C-Star Mon Jul 15 13:53:40 2013
How does the filter identify spam in the first place? I'm guessing keywords is a part of it. |
C-Star Tue Jul 16 09:48:09 2013
I remember writing a few normal messages on the guestbook and being told they needed to be checked. |
dark Tue Jul 16 22:44:27 2013
Spam is bad. I will say this is one reason for a forum, that and I'd personally be very interested to see one where we could converse about gamebooks, write articals, walkthrus, speculations etc. Also Punbb has very good spam filter extentions, (it's what's used on audiogames.net. |
Phil Sadler Wed Jul 17 11:53:32 2013
A lot of pathetic spam at the moment. I reckon the host is on holiday because he normally jumps on this sort of nonsense in a second. |
SCC Thu Jul 18 08:27:59 2013
Heh. Just took the time to read the latest entry. Maybe we need a spell to deal with spammers? |
dark Thu Jul 18 11:23:53 2013
Well maybe we should write to this Doctor who is such a tallented spellcaster, perhaps these reputedly magical tallents of his can deal with spam, ----- after all he's very well known in Europe, so well knwown that myself in the Uk has never heard of him! :D.
On serious matters, I'm glad we get more time for windhammer, playing all of the entries and rating them can take time especially when your having to use a screen reader and rely on find and replace.
I do actually still want to submit anohter entry myself, though unfortunately at the moment life is getting in the way, hopefully next year. |
SCC Fri Jul 19 05:18:32 2013
dark, agreed. I do have an idea for this year's competition, but to craft a truly original, good idea takes time. Hopefully I will complete it in time. Later this year I also intend to finally write a story I sketched out two years ago - the unofficial sequel to a published FF story with a very unsatisfying climax. I wrote the introduction some time ago and may post it here as a teaser if there's interest. |
Phil Sadler Fri Jul 19 06:57:21 2013
Sounds interesting SCC. I've been racking my brains to think of which story you may mean? |
Dark Fri Jul 19 08:42:49 2013
By the balls of Cthulhu how many of these are there?
I wonder if all these spell casters have a spambot as a familiar?
"guahaha! I shal contact the demons of hell for my demonic and hellish servant, and behold! it shal flood my name across the internet, ---- dam, why did everyone else have the same idea? at least that explains why unicorn tears were so expensive"
As to gamebooks, I must admit I'm less keen on sequels and references to the previous series since they're often harder to get if you've not read the series (house of horror I found a little bit much for that reason). In fairness this is more the fault of publishers than authors, since unfortunately the stupid publishers still persist in not publishing any of them in accessible format and utterly ignoring the mail I sent on the subject, indeed even those few that are on the iPhone they've managed to totally bugger up access to which is quite a feet when your sticking textual games on a device with an in built screen reader.
So, I hope if you do indeed create a sequel to a previous book scc, it'll be stand alone enough to be enjoyed on it's own merrits, ie, more like impudent peasant than house of Horror. |
SCC Fri Jul 19 10:14:08 2013
Phil, it's a classic but the final fight was very blah. This story would explain what actually happened and the logical aftermath - an aftermath that is often never addressed in these stories. By that I mean, do all these minions, who might number in the thousands, suddenly go their separate ways? There's not a one who can rally them for a new cause? dark, if I say too much more it will give it away, but while it does relate to what went before (same site for some of the adventure), it will stand alone. I'll be interested to see how many of you can guess what's happening to the protagonist before the reveal. I'll post that Introduction if you're really interested. I suppose talking about something other than spam can only be a good thing! |
pi4t Fri Jul 19 13:26:46 2013
Hmm. I'll go through as many as I have time for and have played from wikipedia's list of the books in the series.
WoFM has had two sequels already, so I doubt it's that.
Technically, Citadel of Chaos could fit your definition as it's possible to win the final 'fight' without actually having a battle, but woe betide you if you said that COC doesn't have a good final battle!
Forest of Doom doesn't have a final battle at all, as it doesn't really have a major enemy, and Starship Traveller is the same.
I don't think Zandar Bone has thousands of minions, and Deathtrap Dungeon is a challenge rather than ending in a battle.
Island of the Lizard King is...possible. It's been a while since I played that, so I don't remember exactly. Didn't the Gongchon (was that its name? It's been so long since I played: I don't have the book myself) exert an influence to keep the other lizardmen in line, though?
