SCC Tue Jul 23 05:42:38 2013
My only problem is the constant spam... |
dark Tue Jul 23 08:57:44 2013
For the love of sanity, this spam is just getting ridiculous! actually it's getting to the point of making the book hard to read, as I said earlier I do wish the admin had invested in a propper forum with decent filters or at least more than one moderator to deal with such annoyences.
@C-star, while I don't mind being called a "nerd" as much as some others, equally that is not something I'd use about myself. I lift weights and run because singing as a semi operatic tenor is a major part of my life. Heck, a friend of mine, despite being a stratogy games nut is a huge crickit fan, indeed for him the two are pretty much the same.
As regards final school stuff, well as long as you are wearing something other than the standard black tux. It always depressed me that if your a girl you get infinite amounts of choice about colour, style, fabric etc, but all men at those sorts of functions are in the traditional penguin suit, ---- indeed I specifically myself bought a jacket of a different colour just to avoid that annoyence.
I'm not generally a big fan of massive social occasions involving a dark room, loud music, no conversation and repeated hopping around that some people dane to call dancing, (what happened to the art of conversation?), but that being said I did actually njoy my end of school but then again I had some good friend who it was nice to see outside of school before we all went off to uni. |
Ivy Tue Jul 23 11:22:04 2013
APPLICATION FORM Name: Ivy Address: Deathtrap Dungeon, 2nd floor Sex: Female Age: 62 Country: Titan Occupation: Troll Loan Amount: 5 Copper Coins Purpose of loan: Gonna visit my brother. He is an imperial guard. Loan Duration: Many years Monthly Income: One or two things Phone Number: Huh? |
Baldrick's Trousers Wed Jul 24 00:48:33 2013
Actress Kimberley Palmer is playing a ghost in 'House of Hell' and, according to her personal website, the movie is to start shooting later this year. This may be hopeful news. Of course, many such projects are often kept closely under wraps, so it's always difficult to determine what's really definite. It's easy to imagine fans being concerned with the lack of activity on Superteam Productions House of Hell webpage. Mrs Palmer (I don't know her personally so out of politeness I won't use first names) did an excellent introduction/brief explanation on FF gamebooks, followed by two video diaries on how work was progressing. And there was no more news for a good while after that.
I'm a gamebook fan, first and foremost - but it would be interesting to see how they'd do with ordinary alongside Blue-Ray interactive film formats.
One other thing: although I haven't access to Android (or whatever it's called!) House of Hell apps gives you the choice of retro 1984 or modern; the latter featuring communications in the form of mobiles and laptops, perhaps?
And i've absolutely no idea what this 'spellcasting' is all about in several previous entries! Ad Spam - or somebody rambling on? |
Jordan Wed Jul 24 02:45:25 2013
Hope everyone's doing well on here, it's been a bit since I last got on here and checked out gamebooks and things, I've missed it. As to the repetitive nature of the spambots, it's annoying as hell, I seriously hope the gamemaster gets back soon. I think it's funny that none of the spammers mention any costs associated with these supposedly great spells, I googled spellcasters a long time ago just for laughter's sake and most of them want like 70 bucks per spell; a total waste of money in my opinion. I seriously hope that we don't have gullible gamers on here, because if you believe the spambots, all of these spellcasters are devoting their time and life-altering spells for free it seems. Spam sucks, hopefully more gamebooks will crop up in future. |
SCC Wed Jul 24 11:26:54 2013
dark, if you can provide an email address, I'll send you the introduction for the story I discussed. Might make a welcome change from the spam! Regards |
Dark Wed Jul 24 14:05:14 2013
Well if this spam shows anything it's stick with your partner or they will contact about 30 different people and get the hoards of hell to drag you back! hmmm, there's a story in that somewhere.
I also wonder who is giving out all these doctrates in applied demonology, :D.
Hopefully the gm will get back and can remove all this crap.
@Scc, my mail address is dark at x g a m dot org, I'll gladly look over your book's intro and see what I think as someone who hasn't read the previous entries.
Regarding another iphone version of house of hell, I'm not exactly thrilled, but then again other than choiceofgames, i've yet to see a decent gamebook application, which as I said when your working on a device with in built screen reading technology is really inexcusable.
I'd absolutely love to play the original adventures set on titan, I just wish they were accessible the same way the lone wolf series are.
At least though there are sites like this one, chronicles of arborell etc and people who can write stuff that is as good if not better. |
Jordan Wed Jul 24 21:39:43 2013
Choiceofgames is pretty neat, I found it a few months ago. Kinda sucks when a lot of the games on there you have to pay for though. Regarding the spambots, I think someone is purposely copying blog posts from the Internet and posting a fake name, if you google these "spellcasters", you see all of the posts that have been put on here. |
Baldrick's Trousers Wed Jul 24 22:53:25 2013
@ Dark
Both Lone Wolf and Freeway Warrior were superb gamebook series by Joe Dever. However, I do believe that FF's list of commisioned authors had more diversity in terms of writing/gameplay style which sometimes provided a necessary break from the otherwise excellent 28 title epic written by one author. Too much of a good thing springs to mind. Freeway Warrior quadrology was just right for somebody to complete over a week's holiday.
