pi4t Mon Sep 9 12:33:27 2013
Could the 51% thing be partly because women tend to live longer than men? Not sure why, but apparently it's true. |
bcyy Tue Sep 10 00:18:10 2013
Yes! Indeed! That would explain it! You're a genius! |
Robert Douglas Tue Sep 10 03:27:21 2013
You're right - although it's fun to see if anyone can associate any old thing with gamebooks. Tea, for example....how many cups do you have during writing/reading a gamebook? Do any of the characters drink tea? Is a 'cup of tea' the hero? Does it have a magic teaspoon as its weapon?! |
C-Star Tue Sep 10 07:44:02 2013
I'm drinking tea right now!
And I'm not sure how many people saw that post after my post before Admin deleted it, but it seems someone believes this guestbook is now a blog site. But I assume this is just one person though. |
Robert Douglas Tue Sep 10 14:51:45 2013
I'm also a tea-drinker - one of my few pleasures in life - although I do enjoy the occasional coffee. Sadly, I can't drink more than one or else it gives me terrible indigestion and a bad head. But I love the smell of caffeine! Sadly, many migraine sufferers are forced to avoid drinking it. |
Robert Douglas Tue Sep 10 22:16:33 2013
It's well known that Zanbar Bone is a huge coffee drinker. Nicodemus prefers tea - and Yaztromo enjoys a flagon of warm goat's milk. |
bcyy Wed Sep 11 05:58:38 2013
@Robert Douglas
How did you remember all that? All that I recall regarding fave drinks are that Katarina and Reiner Heydrich prefer human blood.
Regarding Yaztromo enjoying goat's milk, I was never even aware that goats are available in Allansia. Judging by the encounters in the books, unicorns should be far greater in abundance over there, and should be a far more economic farm animal. Or perhaps Yaztromo just loves flaunting his wealth? |
Robert Douglas Thu Sep 12 15:51:46 2013
@ bcyy
You have to think outside the box: Yaztromo teleported a goat from our own world (oh yes, he's aware of our existence!). He has a 'wealth' but in magical knowledge. Also, your argument about unicorns falls flat; they're shy, sacred creatures besides being hardly suitable for milking. I'm not so sure about dragons, however. |
bcyy Fri Sep 13 00:08:28 2013
@Robert Douglas
Dragon lactation? They tend to look like lizards, but provided that they are actually mammals, that may be a good idea! If there is a way to produce cheap dragon feed, they make excellent farm animals, and once tamed, can have a very potent military value too...
Which brings us to one of my childhood fantasies regarding a modern era conflict between Brice and Gallantaria. Dragonriders dropping bombs on Royal Lendle. No steel shipbuilding, therefore ice dragons are specially bred for aircraft carriers. Factories scrambling to produce potions of strength to treat the wounded at the front lines. You know. |
Robert Douglas Fri Sep 13 01:05:27 2013
@ bcyy,
Sounds interesting! Perhaps you should write a gamebook based on your ideas? |
Yaztromo Sun Sep 15 15:32:18 2013
hurrah!!! |
C-Star Thu Sep 26 19:58:34 2013
What a coincidence, I happen to mostly visit this site on a smartphone! I haven't tested it extensively, but it seems to work just fine. |
Interesting - to me the site as it stands is almost unusable with a smartphone. But then I don't really use smartphones much, maybe if you do you get used to all the necessary touchscreen manoeuvres. Thanks for the feedback. |
Ulysses Fri Sep 27 01:16:05 2013
I tried the small version on my Xperia Z and it worked well. Having all the attributes at the bottom was a bit weird at first, but since you don't need to look at them until you reach the bottom anyway it wasn't a problem. The only other thing is that the choices at the bottom may benefit from having a vacant line in between to clearly separate them, and make them easier to select with a relatively fat finger (compared to a mouse arrow).
Thanks very much for trying this. As it happens, the attributes were at the bottom of the screen originally, but I moved them to the side because it's better (if you have enough screen width). Good thinking with regards to the separation of choices - I've now done something that I think takes care of most (not all) of these. |
Yaztromo Tue Oct 1 15:23:49 2013
WOW! more new gamebooks than I can handle!!! Fantastic!!! |
This misunderstanding is my fault. But it's a nice, positive, message to have around. |
Yaztromo Tue Oct 1 20:27:21 2013
:-) |
C-Star Thu Oct 3 17:51:27 2013
I like the new spoiler tags. A lot easier to press one button that highlight the whole passage. |
Thanks very much. |
Ulysses Fri Oct 4 04:08:46 2013
I am a fan of rounded corners. |
Had it been possible to do with CSS back in 2003, I would probably have splattered them all over the site. |
Robert Douglas Thu Oct 10 14:52:26 2013
Let me guess....Rudyard Kipling said that? |
Well, no, of course he said pretty much the complete opposite. However, IF he had written, say, In The Footsteps Of A Hero and only two people commented on it in the space of five years he might not have been so enthusiastic about writing anything else. Whether that made him a Man or not. |
Ulysses Fri Oct 11 01:47:09 2013
Re: 'game over' or 'the end' comment forms.
Can these comment forms present your post with a different coloured text or an icon or both as a form of authentication and public humiliation / celebration of your result? For example, players who die can get a skull <--- There, while someone who completes a book successfully can get a star or something better and some golden or bold text...
Great idea, so that's what I've done. Possibly I will find some better clip art in future, but the important thing is that the basic mechanism is in place : anyone who comments at the end of the game will get an appropriate icon on their messages.
Gaetano Fri Oct 11 17:16:50 2013
Great idea regarding the separate comment threads tied directly to each gamebook.
Thanks very much. In fact it's not a major modification, it just involved identifying existing messages with specific gamebooks. Hopefully it will make coherent discussions possible, up until now any interesting comment would quickly (relatively speaking) disappear onto a 'previous' page making the chance of a response very small.
The mechanism also potentially allows for threads on other topics - for example there are a lot of messages relating to Windhammer that could be collected together. That would involve a bit more effort to integrate with the rest of the site though, so it's not going to happen in the short term. |