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I'm Writing A Gamebook

Tue May 27 17:22:30 2008
My nightmare castle prequel's becoming quite different from the original. Firstly, your profile changes over time as you grow from a humble tribesman to a famous hero. Also, whereas Beneath Nightmare Castle's enemies were mainly corporeal, this features the gods and demons of a dimension known only as 'The Screaming'. This is home of the Howling Gods Xakhaz follows. For a lot of the adventure one demon from the screaming follows you, possessing people to attack you at key points.

Stuart Lloyd
Wed May 28 09:11:19 2008
Hi Duffmeister. If you want to email me about the Nightmare Castle prequels, I'm on sl1605@gmail.com. Yours sounds good.

Fri May 30 09:09:01 2008
I'm starting a steampunk adventure set in a world ruled by a mechanized Queen Victoria. It features an allegiance ceremony between Britain and Germany aboard a massive hovering island, however some mysterious Lovecraft-like villains have organised sabotage with the aid of several mutated mechanically augmented servants. It includes rules for Steam-ship (steam-driven aircraft) battles and suchlike.

Sat May 31 05:35:53 2008
Hi duffmeister.

Please make sure you do your historical research before you embark upon a real world FF project. The number of books I have seen which aren't historically accurate and therefore lack authenticity is quite large and if you want others to play it online, you might like to take this in to consideration when considering how other readers will perceive your work. Just a suggestion but it can do no harm and if you get the timeline correct, it will give your book plenty of flare.

Sat May 31 09:21:40 2008
Well, the thing is that it's set in an alternative history, post WWI, so as opposed to having these events being 'unrecorded' as in Doctor Who, these events are well known in the universe it features in, in which the Moon Landings were achieved in 1899 and huge cities are built in giant submarines, so the historical inaccuracies are intentional (I am aware that Queen Victoria didn't really turn herself into a steam-driven machine).

Sat May 31 19:42:32 2008
Oh, and for 'Sunset over Nightmare Castle', I have a question. After searching the book, there's something I can't find. I recall there being a green globe which could sometimes explode, but I cannot recall where it was found. Can someone tell me which part of Neuburg it is in?

Sun Jun 1 06:00:39 2008
I'll answer that.

It's found in the ruins of a castle tower. See references 122 and 317.

This green globe, combined with the Talisman of Hoth, is the easiest way to destory Xakhaz.

Sun Jun 1 13:19:33 2008
Thanks Haoie. I'm trying to include elements from Beneath Nightmare Castle and if I'm lucky, Stuart Lloyd may allow me to feature some Shadowcaster elements. It involves the Trident of Skarlos, the origins of Senyakhaz's mirror, and the Runic axe, and features some of the characters (Old Huw, Vernic the Green Fingered, Vlax the Slayer, the Vitriol Essence and so on). Although set in Khul, many elements are more Old World-esque in style...oh, and it includes a return to Scorpion Swamp. Anyway, I'm rambling, thanks Haoie

Sun Jun 1 16:25:59 2008
Chapter one of 'Sunset' is finished. It is a little inspired by 'Legend of the Shadow Warriors' in that the city guard is hunting you (you've been framed for murder) and a demon is also stalking you, it also features a slightly less heroic version of the hero jumping onto a horse's back and riding off into the sunset (Involving the poor horse breaking under your weight!)

Mon Jun 2 16:59:06 2008
Good news guys! My 'Nightmare Castle' prequel and Stuart Lloyd's ones are now going to be connected. Hopefully, there will be common elements and suchlike, including several objects and groups featuring in both, meaning that you can read them as a connected series, featuring 'Sunset over Nightmare Castle', followed by the Shadowcaster trilogy before finishing with the original 'Beneath Nightmare Castle'.

Masked Man
Tue Jun 3 07:14:18 2008

Anyway, don't lose your passion.