Scorpion Swamp has no 'boss fight', and nor does Caverns of the Snow Witch really.
HoH ends fairly conclusively, and already has two related works on the site.
Talisman of Death ends with the player returning to Earth, so seems unlikely.
Space Assassin is also possible, and again I haven't played for a long time.
Freeway Fighter isn't fighting against an enemy, except time.
Temple of Terror is another one I haven't played for ages, but IIRC it was more one on one than large numbers of minions.
Ok, I have to stop now, but made some progress! |
SCC Sat Jul 20 04:50:23 2013
Heh. Nice to be reminded of some of those titles. None of the above, however. |
Adam E. Johnston Sat Jul 20 06:42:43 2013
Hi everyone, just checking in to see if there has been any new entries added. By the look of these trolls, maybe they read the King Melchion entry and thought the site was something to do with love spells???
Saw the last post and though I may be able to help out. In Lizard King, the Gonchong is controlling the actual Lizard King (its a sort of spider like creature attached to his head), so you have to kill it otherwise it will attach to you after the battle and control you. I guess this would be considered part of the final "boss fight".
SCC Sun Jul 21 04:42:41 2013
Sorry, not IOTLK, which was a sub-standard story anyway. I always felt the best stories from the original seven titles were of course the original as it was the first, and then the excellent Deathtrap Dungeon and highly enjoyable City of Thieves (best played on a rainy day). |
C-Star Sun Jul 21 19:31:44 2013
Urge to go into swear filled rant... rising... |
bcyy Mon Jul 22 00:45:48 2013
Hi everyone!
I isolated the Higgs Boson a while back but forgot how I did it. Then I contacted a certain Dr. Dik Ed Wussisneihm, who solved the problem using the value for the Riemann zeta function \Zeta(10^(10^100)). Now I am happy with my own Higgs Boson, and am going to contact Wussisneihm about my neutralino detection project. His email is dik_ed_wussisneihm@GMAIL.COM Gratitude for the chronological interval spent detecting and absorbing photons impinging from this message.
Just to demonstrate how to effectively scam nerds, under-intelligent spambots.
Phil Sadler Mon Jul 22 04:48:04 2013
I assume the web host is on holiday?! |
SCC Mon Jul 22 04:59:50 2013
I'd say so. What is really sad is these individuals spam here - a specialist board - in the hopes of attracting business. Clueless, and a sad indictment on how empty some peoples lives are. |
dark Mon Jul 22 11:34:43 2013
Given the repetitive nature of the messages, I doubt these are actually people, or even if they are, that they are people who speak English, they just turn up and bang on a message after message since they googled something to do with magic and spells and this site came up, but have no idea what it's for.
heck, on audiogames.net forum we've had bunches of spambots saying
"go to spywar-evirus-dodgy-bugger-up-your-computer.net, and buy the latest games, best and most beautiful graphics!" which is pretty funny on a site devoted to accessible games for visually impared people.
Hopefully the maintainer will be back and can slay these annoyences.
In the mean time I'm playing through the lw books from project.aon again, and they're fun, albeit i've pretty much decided to ignore lore circles and the chaos master in prisoners of time and just choose interesting diciplins, since unless you minimax lorecircles you pretty much can't win, but that's what I did on the last two play throughs and now I want to see some different paths from the books with different kai diciplins.
i can see why jo deva got rid of the lore circles section later on. |
C-Star Mon Jul 22 21:53:34 2013
Golden Line? I don't remember a Golden Line... Are you sure it wasn't a Golden Light?
And seriously, this spam is starting to frustrate me... Unfortunatly I had several of my magic scrolls stolen after an incident with a group of drunk Trolls in the inn last night, and my LUCK score is currently at an all time low, so 'Dispel Spambot' or 'Revive Admin' aren't options for me.
In completly unrelated news, my grad/debs/prom/whatever is tomorrow night (and naturally, I have no date. No lucky rolls for me.) I guess it'll be a good chance to see everyone one last time and have one good memory of everyone, (hopefully with no drunken fistfights). I'm not wearing nostalgia goggles here, I realise half of them are jerks, but people mature... eventually, and I think we can all be civil, especially when the alternative is leaving with a bitter memory of the night. And yes, my suit is awesome.
And just in case no one is actually interested, sorry for ranting. This is pretty much the only internet forum I post on, and since you guys are older than me I like hearing your thoughts. After all, we're all nerds here, we all have something in common!