C-Star Sat Jul 27 09:33:52 2013
Thank God I do honours maths or I wouldn't have understanded a lot of that. I think I get the meaning of your points though.
(1). I figured that the risk of her diving off a cliff wasn't too high. And she is getting help, which is good. And your point about her trying to catch my attention makes sense. She does try to in much less subtle ways, like taking my pencil case or book when she sat in front of me in class. Not in the bullying, throw your pencil case out the window kind of way. She was just joking around. I just thought of it as an OTT form of attention seeking (a stronger, more offensive word than "seeking" comes to mind, but I never use the term. That would probably be crossing a line.
(2). I realise dyslexics can be smart, and a lot are. But when I say I don't understand her, I think you are assuming it is because she uses large words. It's not. I can't understand her because 50% of what she writes is spelt wrong, even words that are meant to be spelt wrong in texts are spelt more wrong. I've seen her crush as many as ten sentences together into one with zero punctuation and no indications as to when one sentence begins and another ends. And grammar. I swear, sometimes I read her texts three times and see three different possible meanings. Not just the common mistake of your and you're, but writing we're when she means were. This may sound very mean, but I'm pretty sure she's not smart. I've got some anecdotes about stupid stuff she's done, but I think I should spare them unless necessary.
(3). I don't go out that much, so I don't see her drunk too much. But 80% (approximation) of the time when she's drunk, she will not even talk to me. You also seem to be implying that the insults are friendly. I *really* don't think they are. During the ceromony, I literally went up just to say hi, and she yelled at me to "f*** off" (I responded with the bitterly sarcastic "wow, you're grumpy today" and went dancing). On other days I was out with her, she would either give me an evil glare while I was approaching her (before I even got to talk) or literally just turn her back and ignore me (with previously mentioned evil glare on full display. The first time I remember this happening was months ago, aometime in Autumn.
...Sometimes I look at these situations in my same sarcastic tone and think, "Is this how Jeremy Kyle feels?" (for bonus points, I even have a friend that is either on bail in another part of Ireland or in jail, no one is quite sure. He's also engaged, but that's another story altogether).
And as for main problem here, I was considering staying friends with her, but not going anywhere with her where there she'll be drunk, or at least just making sure other friends will be there too so I have them to talk to when the inevitable mood swing happens.
C-Star Sat Jul 27 09:42:28 2013
Can't forget to thank you too. I guess seeing things from each others' points of view is pretty important. And, well, we all have a lot of growing up to do over the next few years.
P.S. After re-reading my last post, I realised I used the word "understanded" in the very first sentense. Which is rather hilarious considering I just spent a paragraph complaining about my friend's grammar. |
SCC Sun Jul 28 06:36:35 2013
No problem. I also don't believe there are any "nerds" here so take that comment with a grain of salt. May the next entry you turn to be a good one! |
Robert Douglas Sat Aug 3 22:06:35 2013
Hi again,
Has anybody seen Dragonmeet 2012 where Steve and Ian are giving a talk? It's all about Fighting Fantasy, its origins, amusing anecdotes, a little info on some of the books, gameplay, authors, artists, and illustrations. You can find it on Youtube. Years ago, Steve created a board game version of Warlock of Firetop Mountain - although he didn't really explain it well during the discussion: '...Well, you go round a maze...and, er, uncover...stuff.' This caused a laugh for everyone there (and I love little things like that)! |
bcyy Mon Aug 5 00:41:26 2013
Of course! Naturally, I can't judge your situation better than you could. I'm curious, though, as to why you're calling her a "friend" if you have a history of hostility. Is "frenemy" a more accurate description?
Sorry for the late reply. Was away on a conference.
@Robert Douglas
"Well, you go round a maze...and, er, uncover...stuff" seems to cover just about half the GBs ever written. That's the punchline, right?
