Hello If anyone is interested in reading a draft of the sequel to Wrong Way Go Back in order to provide me with some feedback; please email me at: ff_stories(a)hotmail.com The story contains 100 references
Ulysses Ai Fri Sep 21 11:53:39 2007
Hi everyone.
So far I've been underwhelmed by a lack of interest in my new gamebook. FYI, the sequel to Wrong Way Go Back is entitled: Planet of the Spiders. It is jam-packed with 76.67% more references, and a whopping 400% increase in combat encounters! Battle the forces of Arachnon using 2 new weapons! Smash your way through the citadel with no time limit! Talk to plants!
If you would like to receive a copy to review, please email me at: ff_stories(a)hotmail.com
Jordan Sun Sep 23 02:19:37 2007
I seem to be having trouble emailing you. it keeps coming back. However, I'd very much like a copy of Planet of the Spiders. I loved wrong way, go back, and look forward to reading its sequel. Thanks. My email address is prince.of.chaos@merseymail.com.
Ulysses Ai Mon Oct 29 08:26:32 2007
For those interested in the status of Planet of the Spiders, I am currently getting feedback from a few people. I personally believe the book has a serious flaw, which I will correct when I have time; along with implementing other suggestions. I do not expect to submit the finished book to this site before the end of this year; and what happens to it then will depend on the usual factors.
ffproject Sat Jun 21 09:50:40 2008
Planet Of The Spiders
At last! The unanticipated sequel to Wrong Way Go Back has arrived! Jam-packed with 81.667% more references, and a whopping 400% increase in combat encounters!
Ulysses Ai's new gamebook is ready for online play. It follows on from the end of Wrong Way Go Back, but can equally well be treated as a standalone adventure.
Haoie Wed Jun 25 21:13:40 2008
Compliments on the latest gamebook, Planet of the Spiders. It seems to be have a significantly different tone than the earlier Wrong Way.
Ulysses Ai Fri Jul 11 09:57:44 2008
You mentioned that: "...Planet of the Spiders. It seems to have a significantly different tone than the earlier Wrong Way."
Can you explain more about your experience of this gamebook (and WWGB)?
Ulysses Ai Fri Jul 11 10:01:17 2008
Incidently, everyone, WWGB and PotS comprise 2 of an 8-part series. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Ulysses Ai Sun Jul 13 08:41:16 2008
The sci-fi series (as yet unnamed) of which WWGB and PotS are part was originally conceived as a series of short, yet difficult adventures each with an interesting game mechanism. WWGB has a time limit, and PotS has sandwiches. The 'interesting game mechanism' didn't really work in PotS as the story grew beyond its original scope. It worked to an even lesser extent in the 3rd installment: The Golden Crate (completed, but going through checking) which was originally supposed to feature a disposable blaster with only five shots. When you chose to use them would determine the path of the story. But this story grew beyond its original scope as well, and was in danger of becoming a full-length gamebook before it was finished. With episode 4 The Hypertrout (also going through checking) I managed to bring things back to 60-odd references and include a game mechanism that I can't describe without giving things away. The remaing episodes: Contractual Obligation, Return to G15-275, and Voyage of the Profiteer are yet to be written, but will each feature an interesting game mechanism, and bonuses for playing the previoius titles in the series. The main theme of this series is your quest to get a girlfriend, a task which requires you to save multiple planets in the galaxy before you suceed.
Haoie Mon Jul 14 01:49:06 2008
Wrong way, obviously, had a frantically paced atmosphere, charged with suspense, due to the whole time limit. It was quite easy to complete with low statistics. Spiders, on the other hand, is far more laid back, at times off the way humerous - think sandwiches, and a lot more unforgiving when it comes to statistics, especially luck. And that's what comes to mind at the moment.
Ulysses Ai Mon Jul 14 06:42:55 2008
I suppose that's mostly true
However, regarding PotS: If you follow the right path, even a LUCK of 7 will not prevent victory. Preserving LUCK was the other 'interesting game mechanism' I included in PotS. Originally there was another statistic that was akin to FEAR in House of Hell/Horror. But I decided to just use LUCK penalties instead.
Following the correct path also makes the final confrontation an almost-even contest for a SKILL 7 character. Furthermore:
If you follow the correct path, the final confrontation is the only combat you will have to go through.
Thus low-stat charcacters will only find the going difficult if they stray from the correct path.
duffmeister Mon Jul 21 17:14:46 2008
How comein Wrong Way Go Back, you get cremated at the end even ifyou get past the parent-bot within the time limit. I've searched the ship for another way but failed
Jordan Tue Jul 22 01:10:44 2008
The plant in POTS
Does anyone know which plant you have to meet in POTS to succeed in not blowing up the earth? I talked with the sappling tree, but that's the only one I can find closely related with a plant. Help would be appreciated.
Ulysses Ai Tue Jul 22 03:12:34 2008
There is more than one way to deal with your parent-bot. There are 3 ways in fact. To find the correct one, you do need to get past the soldier so you can a couple of other things before you are captured. Regardless of how you get past your parent-bot, you must have a command code to turn on the air-con, otherwise, you will be cooked. A further clue: there is one very important object that is used twice.
Hope that helps.
Yep, that's the one. I know it's a bit cruel to require this bit after you have worked your way through the rest of the adventure.
Ulysses Ai Tue Jul 22 06:05:53 2008
In getting as far as you have in PotS, did you manage to
increase your Attack Strength when using the Energy Whip, and discover how to weaken Phisphodia? If so, how difficult was it to discover how to do these two things?
ShadowDragon Tue Jul 22 16:52:36 2008
I'd say personally that the energy whip was very easy to find. Its a little like hellfire in that it looks likea bad thing to do, but I picked it up on my second playthrough. Took me a while to figure out the tree thing as well. As for weakening the queen, I still haven't figured that one out.
Amirali Sun Aug 17 17:33:12 2008
Ulyssess, I enjoyed Planet of the Spiders, as well as the parent-bot adventure. PoTS seemed easier, which was a bit of a relief. Out of curiosity, is there more than one good ending besides
the one where the hero meets Angus, and ends up going to the rich girl's home?
Ulysses Ai Mon Aug 18 00:52:26 2008
Hi Amirali
No, that's it. Did you manage to find out how to weaken the spider queen (reduce her SKILL to 9) and increase your own skill (+2 to Attack Strength) when using the Energy Whip? Or did you just fight her cold?
Amirali Mon Aug 18 05:01:56 2008
Planet Of The Spiders :
Ulyssess, I was able to find the datastick for energy whip. Once I'd gone through it the first couple of times, I figured out the VR place was for training, and that I'd probably get something useful if I got the right stick. So it was surprisingly easy to get the training bonus....
I couldn't find out how to weaken her though.
There were some great comedic moments in the book. The chat with Richard, the entire robot trial, the VR tennis game and the job interview were classic comedy. Very well done. If I was going to nitpick , there weren't any major plot-twists after I entered the black citadel and the final confrontation with the Queen was rather flat. But hey, every reader is going to have parts they like better than others.
Overall, it was terrific :D. Looking forward to the next installment making it to this site eventually.
Amirali Tue Aug 19 05:49:36 2008
PotS were the sandwiches supposed to be part of the PoTS game? I just used them randomly on my way to completion. I didn't realize they had any purpose till I saw your comment about them being part of the "interesting" game mechanism you intended.
Gaetono, I thoroughly enjoyed "House of Horror" several years back. I'm eagerly anticipating your upcoming new book.