robsterman Thu Jul 10 14:56:08 2003
Three points.
Point #1 -------- Thanks for the quick feedback. I have a sort-of FF adventure based on the Two Towers novel, by JRR Tolkein. Let me know if you would like to have the link, so it can be converted.
Point #2 -------- Also, are you planning on converting some of the Steve Jackson/Ian Livingstone books?
Point #3 -------- Do you have any source code or tutorials for people to do what you do?
Keep the faith,
Robsterman |
1 - I'm always interested to see amateur FF gamebooks, whether or not they turn out to be suitable for this site. So, yes, by all means let me have the link.
2 - I would imagine that any of the professional FF authors would prefer to keep on receiving money rather than let people read their work for free. So I don't see it happening.
3 - No. The thought did occur to me, but the game language is pretty low-level and the amount of people with both gamebook writing and software skills is probably very small. Writing a tutorial for such a small group didn't seem worth the effort.
robsterman Sat Jul 12 01:40:43 2003
Like I said, I think what you do is fascinating, because this is related to what I do professionally. I'm a Senior Technical Writer, which means I get paid decent money to put people to sleep. Through our technical documentation, we cure more insomniacs than any medication on the market.
Seriously, I would love to learn how you do this. I have written several adventures, in the Zork-type format, using a program called ALAN.
I think people would be interested in this. Of course, it's your call, but if you have any pointers or tips you could share, I would greatly appreciate it.
Keep the faith,
P.S. The link for The Two Towers interactive gamebook appears below:
If you want to see the opening splashy screen, you can do so by clicking the linki below:
Or, if you would rather access the adventure directly, you can do so, by clicking the link below:
http://www.geocities.com/robkatmatty2000/twotowers/twotowers.html |
robsterman Wed Jul 16 14:45:22 2003
A year ago, I wrote the Introduction for what was to be the last book in the FF series: Bloodbones.
You can read it by clicking the link below:
http://www.geocities.com/robkatmatty2000/bbones.html |
That's a very literal interpretation of the title (wasn't the actual book about pirates or something). Did you get any further with it? |
robsterman Thu Jul 17 14:27:59 2003
Yep, the actual book was about pirates, but I always thought that a final, wrap-up book should be grander than that and somehow incorporate the series in a fashion. Plus, the thought of revisitng the various places of Allansia would be cool.
Perhaps when I have time, I'll get around to working on it. But, for those of you out there looking for a concept to flex your creative muscles, what better way to begin than with a final, wrap-up interactive adventure? |
Zaphod Beeblbrox Tue Sep 2 20:09:00 2003
Finally getting round to linking to your site on mine after much prevarication on other issues over the summer :-) Must agree with other posters that this is the best online adaption of FF adventures seen on the net :-)
Hope you don't think it too cheeky of me to take the opportunity to drop a link to my FF site http://www.fightingfantasy.org while I am here. |
Zaphod Beeblbrox Tue Sep 2 20:11:11 2003
Of course if I had re-investigated the links section I would have seen you have already been kind enough to link me. Doh! :-) |
Will Sat Apr 17 16:43:09 2004
Great web site. Fighting fantasy is fun but I find the best bit is being wiped out in the most gory circumstances possible. If you are like minded or just want to read though some of the tradgic ending FF has to offer, please visit my group.
http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/youradvantureendshere/ |
Jamie Fry Mon Jun 14 20:21:29 2004
Look out for my website in the next few weeks, still scanning images etc of my whole FF collection, more than just the books. Check it out! Coming Soon. will update you.
http://www.fightingfantasycollector.co.uk. |
Azgheros Thu Feb 23 19:49:08 2006
http://www.krainafantasy.info |
shadowdragon Sat Feb 25 07:43:56 2006
Um, lol, is there an english link to go along with that? I'm blind, and just at a quick look through the page with my screen reader, I didn't see one. It sounds like an interesting site though just by the name. |
fighting dantasy Fri Jun 15 02:36:09 2007
I've recently got a massive box of the original fighting fantasy gamebooks, writing a blog about them - http://fightingdantasy.blogspot.com. If any of you are interested... |
khaxzan Mon Aug 25 18:30:16 2008
www.onyxprophecies.com fighting fantasy quizzes
blah |
Oscar Fri Dec 19 17:02:33 2008
Hello my name is Oscar Monteiro i recently addapted my first amateur book to an online version it can be played herehttp://ffgamebooks-online.co.uk the book is a the kill the beast by victor Chang any reviews or comments can be sent to my email offmto@gmail.com |
Stuart Sun Oct 11 19:29:45 2009
Thanks for the updates, Wayne. On a different note, I've found this site regarding the advanced fighting fantasy system.
I've only just found it, but its an interesting rewrite. |
Andrew Wright Mon Oct 12 12:38:09 2009
Thanks for the link Stuart - very interesting site! |
Craig Tue Oct 13 20:29:51 2009
Thank you to both Stuart and Andrew.
I am glad you are both enjoy the AFF 2nd Ed re-write.
The rule set I have presented on the site are currently being exstensivley play tested with a group of adult RP'ers. We rolled up characters using the new 2nd rules and are playing throuhg all the campaigns (currently each Monday evening).
We are up to Blacksand! at the moment.
The group has 5 adult RP'ers, aged between 25-50. Between us there is well over 100 years worth or role playing experiance spread across more RP'ing systems than I care to count.
The group are acting as a kind of "critical review" of the 2nd Ed rules as you see them on the site.
We just had our first "leveling up" exercise the other day, which proved interesting. Once the process is done I am sure we will have many more updates to the site.
We are also working on our uploading to the site soon our "Demi-God player character system", I wrote it compleltly from scratch for the 8th adventure which see's players transfer to the elemental and demonic planes! However it needs to be fully over hauled before being ready for public consumption.
I am delighted you guys have had some fun reading the site. To be houesnt, when I put it up a couple of months ago I really did not expect anyone to find it, I did not even think anyone was even playing this system any more.
I happily will expect any input, feedback, comments you have!
I can be contacted through the web site: craigandadam@advancedfightingfantasy.co.uk
Craig |
pi4t Wed Oct 14 16:34:35 2009
Are you aware that the mass battle section doesn't exist on your website? And how close to the original rules is it? |
Craig Wed Oct 14 17:09:28 2009
Yes indeed :)
Quite aware the Mass Battle section is not up yet.
You have to remember this is a kind of almost total overhaul of the AFF system based on 3 years worth of work, and its only a two person job :) Getting it all up on the web is taking time.
I also have a full time job, which at the moment is taking up my time :( Once I get some free time I will dedicate it to making some more updates to the site.
The Mass Battle system however will work pretty much the same under AFF 2nd Ed as I see it. There will need to be a few tweaks to account for and make use of the extra primary stats. Other than that I quite like its simplicity for controlling mass table top war games within a campaign. |