The Diamond Key is still some time away from being ready, but in the meantime here's another, much shorter, gamebook by the same author, Ulysses Ai.
Hsuan Mon May 28 15:03:50 2007
Hi everyone. Have you played "Wrong Way Go Back" yet? I have been playing it, but I get stucked on page 79 of "Which level will you try now?" I pressed any numbers and I couldn't get the right answer, so this question has repeated, then I get stucked, couldn't finish this gamebook. Anyone knows the right answer?
Duck Mon May 28 21:59:04 2007
You want letters, not numbers.
James Fri Jun 1 07:47:10 2007
Wrong Way Go Back - most amusing. I'd suggest changing the lift section mentioned in the two posts above - maybe it should just be testing your luck instead.
Ibrahim Fri Jun 1 16:18:36 2007
Sorry to bother you folks, but I am trying to beat wrong way go back. I have tried every conceivable option and I still end up getting cooked up like an oven ready chicken.
I am going to ask a few questions in the hope someone can help me. Firstly, what is the significance of the cabinet with the power supplies and other miscelanious items? Do I need to concern myself with the keypad at the abandoned security station? Do I need Garry Fishbone's ID if I find it or the sonic screwdriver? Sometimes, I only find my own ID card where upon you stop searching automatically.
Any clues would be appreciated.
stirlock Fri Jun 1 20:03:34 2007
I too am hopelessly stuck in wrong way go back. Help?
Ekaterin Sat Jun 2 10:03:35 2007
Re Wrong Way Go Back:
Yes, I think you need Garry Fishbone's ID. Did you run into your parent-bot yet? Garry has something that will enable you to reprogram it. If that's not enough I can post more spoilers on how I won.
Ekaterin Sun Jun 3 18:36:28 2007
OK, more spoilers re Wrong Way Go Back:
Talk to the computer at the very beginning, so you know where you are and don't have to waste time going to every floor looking for the club.
I believe that you need the following items: Garry Fishbone's ID, your own ID, the sonic screwdriver and a 12V power supply. AFAIK there is no point searching in Garry's room, just take his programming manual.
Ulysses Ai Mon Jun 4 04:37:38 2007
Hi everyone, WWGB is hard. It took me numerous attempts to complete my own gamebook due simply to the time factor. Even knowing what you need, you still have to do things quickly. In particular:
Searching the dance club and fighting the space pirate in the lift. In the dance club there are some items you must find, but if you take too long to find them, then it is all over for you.
Hope everyone enjoys the challenge.
Ulysses Ai Mon Jun 4 05:30:22 2007
re: Timing
According to my calculations, you need to finish your search in the dance club (with all of the necessary items in your possession) before 0:21:00, and defeat the space pirate before 0:32:00 Otherwise it is impossible to escape before the ship plunges into the star.
Ibrahim Mon Jun 4 12:13:57 2007
I think Wrong Way Go Back is one of the most unreasonable FF gamebooks I have ever played. So much of it relies on random events such as searching the club as to timing that if you don't find what you need the moment you need it, the game is over. It would make things a lot easier if you could specify where you want to search for example under the tables etc. Time would only be wasted if you specify the wrong option as in the lift sequence.
Coincidentally, I've been thinking about making exactly the change you describe. But I think the nightclub search is the only unreasonable part in the gamebook.
Ibrahim Tue Jun 5 12:14:05 2007
Agreed. I didn't ever ask the computer what was going on, so never found out which deck I was on. If you only change the nightclub seen, that would make life a whole lot easier.
stirlock Tue Jun 5 15:47:04 2007
indeed, the nightclub section relies much too heavily on random chance.
James Wed Jun 6 21:21:27 2007
Wrong Way Go back is actually terrible, but only because the reader has no control over what happens. If you don't find things in exactly the right order in the nightclub you fail.
If you find your ID first you automatically leave the nightclub and cannot win.
Ulysses Ai Fri Jun 8 09:47:13 2007
Hi everyone. Thanks for the feedback. Andy and I have discussed the issue and there will be some changes at some point in the future. However, your character will still
leave the night club when he finds his ID, since that is what he is going there to search for. He doesn't know that he needs anything else.
In a longer gamebook, I would never put in such a chance-dependent section. But this is a short one, and the nightclub section is near the start; so to me that makes it acceptable. I make no apologies for making the book difficult, as this was my intention. But please point out anything that is unrealistic, silly, contrived, pointless, etc. All feedback will go to improving future works.
ffproject Fri Jun 22 12:24:01 2007
I've made modifications to Wrong Way Go Back as discussed earlier. In particular the nightclub search is now made fairer, and there are other changes that bring the gameplay more in line with the original intent. Effectively, it's easier now if you know what you are doing, and harder if you don't.
Also, I've made some minor changes to the start of Riders Of The Storm, as requested by the author.
James Mon Jul 9 21:48:38 2007
How do you beat Wrong way go back now?
I can't seem to get into gary fishborne's room and without his manual I can't do anything after I unscrew the parent bot. Also, if you try to take the torch from the locker an error message appears in the browser, saying that it cannot open the file.
I have fixed the torch / locker bug now.
Just Played Wrong Way, Go Back Sun Oct 28 17:12:40 2007
Cool book~
Simple yet it took me a surprisingly long amount of time to play!
Will "Planet of the Spiders" be on the website soon?
That depends on the author, comments he has made on this guestbook suggest that he is still refining it. The next addition will be The Diamond Key.
yendys Mon Nov 12 14:15:48 2007
Hello! For the "Planet of the Spiders" or "The Dimond Key"....can the author write a gamebooks which has lot of men in a planet rather then women? :P thanks.
duffmeister Sat Jun 21 11:26:40 2008
In Wrong Way, Go Back how do you win. I always end up with
The Parent-Bot, however regardless of my escape I always get fried. Is their some item or clue I need?