Stuart Lloyd Sat May 10 07:36:55 2008
Hi. I've just got a couple of questions about FF37 - portal of evil, as I'm putting the Wizard in my shadowcaster book and I want to get him right.
Does the Wizard's shadow speak? How much money does it want to cross the lake? If it doesn't speak, how do you know it wants that much?
Stuart |
duffmeister Sun May 11 13:03:59 2008
Also, I've got growing ideas for an adventure set at the close of the nineteenth century. You are an agent of Queen Victoria, trained to tackle situations believed by the less open minded to be impossible. A colony in Africa is reporting the rise of strange cultists with practices reminiscent of voodoo and hoodoo. Their victims seem to return as voodoo zumbis, however their greatest weapon is the swarms of all-consuming locusts tearing north. They seem determined to raise... well, that's the beginning bit. Also, you can train in different specialities for it. |
Sagittarii Sun May 11 19:07:47 2008
Stop waffling on about making gamebooks and actually make them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Stuart Lloyd Sun May 11 19:47:01 2008
I've done 191 references for the first shadowcaster book at the moment. It may be longer than 400 pargraphs. Also any feedback about war of deities is welcome. I'll be doing the trilogy again soon. I don't think the other one will be aprt of it as that was really a practice. |
duffmeister Mon May 12 16:44:56 2008
Whoa, sorry Sagittarii! I guess I have been repeating about 50 gamebooks on here. All I want to know is...A: How old is Titan since Time was released. My guess is 2,284 years but I'm uncertain. Also, should I send part 1 of I am Zombie in separately or send the entire thing in when it's finished? |
When it's finished. Unless part one is complete in itself (like Bodies In The Docks). |
Sagittarii Mon May 12 19:07:50 2008
Send part 1 of "I am Zombies" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Haoie Thu May 15 01:48:00 2008
Some info about Portal of Evil, FF37.
Does the Wizard's shadow speak? Yes, it asks for gold when you meet it, or it won't let you pass. How much money does it want to cross the lake? From recollection, either 1 or 2 GP. If you don't have the money, it'll suck away 2 stamina as payment. |
Stuart Lloyd Thu May 15 06:59:34 2008
Thanks, Haoie, I forgot about the stamina payment. I'll change things. I'm only up to 230 paragraphs now, but it looks like its going to be much longer than 400. I've tried to make the book quite non-linear and it also has a skill system. However, I will carry on and I hope will enjoy the finished product! |
Phil Sadler Thu May 15 07:04:21 2008
Sounds very interesting and I can't wait to play it! |
duffmeister Thu May 15 17:02:02 2008
Okay, as chapter 1 of 'I am Zombie' draws to a close I'm starting Devourer Rising. It's the late 19th century one, featuring plenty of espionage and different skills available. Also, 'I am Zombie' part 1 is complete in itself, with a single conclusion, however your performance in it alters your success later. Also, since much of it's build up of suspense it may seem dull on its own, so should I wait until it's finished? |
Ulysses Ai Fri May 16 03:31:01 2008
You know your work best. Just decide yourself what will provide the best experience for your readers.
Factors to consider: 1. Waiting to complete the series will allow you to change earlier parts if you need to make changes to work in with the later parts 2. Waiting to do a final edit of the series as a whole will result in a tighter, more unified work. 3. People who visit this site are impatient for new gamebooks or parts thereof. 4. Even if you send in Part 1 now, and want to change it later, this should be ok since there is unlikely to be an online version of Part 1 before you finish writing the rest of the series. The files on the Downloads page can be easily updated. 5. Sending in Part 1 will allow readers to give you feedback about the stroy, especially if you have a non-standard game system.
P.S. Some early feedback about Devourer Rising: To my taste the title is a bit standard, uninspiring, and hard to say :) |
duffmeister Fri May 16 15:49:28 2008
Thanks Ullyses. Perhaps I'll send an 'example' version of I am Zombie designed to not give away secrets and perhaps add some thrills for a climax of part 1 to get some feedback. Also, Devourer Rising was titled not as a cliche but because the 'Devourer' is in fact a key partof the adventure, and it 'rises'. I guess if the title leaves you a little uninspired, an alternative relevant title would be Heart of the Abyss or suchlike. I don't want to include some totally irrelevant tile, you see. Also, though I'm keeping my cards close to my chest with it, I've now involved some voodoo cult related mysteries in Cape Town, as well as enigmatic 'conspiracy theory government villains' and the odd touch of steampunk traditions. Also, thank you for 'Wrong Way go Back', which I hugely enjoyed. I particularly liked the villain. |
duffmeister Mon May 19 18:04:30 2008
Oh, and I have a tiny complaint. I appear to have been neglected. On the 'Credits' bit of the homepage I'm not credited for 'The Wrath of Cain'. I don't want to be a thing but it's the way the world currently is (in that I'm not there, not in that I'm a thing). Also, 'I am Zombie' has inspired me to do a 'Year of the Dead' series set around the zombie plague of that adventure. I'm inspired for slightly smaller scale occurences to do with survival with the zombies raging outside the towns and cities. |
duffmeister Tue May 20 13:00:03 2008
In fact, the nightmare prequel is being rewritten. It was rubbish but then I had an epiphany. The adventure is set roughly 270 years prior to beneath nightmare castle, you play as Skarlos (Your title, actually, not your name) in the devastation following the War with Chaos. It charts your rise to power and Xakhaz's growing power as his armies grow and head north. It'll still answer some questions from the original about the Vitriol Essence and Bloodlurcher origins. |
Stuart Lloyd Tue May 20 13:11:24 2008
My shadowcaster book (currently at 315 paragraphs, about half way) is also a beneath nightmare castle prequel, but it is set just before the events of beneath nightmare castle. Book 1 features Sakhenyaz as a servant to the main villain and Baron Tholdur heading to Zagoula. Sakhyenez then makes a cameo appearance in book 3 too. They did not have to be part of the trilogy, but I thought I'd tie them in for fun. I llok forward to reading yours, Duffmeister. Hopefully I'll have finished mine too. |
duffmeister Tue May 20 13:30:48 2008
My original prequelw as set in the same time period but lacked the good plot of Shadowcaster. It basically featered Old Huw's acolyte, the Left hand of Oiden, sneaking into the dungeons to shut a gate to the demonic planes. It ended up rather dull so instead I decided to do the prequel detailed above. The only characters from the original that'll feature will be Xakhaz (In human form, at least to start) and possibly Old Huw. Vlad the Slayer will also feature. I have had an idea. Do you think my prequel and your three prequels could possibly e organised to tie in? Hopefully my adventure reveals different secrets to yours, since mine mostly tackles the origins of the creatures in BNC and portrays the events referred to in it. |
duffmeister Tue May 20 14:36:53 2008
In fact, I'd be happy to include some prequel elements to your adventure if you wish. If there are any items/characters/settings/concepts which you wish for me to feature which are in your trilogy, I could try and involve them. Will Shadowcaster come as just one book containing the trilogy or will you send in each part separately? |
Haoie Tue May 20 20:56:14 2008
I had no idea Nightmare Castle was so popular.
If horror related stories are to be done, I'd really like a book based on something similar to Vault of the Vampire , which also have a strong gothic theme, somewhat similar to Outsider. |
duffmeister Wed May 21 17:27:58 2008
In absolute honesty I haven't read Vault of the Vampire. |
Al Sander Thu May 22 02:31:44 2008
duffmeister, in answer to your question, yes, their are multiple endings and one of the endings (tricky to find) explains the background to what's going on. |