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I'm Writing A Gamebook

Fri Jul 20 19:57:41 2007

Thank you for your encouragements.

I hope we both find the drive to finish our gamebooks.

By the way, I also asked a variety of questions about writing a gamebook in this guestbook.

Make sure to look at the earlier replies. You might find something which will help you out.


Ulysses Ai
Tue Nov 13 04:07:25 2007
Hi everyone.
It was good to see a couple of new gamebooks appear on this site. It made me wonder about several people who have written on this guestbook in the past; asking how to submit gamebooks or promising them very soon.
Any progress reports?

Sun Dec 23 07:35:51 2007

I wrote about 200+ references for my game book but lost steam along the way.

I think using what I've wrote in a colleborative book would be a good idea.

I might be interested.

Ulysses Ai
Tue Jan 1 12:14:07 2008
Hi Seeker.

I am curious to look at your incomplete gamebook, if you don't mind.
If you are willing, please send it to ff_stories(a)hotmail.com


Wed Jan 2 04:21:58 2008

I've sent you my partially completed gamebook.

Read it and tell me what you think.

Thu Feb 21 19:09:36 2008
This site is GREAT! Unfortunally I've discorverd how to cheat.

I'm writing my own ametur story. Almost finished. Would I be able to post it on this website? It's not very good.
By all means send it to me when it's finished. If, as you suggest, it is not very good there will not be an online version, but I will happily put it on the downloads page.

Mon Feb 25 17:15:43 2008
I've lost all my notes. I won't be finishing for a while.

Krist Would (karacter name)
Thu Feb 28 14:38:38 2008
Hey Gang! Just Checking in. Live Action?!. What's with the Calacorns in Hellfire? Are they Blessed or something? I'd hit them with no results. Logaan the trickster? Perhaps!? Death is a drag! My character was born a Warrior/Priest & i thought that maybe the Creatures react to his Magic. Fear? His powers (fr. dungeoneer have caused some problems). He currently resides in Port Blacksand where He is studying to be a priest of Urgulla (Decay). Push, Dodge & Repel are a few of his other powers. Also Bless, Unarmed Combat. The last book I played was the last Sorcery! In which I Was Defeated by the Archmage. My Character is in line for his Father's throne, but he rather go on adventures. He's " conquered " his own lands ,and doesn't really care about taking his Father's place. He wants his own Kingdom. He currently resides in Blacksand in the Garden District.

Thu Feb 28 16:35:57 2008
Your adventure starts on the Moors just outside your Father, Kingdom's lands. The moors have always been one of your favorite places to blow off steam when your finished your training to be King. Your Father's lands are great for adventuring. As of late you've been tracking the orcs that inhabit them. Descendants of Dree also reside around the moors. Witches and Warloks. They are for the most part loyal to your Father in exchange for his protection.

Krist (again)
Thu Feb 28 17:41:43 2008
There are many other towns & cities crawling with Evil. Ti'Bor for one. This city is run by rough 'Norse Men' whose origins are unknown. Sulkt is the Northmost city inhabited exclusively by Wizards & Sorcerers. Though not much is known about the place. The Petrified Forest & The Jungle of Illusion (which is inhabited by Lizard Men) is another place few dare to venture. To the south there is a swamp inhabited by, some believe two witches. Mount Melkor is located smack dab in the middle of your lands. Some believe a Great Dragon named Melkor once dwelled there. Melkor was a Demon-God in Middle-Earth. He is also believed to be Krist' GrandFather. Krist is famous for stopping the orc takeover Years ago. At a place called Orc's End. Where he posed as an Orc , gaining they're trust. Being a member of the cult of Decay, He's somtimes is look down By other members of his Father's court. Kingdom, however, loves his son & and wants what's best for him. Despite his rebellous ways. At the Battle of Orc's End, Krist will defeat The Orcs. Hopefully to gain his Father's Kingdom.! Ther are also a few Islands around offshore of his Father's kingdom. One is the Island of 'Spekt' ; which is inhabited by Fallen Knights. Again for the most part they stay on there island. There are afew great rivers to explore , lakes. Forests? Nataly (also called Nat or Not) is an island where people have been seen taking. A brave adventurer might to look into that.The Frozen city/Continent of Nethcros is the Krystlands worst enemy. Located to the North of Kristia. The Great or long River spans fr. one end of the continent to other.

