duffmeister Sat Jun 7 17:56:18 2008
You know 'Blood of the Mandrake'? how close did it come to publishing and which elements of its prequels was it to have (Other than the mandrakes themselves)?
Also, have recieved plenty of details on Shadowcaster by Stuart Lloyd and it sounds great, like Sorcery except Shadowcaster is really good. |
duffmeister Sun Jun 8 14:48:46 2008
Hey, news. I've been thinking. My prequel consists of six 'Chapters', each of which is a sort of sub-adventure, a bit like how in theory, Isle of the Cyclops would be with the sequels mentioned in it, the chapters can be played in any order providing 1 comes first and 6 comes last, so would you like 1 and 2 sent in? |
By all means, if they are really as complete and distinct as you suggest. What I am trying to avoid is a situation where I am expected to keep posting successive drafts of half-written gamebooks - this could lead to disappointment on the part of the author. |
duffmeister Wed Jun 11 18:48:02 2008
'Nightmare Castle:The Beggining: Rise of Skarlos' now features an explanation of the origins of 'The Masters' of Scorpion Swamp. Two questions, firstly, does anyone have (Or does anyone know where to find) a map of Scorpion Swamp for my book? Also, should I cut the 'Rise of Skarlos' bit from my title to make it shorter? |
duffmeister Fri Jun 13 13:13:32 2008
'Nightmare Castle: The Begginning' also features the ancestors of Grimslade, Poomchukker and Selator. |
duffmeister Mon Jun 16 17:44:29 2008
Well, there certainly seem to be a few problems at the minute! Since I'm feeling more philosophically enlightened, having discovered meditation, I'd like to give my 'Reference 1,000' speech to Andy. Thanks for the site and all the time you have and o spend on it. Thank you for inventing the 'online gamebook' which makes this site so superior to the other ff related sites, and thank you from all of us for posting our gamebooks here.
Ulysses. Thanks for your message. Recently I've been tring to focus solely on Rise of Skarlos which is roughly 1/3 done. Having canged the title, I cn proudly say that it's shaping up well. It is now firmly in the same seriesas Shadowcaster, featuring many of the same races, characters, places and concepts. There will be several Shadowcasters in my tale now, and a FAITH score to determine your faith in Oiden (Which is required to complete the adventure). Stuart's book sounds fantastic too, meaning that FF project's first multi-part series may be growing.
As you suggested, I'm trying to focus solely on it. When I finish, I may rewrite the Wrath of Cain or finish I Zombie.
Again on the 'Reference 1,000' speech, also thanks to all those who've contributed to this site either by posting things in the guestbook or sending in gamebooks. |
Thanks very much for the praise. However, I don't think I should let the 'firsts' you mention go unchallenged : though I think I had actual working gamebooks first, http://fightingfantasy.org predates this site by a few weeks. And surely the first multi-part series on this site was Hellfire / Riders Of The Storm. Furthermore, when I add Planet Of The Spiders, there will be a second. |
duffmeister Mon Jun 16 19:29:55 2008
Perhaps fightingfantasy.org was around before ffproject, but I was stating my preference of ffproject. Oh, and when I mentioned a 'series' I meant longer than a trilogy (I thagot mixed up, thinking that a two part story's a biliogy, a three part story's a trilogy and after that it's a series...in fact I'm not sure if that's true, I'll look it up). Anyway, I was just saying thanks. |
I know, thanks once again. |
Dr. C. Nial DeMencha Wed Jun 18 15:36:40 2008
I'm a Docter not a writer so heres an idea for all of you. Please ask me to use my IDEA first though. Your a modern day pirate with a ship. Recently you've been having doubts about your profesion. You set for answers for the unexplained. BUT also about yourself.............For when your angry you see red and things bust in flames. So strapping on your two handguns you set of into the unknown............ |
Gaetano Wed Jun 18 16:28:31 2008
Hello Dr. DeMencha-
Your post is a little unclear. It looks like you're submitting the background for a story, but you want anyone who uses it to ask you if they can use it before they do?
Why not try your own hand at it? It it's your first time writing, try creating a simple 50 section gamebook. Think about whatever it is that you personally enjoy about gamebooks and try incorporating these elements in your story. |
Theslayer02_Party_Till_I_Die Wed Jun 18 16:34:49 2008
Dr. C. Nial DeMencha pirates no longer exist so how would you write abut a modern day pirate? |
Dr. C. Nial DeMencha Wed Jun 18 18:02:03 2008
Just call me C. Nial. I don't want to write stories (or they'd be about a senile Dr. C. Nial). |
Theslayer02_Party_Till_I_Die Wed Jun 18 20:58:13 2008
C. Neal. what are u a doctor of? |
Theslayer02_Party_Till_I_Die Thu Jun 19 07:35:28 2008
so they do. |
duffmeister Thu Jun 19 18:16:49 2008
I've ideas for an adventure which is also set in the modern(ish) day, possibly a series, set in a supernatural world. The idea is a reinvention of my 'I am Zombie'. It features several races, including Ghosts, Demons, Zombies(Two breeds, ghouls are the basic shambling groaners, revenants are self aware and suchlike, but are plagued with insatiable hunger and indestructibility), Vampires and Werewolves. It will feature government 'Men in Black' battling them, and I hope to mix archaic magical-lly elements with more sci-fi ones. Anyway, Dr. DeMencha, I must agree with Gaetano. You should try writing. An adventure in which you play as a senile guy would certainly be original (In similar ways to my other plan, an adventure where you play as an alcoholic down-and-out angel who got cast from Heaven for smoking.) |
ABCD Fri Jun 20 01:33:47 2008
IT. |
duffmeister Fri Jun 20 12:37:55 2008
I was just giving doctor C. Nial DeMencha a rather wordy message, you philistine! |
duffmeister Sat Sep 27 12:17:24 2008
I've been thinking about 'Curse of the Mummy'. Being a lover of mythology, I wish to write something which, like 'CotM' has mythological elements. Which would be preferable? Set in a fantasy world with familiar mythology or in the real world (ie: Say i wanted greek mythology, should I set it somewhere on Titan resembling ancient greece, or in real ancient greece)? |
Ulysses Ai Sun Sep 28 00:45:50 2008
What's happening with I am Zombie, the Nightmare castle prequels, the one about the locust swarm, the one with half-machine Queen Victoria, something about steam punks, and the one with an angel thrown out of heaven for smoking? |
duffmeister Sun Sep 28 09:13:28 2008
Um, yes, you've, er, come upon my big problem here. A while ago I put most of my 5,000,000,000 different projects on hold to focus on 'Rise of Skarlos' however, at the minute, I'm too busy to complete a full-length gamebook, so I'm considering a short one (The oneI mentioned) focused on mythology. |
Ulysses Ai Mon Sep 29 00:07:06 2008
Just keep working on Rise of Skarlos with whatever time you have. Adding yet another gamebook to your pile of incomplete work is unlikely to be helpful. Or, if you really want to put something out, just use your time to polish up the first installment of I am Zombie and submit it to this site. |