Speaking of FF adaptations by Steve, has anybody played munchkin? As in the card game? |
Robert Douglas Tue Aug 6 00:22:26 2013
@ bcyy,
It's part of the punchline for GBs - what about the rules, combat, spells...? For a man who's devised and written some ingenious adventures, SJ didn't really have much to say about the boardgame! But I still have a giggle about what he said at the time, further admitting (in good humour) that Ian was the 'marketing' side of their partnership.
I've never played the card game by SJ - was it called 'Battlecards'? I may have heard of it... |
bcyy Tue Aug 6 00:44:12 2013
It is called Munchkin. The one in which a gazebo has a combat strength about twice that of a dragon. |
Walker Long Thu Aug 8 13:49:53 2013
Thanks, I'll try walking through it. At C, I had the same problem your girl friend has when I was young and it lasted. I finally got rid of it when I told my Dr. that i turned into a monster when I drank to much and I always drank to much. You see I couldn't stop once I started. The Dr. said that I was "Depressed," That does not mean I am sad but my brain has a problem with Sarratonen (spelling?) uptake in my brain and so drinking did not affect me as it does others.He gave me a med that after about 6 months changed me much for the better. I can now drink and not turn into a mean drunk. I can drink just 2 drinks and can then stop drinking. Your friend needs to see a Doctor about her problem. I wish you luck as she may well not wish to hear that news from you. I hope this helps. Walker
C-Star Fri Aug 9 14:48:20 2013
Thanks for the input. I'm pretty sure sure she does have depression and was getting treated for it last time I checked. I hope she still is getting treated... I haven't asked because if she did stop, it'd be damn near impossible to get her to go back. Although she occasionaly listens to my advice, she pretty much never follows it. |
Robert Douglas Fri Aug 9 15:12:31 2013
Did you say gazebo, as in: 'something in the garden'? And more deadly than a Dragon?! That has to be one of the craziest card games I've ever heard of! |
bcyy Sat Aug 10 13:38:00 2013
@Robert Douglas
It is an in-joke concerning the famed joke "Eric and the Dread Gazebo". I think you should look it up if you've never heard of it before. One of the best jokes of all time, IMHO.
@Walker Long
You mean Serotonin? So alcohol inhibits your ability to feel happiness? And you don't feel like eating whenever you drink?
If what happened to Walker Long is also happening to your friend, perhaps it would be a good idea to tell her doctors. Sustained serotonin suppression could lead to mental difficulties. By the way, don't trust doctors to diagnose anything by themselves. Diagnosis is a trial-and error process in which the doctor pulls out a set of symptom templates for various problems, and states the one that comes to mind which matches the symptoms best. If the template for the actual problem is never recalled by the doctor, it results in misdiagnosis and a medical accident. I nearly lost an eye the last time I trusted a doctor to find out what's wrong with me without giving him information. The doctor told me that my lack of eyesight in my right eye was due to extreme fatigue, and told me to stay in bed for two days, while in fact it was a retina detachment due to a football to the eye. And so it was that I lay in bed for 48 hours straight, all the while with my retina peeling off the back of my eyeball, causing damage which took two weeks of major surgery to repair afterward. Always state all the possible afflictions to help jolt the doctor's mind.
Andrč Pietroschek Wed Aug 14 03:53:54 2013
first of all thanks for keeping this site alive! Two of my favorite FF's I played here!
2nd: One typo on your mainpage... the guy is named J.R.R. Tolkien, not Tolkein? ;-) Happens to all of us.
After adding chapters to 20 different interactives I cancelled my plan and keep http://www.writing.com/authors/pietroschek as minor focus now.
Thank you!
Thanks for pointing out the mistake. It's been there for ten years and you're the first person to mention it - either nobody reads the main page (including me) or everybody has been too tactful to bring it to my attention. Anyway, I've corrected it now. |
C-Star Wed Aug 14 12:31:35 2013
We finally got our exam results today! I managed to get 485 points out of a maximum 625. That probably doesn't mean anything to those not familiar with the Irish school system, but 485 is good. The average is about three hundred and something. It's not revealed just yet, but I think I have enough points for my first course choice in college: Financial Maths and Economics. Strangly enough, I got a B in Higher Maths, but only a C- in Accounting, so I have no idea how it will go, but I think I'll be ok.
