Duck Fri Jan 15 02:05:38 2010
Hey all.
I could do with getting people's opinions on a couple of points.
I'm just starting work on my first gamebook, where you play a futuristic dictator who's just come to power and needs to make decisions on how to run your planet. (It's inspired by a combination of Overlord from the Way of the Tiger series and the old ZX spectrum game Dictator).
Before I get to far into it though, I want some feedback on these issues.
1. How much text (without it being broken up into decisions) do people like/tolerate/hate in a gamebook? Do you get bored if it's overly lengthy? Do you even read it? Both in the main text of the gamebook but also in terms of background information on the game universe.
2. What are your views on somewhat complicated rules systems? I'm definitely going to be writing my own for this, but I'm aware that coming from a RPG background may mean I'm prone to making rules too complex. (I'm not sure how much of an issue this will be currently. I suspect it mostly depends on if I end up deciding to put space battles in or not). |
Ulysses Fri Jan 15 11:31:18 2010
Duck: My views as follows.
As in all things, I think the answer is moderation, so the issue is how to define 'too short' and 'too long'. There are many gamebooks that have entries that are only a few lines long, asking for decision after decision usually of the type: Turn left or turn right? Open the box or not? I find these kind of books boring because there is usually a right choice and a wrong choice, and so the experience of the gamebook is like navigating logic gates, the correct combination of 'yes-no' resulting in victory. Such books are often very dry, and the only reason why I care about what the right answer is is to solve the puzzle. For that reason I base my decision on what I think the writer of the gamebook is thinking rather than because of any elements of the story itself. Regarding 'too long', if anyone has written entires that are too long, it is me. Perhaps other people can respond on this point in the context of what I have written.
On the second point you raise, my view is that a gamebook is a story first and foremost. Although I have gone to the dark side occassionally in the past, I have found it helpful to remember that complex rules and trying to achieve realism in a gamebook can never achieve an more than a feeble imitation of a computer game. Therefore, I would recommend playing the strengths of the written medium, which is inspiring imagination, depth of character and plot; things computer games and tv/movies cannot show as deeply as the written word. By all means have rules, and have unique rules to your story, but I would follow 2 guidelines: keep them minimal, make sure they support the story rather than impede it. How that works in the execution will depend very much on what your story is about.
Good luck. I look forward to reading a futuristic/sci-fi gamebook that wasn't written by me :P |
Kieran Sat Jan 16 17:10:00 2010
Duck: My opinion -
1. I agree that moderation is the best idea though longer sections are more acceptable if you're a genuinely good writer. The main problem with long chunks of text means the appeal to replay a book will be less. Background information can be longer as there's no need to re-read it every time you play.
2. I'm not a fan of complex rules but if they work well they're not so daunting. My best advice is to play-test it a few times yourself and see how cumbersome and effective the rules are, and then simplify if need be.
Sounds good anyway. I really liked the concept of Overlord! but I think the book had too many flaws to live up to it. I'd like to see someone else take a crack at something similar. |
Duck Mon Jan 18 12:01:34 2010
@ Ulysses & Kieran
Thanks! That's been really useful. |
Gonvilela Fri Dec 31 11:25:22 2010
Hi, Im a big fan of Fighting Fantasy, and I was looking for this site for a long time! I always dreamed of writing a Fighting Fantasy Book, and I have on little question about it: Is it possible to make a FF WWII based adventure? |
Jordan Fri Dec 31 16:33:59 2010
Yes, anything's possible when it comes to Fighting Fantasy, Gonvilela. Have you started a story yet? |
Gonvilela Fri Dec 31 20:32:14 2010
No, but I am have some ideas. I am afraid it becomes too linear I was thinking of a saboteur-resistance adventure. Ideas would be welcome. |
Jordan Tue Jan 4 00:05:50 2011
You could make the story about a teen working with the German or Belgian resistance movement during World War 2. If it were me writing the story, I'd have the teen be an innocent looking schoolgirl, have her actually attend school at times, and have her have blonde hair and blue eyes, due to the Nazis' propensity to attribute those features to the Arian race that they were trying to create. Then I'd have the girl be betrayed by someone she trusted, someone higher up on the resistance chain than she was, have her become a prisoner of war, things like that. Luck and sanity scores could be added in to see whether or not she could withstand the torture the Nazis would doubtless subject her to. It would definitely be interesting. Let me know what you guys think. |
Matt Sat Mar 26 22:53:13 2011
Hello. Great site. I've been coming here frequently of late. I read these books growing up and had a collection of over 20, which I regrettably gave away in my late teens.
