Ulysses Sat Oct 12 03:12:10 2013
If someone does use the comment form at the end of a WWGB episode, it seems they then lose the opportunity to click the 'Continue' link. Is this so?
When you wrote that, yes it was the case - though obviously they could still bookmark the page or right-click and open the CONTINUED... link in a separate window. Initially I didn't think that it was feasible to solve this given that the guestbook and the game are two separate programmes.
However - now I have made it so that using the comment form will cause a completely new window to open, so the state of play is not interrupted. |
Robert Douglas Sun Oct 13 06:41:23 2013
Good idea having a 'sub-topic' filter system - clicking on the yellow italics beneath the date, in case people are wondering what I'm on about. But I'm curious about those icons posted by Ulysses: is that another new FFP feature...? |
If you read Ulysses' message prior to the 'icon' posts all should be clear. The icons indicate that the post was made from the form presented to you in a 'game over' situation. The star icon indicates that the best ending was reached, the skull icon indicates that it wasn't. Potentially there's also another icon which applies when all the additional challenges have been completed - so far, only Sharkbait's Revenge features this though.
Robert Douglas Tue Nov 5 04:40:57 2013
And so the nightmare starts anew.... |
Robert Douglas Tue Nov 5 04:57:51 2013
It's fair to say I disliked school, not every day perhaps, but I found it disappointing more than anything. People who enjoy their schooldays I consider to be VERY lucky - and that's not a bad thing to be. But how on earth they manage such a feat is beyond me. The only good thing about secondary (apart from the more civilized teachers) was Friday lunchtime disco. Nice little treat before the weekend!
I remember watching Bullseye on Sunday late afternoons. That day always used to be dark with dread; another week of nonsense and aggro from teachers and students alike. |
I remember watching Bullseye, and then years later being amazed when I found out that Jim Bowen was in fact a comedian. |
Ulysses Wed Nov 6 04:02:03 2013
Apologies for all those typos. Even though I check for errors, sometimes I just can't see it if it's something I wrote recently. |
Robert Douglas Fri Nov 8 05:10:30 2013
That's it for another year. Now it's time to hit the sherry - not that I'll be celebrating Xmas. You won't be hearing from me for a while, I'll be busy doing other things. |
Haoie Fri Nov 15 04:25:05 2013
Great to see so many new games uploaded in such a short time! And the guestbook has become a lot more lively too! |
pi4t Wed Nov 20 17:11:36 2013
Just noticed that my message says it was from within Sharkbait's Revenge: it wasn't, it was from the guestbook. The last message I left on this computer was from Sharkbait's Revenge, but that was some weeks ago. Bug? |
No, it's not a bug. I moved it because it is effectively part of a conversation that began with a Sharkbait's Revenge comment. |
Andrč Tue Nov 26 00:21:52 2013
No need to apologize. Your page kept a proverbial dream alive, even for people who were down on their cash-flow&luck.
Further giving hints, like about the Stackers E2 Xtreme , or the website with free audio tales, is a hint. ALWAYS your decision IF you want such in your guestbook, or consider it a personal, private note. ;-)
Fight Club - Adult Gamebook Tue Dec 3 16:56:45 2013
Well, i must say it's an honor to have my link here on this site :)
So many talented writers have created a treasure trove of excelent gamebooks that can be played for free here.
Thank you.
bcyy Fri Dec 6 06:12:42 2013
This is just to maintain my presence here. Still pinned down by an avalanche of work, hoping for but not counting on respite by new year. |
Andrč Wed Dec 11 14:35:46 2013
Greetings Andy,
today I stumbled across a film put on youtube. D&D 3 - Book of Vile Darkness. It is no masterpiece, yet nice for those who like evil villains, or ever felt some kind of "RPG Sympathy for the Devil"
Laws vary by country, yet watching, instead of downloading, is occasionally really legal.
Tammy Fri Dec 20 16:55:09 2013
Does anyone know any good Fighting Fantasy Christmas drinking songs? |
Yaztromo Tue Dec 24 14:41:09 2013
Merry Christmas to everybody! |
duffmeister Tue Dec 24 19:40:46 2013
Indeedy, Yaztromo, Merry Christmas folks. I hope Yaztromo starts giving out some of those potions and items he sells on the edge of Darkwood Forest for free. I hope so but doubt we'll get 'em for nothing. Ah well, here's hoping for a pleasant Christmas and few orc attacks or destructive dragons at this time of year. |
ffproject Wed Dec 25 09:27:25 2013
Merry Christmas! |
Robert Douglas Wed Dec 25 16:42:05 2013
Even Zagor, Zharradan Marr, and Balthus Dire celebrate this time of year. |
Phil Sadler Wed Dec 25 17:14:05 2013
Happy Christmas to everyone apart from Razaak. |
Andrč Pietroschek Mon Dec 30 15:30:06 2013
Hello Andy! I added my family name, for Mr. Baldo has the same first name.
IF I do a replay of Above the Waves I will gladly help you by emailing it. My suspicion is based on the "bugs" common with Chrome-Extensions. Several "Apps" actually cause more trouble than benefit! ;-)
What I really considered, though against the odds, is a revision of "The Ravages of Fate" (extended descriptions mostly). NO PROMISES I am, after all, an ex-author by now. |
Almost all of the functionality of this site is on the server, so the browser is unlikely to be a factor in this particular case. Thanks for investigating though.
Having read reviews in which The Ravages Of Fate was criticised for supposedly having too much description already, I can't help but admire the defiance in planning to extend it still further. Alternatively, if you are in the mood to write, why not join in with the Bird Islands project? |