Other masked man
Tue Jun 3 15:56:05 2008
Sorry, masked man, no need to get flippant, though. Firstly, I hope your insults were general and not personal, and secondly, the two purposes of this website arew to read and write gamebooks, so it seems fair that the guestbook should consist of reviews of already made gamebooks and discussion of gamebooks-to-be. Your somewhat agressive response leads me to suspect that you have never actually written a gamebook, which is not written overnight. Admittably, an endless tide of 'I've written 1 reference', 'I've written 2' 'I've written 3' and so on is tedious, but a discussion of ideas seems fairly ideal, since many minds' worth of ideas makes a gamebook far better than one mind's ideas alone. I'm personally writing a gamebook about a cynical, flippant reviewer who criticises people who are politely discussing ideas for the very gamebooks which he or she themself read, and am at the point where those who have patiently taken his insults finally put him/her through a mincer. I feel I'm backed up by Stuart Lloyd, Duffmeister and Andrew Wright here. It's rather unfair of you, and if you don't like reading the discussion of ideas then no-one's forcing you. Complaining about their discussion is like complaining at two people who are talking to one-another about a subject you find dull. It's their choice to discuss it!

Phew! Well, I've ventedmy frustration. To those who discuss ideas, be nice to the masked guy and don't list how many references you've written. And to the masked guy, please let others discuss their ideas without fascist oppression of ideas.

Love the site, by the way, I have some of the old puffin gamebooks and felt that this gave them a real '21st century' style.

Other masked man
Tue Jun 3 16:12:43 2008
Oh, and I reffered to Stuart, Duffmeister and Andrew since they are the biggest 'idea disscussers'.

James Adams
Tue Jun 3 17:40:06 2008
I have to admt, I side with Other Masked Man. The guestbook's for discussing ideas. Great site, love Midnit Deep.

Doom machine
Tue Jun 3 17:42:43 2008
No. The guestbooks for revews only not talking abt the books before theyre finishd.

Masked Man
Tue Jun 3 23:10:50 2008
No one should take ideas expressed in a flippant manner too seriously.
Were I to put on my Serious Hat, I would say that this guestbook is a public forum where the only rule should be courtesy and respect for each other. Those who are annoyed or frustrated by people discussing ideas should recognise that others find this type of thing valuable and interesting. After all, if all the dicussion was taken out, what else would be in here?
Since there is no statement of purpose for this guestbook, none of us can independantly decide what it is for. It is a resource for those who visit this site to make use of.
So, why would I bother people with my insults? Just a bit of humour acknowledging the frustration that many of us feel. Just something to be aware of; no need to attack someone for having a different view or expressing their feelings! There's room for all of us here.

Other masked man
Wed Jun 4 17:12:26 2008
Thank you for your less offensive comment, Masked Man. I apologise for anything I said which came off as impolite, I was simply saying that the guestbook can be used as you wish. Despite this, some respect to others is advised, try not to annoy others on the guestbook (By, to pick a totally random example, naming oneself ilxkaoGpqFsJgMb and typing messages which can be understood by I and I alone (That's the rastafarian I and I, not myself) Anyway, be respectful of others yet exercise your freedom (I feel like I'm turning into Ghandi here).
I think the gibberish messages are there to test the waters to see if this is a good place to send spam to. I just delete them when I see them.

Wed Jun 4 19:20:29 2008
Yep, 'Nightmare Castle the Beggining' and 'Shadowcaster' are going to be in a single series. I've seen the summary and spells of 'Shadowcaster' and it's fantastic, like Sorcery except it has a plot. In chronological order, mine comes first, then Shadowcaster, followed by the original Nightmare Castle.

Stuart Lloyd
Wed Jun 4 20:27:09 2008
Well this is interesting. A couple of points:

1) I think my ideas swapping with Duffmeister will make my book better.

2) This is my second book and it has taken longer than expected. My first book was very simple with no extra rules, so I thought I'd challenge myself by throwing in a skills system etc. Having to change that and my day job getting in the way has slowed me down. Sorry about the frustration, but It will be worth the wait!

Stuart Lloyd
Wed Jun 4 22:25:30 2008
Sorry about the double post. Please can I have one deleted.

Duffmeister and I have swapped a lot of notes on our books. Duffmeister's book will be very epic and I'm looking forward to reading it and linking mine in with it.

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