I agree that Chronicles of Arborell has to one of the most competent, intriguing online gamebook sites I've ever come across, while this (FF Project) is ideal for online gamers to have discussions, share experiences, divulge news, and ask questions if they get stuck - if there wasn't so much spam to ruin it, that is!
My apologies if my mentioning HOH movie upset anyone. It's a bit frustrating when they announce these things, then it goes quiet, a little bit of hopeful news springs up, then it gets delayed again... Just like Duke Nukem Forever (finally completed after ten years in the making!) and, to cap it all, turned to be a bitter disappointment. |
SCC Thu Jul 25 01:01:18 2013
Me, I just wish someone would release the Sorcery! series online, complete with original illustrations. I'd be happy to pay once to have them in electronic form on my PC. By all accounts the IPhone attempt was a fiasco. Mistakes galore and they didn't even finish the series!
bcyy Thu Jul 25 05:03:02 2013
??? One is supposed to have a date at a "grad/debs/prom/whatever"?
At mine, I remember everyone dressed up in suits with a rose pinned to one of the pockets, but it was more like a mobilisation where we gathered in a hallway and listened to the mayor give a pounding speech about our responsibilities to the society, how badly the country needs us, etc., all the while with Beethoven booming in the background and finished off with the Internationale, giving us the impression that we were being inspected by Stalin at the Red Square before marching off to repel the Nazis.
For the benefit of newcomers who do not yet know the rules, "nerd" is used as a prestigious title on this site. Those who do not agree have yet to achieve the degree of nerdiness to be qualified for the title.
C-Star Thu Jul 25 20:47:15 2013
I think we're talking about two completly different things... Dark was more accurate in his description. There were no teachers at what I'm talking about. Considering I live in Ireland, drinking capital of the world, we might do things differently to other countries).
We met in a nearby hotel (where many got drunk) and went on 2 buses (where many people got more drunk) to a hotel 2 and a half hours away and got dinner (three passed out on the table. Foodfights ensued). After dinner and a band we went to a nightclub connected to the hotel (where everyone drank more, including my friend who began hurling abuse at me before she fell flat on her face. I think she has a split personality awakened by Jagerbombs). After three hours of loud music and my half hearted, yet rather enjoyable attempts at dancing and socialising (everyone was nice to eachother the whole night. It might have been the drink, but I was shocked at how happy they appeared to be to see me!), they gave us breakfast (because when you're drunk with a slight stomach ache, you definitely want to eat a fry up #sarcasm)
Altogether, it was a pretty enjoyable night with not a lot of setbacks (there was one incident with a friend getting his suit jacket destroyed by an idiot with chocolate cake, but no one got hospitalised or attacked that night, which is good). I'm glad I decided to go.
And in case you were wondering, I do drink, but not much (I'm 18, which is the legal age here, so don't worry). Seeing others passing out, spewing on the floor and hurling abuse at eachother really puts you off over-drinking.
Baldrick's Trousers Thu Jul 25 23:59:56 2013
@ C-Star,
Was it like one of those taverns in Port Blacksand...?
@ SCC,
You could resort to purchasing Sorcery! series in book form via Amazon, or E-Bay...? |
bcyy Fri Jul 26 03:03:00 2013
Sounds crazier than what usually happens at a typical bar in Allansia! You're right - we were not talking about the same thing at all. There was no alcohol during any of our high school graduation ceremonies at all, even though the people over here are legally allowed to drink at birth. There was a bit during our undergrad graduation banquet though, with one person passing out after quite a few pints of Moutai, while I was busy gobbling up the crayfish, lobsters and abalones while everyone else was toasting.
Personally, I'm determined not to drink a drop of alcohol my entire life, even if it puts me at a social disadvantage. One of the lesser rationales for doing so is that I think I'll be a psychopathic killer if I ever really get drunk. I enjoy dissecting animals alive too much already as it is, while sober. |
SCC Fri Jul 26 05:03:55 2013
Baldrick...unfortunately not. There was a collected edition but it is long since out of print. A used copy of one or two titles turns up occasionally but the series needs an overhaul. Perhaps it will happen. |
C-Star Fri Jul 26 11:50:01 2013
Yay, you're back! And the spam is finally gone. Where were you admin? |
C-Star Fri Jul 26 17:21:16 2013
Actually, there's something I want to ask you guys about...
Remember my description of the grad? The part where my friend started hurling abuse at me? She does that to me (and only me) when she's drunk. And though I mentioned it in a humourous manner, it does worry me.
