, you can obtain experience to enhance your skills and even buy magical items with icons you win in competative sporting events such as archery contests or gladiator type hand to hand combat competitions. Anyway, check it out. |
Haoie Sat Dec 24 21:02:07 2005
Seasons greetings everyone. I'd just like to say that out of all the books here, I enjoyed 'Outsider' and 'House of Horror' the most, although I'm yet to finish either of them. A bit ironic for number 2, since when I read the real 'House of Hell', I hated how hard it was. Keep up the good work in 2006 and beyond. |
Ibrahim Mon Jan 23 15:34:55 2006
Sorry about that. Will pay more attention in the future to the buttons. I know this'll be a question you've often heard, but are there any plans to put more books online? Have you figured out a way of sorting the combat in isle of the cyclops yet? Also, has andrew right considered writing a full length book for the site? Someof the senarios in the black lobster look promising especially the one about the wizard yaztromo. |
With Isle Of The Cyclops, it isn't just the rules that are a problem, but its concepts of freer movement and open-endedness. I would like to do something with it, but I haven't decided exactly what yet. |
Luck saves lives in combat Tue Jan 24 16:50:19 2006
Why are you so insitent on not letting people use luck in combat? Its not a stupid option, I have died sevral times in these books because you would not let me! They were designed so that people could use luck. I mean this program is cool and all, but why did you neglect this and insist on doing so? |
Stinger Fri Jan 27 02:55:15 2006
Personally, I don't like the fact that luck is even a part of the equation to begin with. I'd rather live or die on my own merits.
A lot of game books and RPGs use luck, I'm just not a fan of it at all. But since it is, I try to get as much luck as humanly possible. *grin*
S |
Luck Saves Lives Fri Jan 27 21:11:42 2006
Ditto, I always perffered the Fate system in the Skyfall books, even if book 1 and 2 were cruddy. But Luck is an important part of the ff system, and when the writers design it be used as a strategic option, and when it can mean the difference between life and death, it should not be cut out |
LuckSavesLives Fri Jan 27 21:57:01 2006
Oh, reading through thte pages, You could make luck in combat an item. You use it, it rolls as normal and takes a luck off your stat |
Gaetano Fri Jan 27 22:51:08 2006
I don't think it's a matter of not the administrator not wanting to use luck in combat on the site; I think it's that it's a programming issue. At any rate, even if he wanted to, it would be a ton of work, I'm sure, to go back and reprogram all of the adventures, especially for a site that he maintains on his free time. Keep in mind also that all of the adventures can be accessed from the link section, so you could print them out and play them with whatever features you like. |
It's a bit of both. I don't think it would be quite as hard as you describe, but it's not trivial either. I have no interest in adding the feature, so any time I have available to spend on this site simply isn't going to be used for this purpose. |
Elf Of Power Mon Jan 30 18:31:12 2006
Does any one knew how to finish Creature of havoc |