Fri Feb 29 02:41:45 2008
Um, sorry to be rude. But can people who write things in this guestbook write stuff that makes sense? If the entires above is supposed to be the introduction to a gamebook, why is it here?

Fri Feb 29 14:49:51 2008
Freddikins, I Just Wanted to show U guys what I've got so far.I'm new at this chat stuff and any ideas that will help with my story are greatly appreciated. Like many of you I was a big fan of Steve and Ian's work and recently (after reading the Zagor Chronicles) decided to try my hand. I am new at using the computer and was hoping that you may be able to help me get started.? TM . :) I guess I got a bit excited after discovering the guestbook and the fact that there were people Icould discuss this with. I've got some really great ideas. I was going to just try to write an F.F. type novel, but now feel that maybe online's the way to go. The intro. was meant well, for Ulysses to scope. But he hasn't responded as of yet. Sorry for taking up space or whatever.
Not a problem. If you do intend to go on and type out the whole of your adventure into the guestbook, that would seem like a futile activity to me, but it's up to you. I can't say for sure why Ulysses has not responded, but it's not clear to me what exactly you are asking, so it might not be clear to him either.

Ulysses Ai
Fri Feb 29 21:32:15 2008
Hello Krist and welcome.
Sorry for not responding to your posts, but I wasn't sure if you were trying to ask a question or what your questions were exactly.

If you would like people to review your work, I suggest you ask those interested to send you their email address so you can email your work-so-far back to them.

If you would like me to be one of them, you can email me at: ff_stories(at)hotmail.com

By the way, I'm not special or anything. There are many people here who can give you good advice.

Mon May 5 22:28:33 2008
What happened to all the great ideas? Has this gone to an archive?
Sorry about all the trouble with the website, the hosts are obviously having difficulties. The gamebooks will certainly be restored, but I suspect the messages are gone for good. I don't have time to deal with this yet though.

Tue May 6 15:51:40 2008
noooooooooooooooo! The Wrath of Cain has vanished. (before the time rolling back, The Wrath of Cain was put on just after April 15, so I'm right hacked off that it rolls back to just before that. All the interesting stuff from the past month has gone. I've also a question for my I am Zombie, can anyone give me a few ideas for a few sub-adventures in the wilderness of zombie infested Allansia?

Stuart Lloyd
Tue May 6 16:45:57 2008
How about:

Burn all the corpses you can find?
Rescue the peasants barricaded in their house?
Find a wizard who can make a ring of zombie warding?

Stuart Lloyd
Tue May 6 16:47:29 2008

Find food and other supplies.
Free up supply and communication lines.
Collect artifacts for a ritual which will eventually kill all the zombies?

Tue May 6 17:21:33 2008
Thanks, all those sound good, although I probably won't involve the ring of zombie warding, since the player is a zombie, so things would become rather paradoxical. Also, the ritual may contradict the plot. Apart from that, they all sound like good ideas. I am Zombie part 1 is almost complete now. Should I send in each part seperately, a la a mini Sorcery, or should I send in the complete thing in one go? Part 1 is mainly your realisatio that you're not a mere automaton and your quest to reach Yaztromo.

Tue May 6 18:57:32 2008
Burn the corpses, yeah. Now I never thought of that. Thanks.

Wed May 7 17:26:30 2008
Thanks orange text writer. Shame about the vanished ideas, though. I've got an idea forming set in a 1930s where victorian writers turn out to be right. Moon landings occurred in 1899. Martians invaded in 1902. The Earth is hollow and great moving cities search the depths of the sea, ruled over by Queen Victoria, now part machine, known as the 'Iron Empress'. The adventure may involve a quest into the Earth or sea to battle the Martians, who're after revenge. Also, I'm planning on including 'The Leviathan', a monstrous sea creature in the San Marinas trench. This may come after I am Zombie.

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