I texted her about it on the off chance she didn't remember and asked her why she started being so abusive when she's drunk, but she started complaining and texting that she can drink if she whants (and got angrier every time I mentioned that she was missing the point...), followed by some babble I couldn't understand (she's dyslexic, I can't understand a lot of what she writes) and simply replied "bye" when I told her I didn't understand what she wrote.
She's being treated for depression too for the last year or so (ridicilously complex Trauma Conga Line, including miscarraiges after unprotected sex.. Twice). The thing is, when she's not drunk she's great. She texts every other day, we talk about problems and stuff (mostly on her side though). And she mentioned a few times that she feels like dying (I doubt she'd go through with it, but worrying nonetheless). But they say alcohol is a truth serum, and this might mean that she really does hate me deep down...
If this counts as trolling, then serious apologies, I just wondered if any of you have experience with this kind of problem.
SCC Sat Jul 27 00:09:44 2013
I've met people with "demons" to use the colloquial term. Ultimately it depends on whether you wish to continue to associate with this person. Can they see things from your POV? Or are they completely oblivious, on account of immaturity, fear, a medical condition etc? These are all points for consideration. I can say that at a young age (20 to 30) you are in the time of flux and people come and go, as you are all changing. A person usually has to be in their 30's before the "switch" flips and they settle down and become a mature person with a sensible outlook (certainly these days). So, my advice is remember not to be too hard on yourself, irrespective of what you decide to do about your friend - life does get better with age. PS - I suppose you could argue we are all in a FF book, and make choices that will hopefully get us to entry 400!
bcyy Sat Jul 27 03:46:36 2013
Wow, this site seems to be transitioning into some kind of a inter-nerd help hotline! Glad to oblige!
My two pennies on the matter:
(1) Data: 4 cases where apparent verbal suicide threats were used, of which 2 turned out to be jokes, 1 turned out to be a method of catching the attention of voters for a student union position, the last one being intended as a magnet for sympathy after a series of setbacks. None ended in suicide. Also, another 2 data points which *did* end in attempted suicide, one of which was successful, but neither had a suicide threat precursor. These data are all people I knew, so I won't introduce a bias by citing news articles, which tend to concentrate only on the most influential cases. Conclusion: from a frequentist point of view, the possibility that at least 50% of threats lead to suicide can be ruled out at 94% confidence. Also, the possibility that at least 75% of suicides are preceded by threats can also be ruled out at the same confidence level. In short, it is more likely than not that your friend is *not* going to kill herself. There is a fair chance (roughly 50%), however, that she is trying to catch your attention for some reason, whether or not that reason can result in suicidal tendencies. The fact that she does not seem to be joking enhances this probability drastically.
(2) Data: Again, out of people I know: 1 dyslexia sufferer. He is a professor in astrophysics, a major collaborator of a Nobel laureate, and one of the best scientists I know. Conclusion: while this datum is insignificant for any conclusions, it provides the morale that you shouldn't underestimate dyslexia sufferers. In fact, in general, anyone whom a person doesn't understand has a roughly 50% chance of being a superior intelligence to the person in question; that is, if you agree to the maxim that if A understands B but B doesn't understand A in a certain discussion, the intelligence of A must be superior to B in terms of this specific discussion. However, according to my personal heuristics, this probability shrinks dramatically given her drinking patterns, and that she has shown signs of anger under the circumstances described. The probability seems to further decrease under the popular heuristic that unprotected sex at a young age is "not smart", although I am reluctant to adopt this heuristic, given my lack of knowledge of human mating behaviour on the social level, as well as my observation that people who have expressedly adopted this heuristic in my presence so far have displayed relatively poor intellectual capabilities.
(3) Data: >100 cases in which close friends deliberately use abusive language to pass time, with a noted positive correlation between intensity of abuse and closeness of friendships. >100 cases in which abusive language was used for other purposes, all of which followed a history of feuds, backstabbing, and unfriendly competition. About 5 observed cases where friendships turned sour, all of which resulted in the people in question not speaking to rather than insulting each other. No observed case of people casually insulting passersby. Conclusion: your friend was almost certainly just bored after she got drunk, unless you've been at each others' throats for years. The fact that she singled you out for verbal abuse suggests that you're more special to her than anyone else who was present at the time.
Discussion: All evidence seems to indicate that your friend is extremely close to you, and very likely wanted to catch your attention. There may or may not be a good reason for you to pay attention, with a significant chance that there is. High probability of an imminent suicide can be ruled out, although the probability may still be significant enough to warrant attention, but extreme anti-suicide precautions (such as calling every hour to see if she's OK or contacting emergency services) are definitely not advisable. The possibility that she was not friendly to you at the ceremony could also be ruled out.
Disclaimer: the data samples used above consist of people who I know (or knew), and are consequently subject to any intrinsic bias resulting from a skewed social circle on my part.
SCC Sat Jul 27 04:48:22 2013
I don't think that's the kind of answer he was looking for. Empathy over information overkill here. |