My mam actually started crying with relief when I told her what I got. It was unbelievably awkward... I think she's going to be telling all my family and neighbours about it. Hopefully she doesn't go overboard :-P
Andrč Pietroschek Wed Aug 14 17:25:52 2013
when I read "Soul Tracker" here I was reminded of: http://www.kongregate.com/games/EruptiveGames/citizen-grim
Maybe you like it, too. Otherwise feel free to delete this note.
Beggars of Blacksand: I remember emailing you the PDF. Did the author reject it? I did repair hyperlinks which spoiled one way to the final after all. And i still have the *.doc with some of the repairs.
Last but not least: I forgot your name in the meanwhile, would you mind telling me once more?
My regards
Andrč M. Pietroschek
bcyy Thu Aug 15 00:31:28 2013
Congratulations! Hope it gets you into the institution of your dreams!
I'm a bit curious as to what exactly you learn in "accounting". Never heard of such a course in any other country. |
C-Star Thu Aug 15 09:21:42 2013
I've been asked so many times what you do in Accounting, and I was never good at explaining it :-(
We have a lot of different types of questions, like Club Accounts, Service Firms, Product Costing, etc. With most questions, you're given a load of figures like sales, debtors, creditors, VAT, and then at the bottom you're given 'adjustments' (eg. A debtor was made bankrupt and can only pay 30 cents in the euro. €5000 was recieved) and you'd have to adjust the figures accordingly. (€5000 euro put in Cash Book, remaining debt written in the Profit and Loss Account as Bad Debt written off and the total figure subtracted from Debtors in the Balance Sheet). With the figures corrected, you can then start writing up the actual accounts.
There's a few more obscure topics, like Incomplete Records where you're given *some* of the figures required and have to figure out the rest from notes given to you.
Your worst enemy in Accounting is the time. You're given 3 hours to do the whole exam, and you will ONLY JUST make it, and that's if you barely stop writing at all. I couldn't get about an eight of the whole exam done (an inability to do things really fast *and* well is kind of a weakness of mine. It's the reason I can't speedrun videogames).
Also, in Ireland we have a grading system where a C+, C and a C- are called a C1, C2 and C3. I think the whole point system is unique to us aswell, but I'm not sure. How are you graded on your final exams? We get a point total from our best 6 subjects, and each college course has a minimum amount of points required to do that course. Is it the same where you guys are from? And just as a matter of interest, where do you guys come from anyway?
Puffajacket Thu Aug 15 16:37:28 2013
Love the new gamebooks Tammy, some truly great deaths - my favourite part of any gamebooks. There is no point playing unless your stomach is going to be turned by your comeuppance!! |
Walker Long Fri Aug 16 11:49:08 2013
Hi Gang, where are these new games? I cant find them on the page I get the games from on "White Stick Web Site" |
Tammy Fri Aug 16 22:23:02 2013
Thank you. |
C-Star Wed Aug 28 21:10:09 2013
Wow Walker, you must be unbelievably patient to keep playing this long. Your persistance is either admirable or crazy, I really don't know. But I hope you make it to the end.
In other news, I just spent the last three days at an orientation for the college. Basically it was a lot of talks and some pretty fun events to break us in and help us make some new friends. The whole thing was pretty enjoyable. The place is like a mini bloody city! My legs are so sore after all the walking. But the students are pretty nice. (If only I wasn't so bad at starting conversation). I did make a few friends though. And of course, we had the downright crazy (condom Wednesday? North Korea will surrender and introduce democracy before I need free condoms.). There's a ton of societies and clubs to join too, from soccer to anime and manga and archery to judo. There's still two things to worry about though: Money and actual college work. Fees, food, maintaining some form of a social life, it adds up! Luckily, grants help, but they don't pay for everything. And it seems that you have to spend a fairly significant amount of time studying compared to secondary school. The real thing starts in just under two weeks!
How was college for you guys? And do you have any college tips? Help would be much appreciated!