I am writing my own FF complete with illustrations and was wondering how much trouble it would be to post it here when I finish?
I have a Mac and though competent, am not overly computer savvy. |
Thanks for the kind words, and I see that Ulysses has answered your question exactly how I would have done. |
Ulysses Sun Mar 27 21:57:02 2011
I think the webmaster is really busy at the moment, so I'll reply to say you can send any gamebooks you have written to the email address through the 'contact' link above. It will almost certainly be put on the downloads page. An online version may be created at the webmasters discretion. And illustrations are awesome. |
Matt Mon Mar 28 08:52:56 2011
Excellent news, thank you Ulysses.
I've only written 40 entries so far and drawn 1 picture so still some work to do... |
Maxim Mon Aug 29 09:29:57 2011
Hello, I have been working on an ff of my own, set in more modern times, after being inspired by the content on this website.
Anyhow i was wondering if there was anyway of posting my ametuer ff on here? Or do you have to have special priviliges? |
As it says on the FAQ page :
I've written a gamebook, will you put it on the site? So long as it is complete, I will certainly put it on the Downloads page. Whether I make an online version depends on several factors : how good it is (in my opinion) - it needs to be at least as good as those already there, how close the rules are to Fighting Fantasy, and how much free time I have. All submissions are welcome and can be emailed to me using the contact link. |
ChaosD.Ace Sat Jul 28 15:51:36 2012
Hi Im new to this website but not to ff. I've written a few game books before but never shared. I am just wondering, how would you guys like a gamebook where you can choose to be a warrior, mage or rogue, I've been working on it for a while. |
Robert Douglas Mon Jun 8 23:00:18 2015
Hi All, My gamebook for Windhammer 2015 is progressing well; I've virtually plotted all the story out in my head, scribbled about forty entries so far, and now going to type them up before continuing onwards. The title is being kept under wraps until submissions are available later this year on Chronicles of Arborell website. |
Tammy Thu Jun 11 23:16:02 2015
Good for you Robert. Can't wait to read it. |
Robert Douglas Fri Jun 12 02:23:27 2015
@ Tammy, Thanks, typed (neat) version is in full swing and I'm hoping to scribble the rest in due course. I predict it will take another month or so to complete the gamebook. I was a bit late starting, although it's coming together nicely. |
Robert Douglas Tue Jul 14 22:49:41 2015
Hi All,
I've planned my Windhammer entry almost to the conclusion, drafted (scribbled!) with about ten paras left to go, while typed up about seventy percent of the total adventure. Unless something dreadful happens, it should soon be ready for Wayne at Chronicles of Arborell. One point of concern is the length; both in number of pages and wordcount. I don't want to overshoot the boundary this year if I can help it :O. |
Robert Douglas Thu Jul 16 12:39:55 2015
Scribbling and planning phase has officially ended. Resuming type-written draft tonight of the remaining thirty percent of adventure. After editing, all will be ready. |
Tammy Fri Jul 17 03:37:28 2015
Excellent. :) |
Robert Douglas Sat Jul 18 02:15:16 2015
Type-written phase has ended. A thorough check and edit (where required) impending. Wordcount satisfactory, within parameters; approx. 22500 words. Text needs to be smaller in order to fit within 40 page parameter. Estimated total completion time: 20th July. Note that Windhammer entry submissions are made next month.
Also hoping that Tammy will be sending in an entry this year :)
Plans for later this year: resumption of Sean Calibre Book 2. Possible sequel for Prison of Pestilence in the pipeline - not until next year at earliest. Plans for prequel to House of Hell franchise being considered. |