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The Dead World

Fri Jul 20 20:58:28 2012
Wow, really couldn't have put that better myself! (No really, I couldn't. I'm so damn jealous!). The puzzles where you had to choose the right options in the right order were ingenious! My personal favorite of these was in The Golden Crate where you had to figure out how to get closer to the Death Bot to disable it with the item (the actual item you use seemed to be a bit random though).

The other thing I liked about the Wrong Way Go Back series was how things from one book helped you to solve puzzles in the next e.g.

The story is a real gem too. In the middle of all the stand alone gamebooks and books with unfinished sequels (Outsider, Bodies In The Docks) it's really nice to have a continuing storyline.

Oh, and Glen. Sorry for that inaccurate rant on best endings :-(

Sat Jul 21 03:23:28 2012

You may be pleased to know that Episode 7 is essentially one large puzzle where everything is logical. Certain things are needed to obtain access to certain areas and there are either direct clues hidden about for what they are, or they should turn up in the course of normal exploration. I have made an effort to make everything as logical and reasonable as possible.
There is one element I am not quite happy with at the moment, but I have enough spare references to handle it (I think). FYI, Episode 7: Return to G15-275 will be 600 references long.
Regarding the sandwiches in PotS, there was no reason or logic to that.


I also enjoy those bonuses for using items and knowledge previous Episodes and can promise you will see more of the like.

Fri May 3 05:14:36 2013
Would like advice with The Dead World


Tue Aug 13 09:46:30 2013
I love the Wrong Way Go Back series by Ulysses Ai, thank you for making them available!

Tue Oct 15 02:47:17 2013
Star - optimum ending reached
I never really understood the point of The Dead World. I understand from something Ulysses wrote in the guest book that it was released as an "interim" book while he was finishing Return to G15-275 but I've never really found it as satisfying as the other books in the WWGB series (which is, in my opinion, the bestest).

Sun Oct 20 21:29:38 2013
Star - optimum ending reached

Mon Oct 21 14:35:55 2013
This is insofar the "strangest" chapter of WWGB saga: much less nonsense (fights, weapons, objects...) and more, how can I say, PHiLOSOPHY!

Like last few installments is it all played in a single, pretty limited location and the role of fights is very minor compared to exploration and enigma solution.

What puzzles me is how we can bring forward (in the on line version of the game) the STAMINA and SKILL improvements from the "Wolverine treatment", as the adventure finishes almost right after and you can't carry them over (as far as I know).

Tue Oct 22 01:39:46 2013

All bonuses, including the one you are referring to should be carried over by clicking the "Continue" link at the end of the adventure.

Thu Mar 6 09:17:34 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
The narrative is good, and has a lot of depth.

Sat Dec 6 12:44:06 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
This is one of my favourites WWGB... lovely background story never openly and fully laid out in front of you... I like it...

Tue Dec 16 19:45:01 2014
Hi Ulysses, did you get my email about this gamebook?

Fri Dec 19 09:42:43 2014
Haven't got any emails about The Dead World recently.

Fri Dec 19 14:19:26 2014

Fri Dec 19 22:33:48 2014

Still nothing. Are you sending it to: "ff_stories(at)hotmail.com"?

Mon Dec 22 09:01:41 2014
any luck?

Wed Jan 14 16:42:38 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
This was a short adventure, and I enjoyed it - although the prose jumped between matter-of-fact adventuring, mystery, tacked-on philosophy and a bit of macho talk. Funny, just not consistent - but maybe I haven't seen enough of the story to understand the mixture. All in all, a nice, mysterious, existential tale.

Andrey and Sven and Ali
Tue May 19 12:58:27 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
That was easy:-)

Thu Aug 11 10:46:58 2016
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Wed Sep 14 06:29:17 2016
Star - optimum ending reached

Tue Feb 7 15:36:27 2017
Star - optimum ending reached
first run, completed it without any problems.
seems a bit too easy, but perhaps i was just lucky

Thu Feb 9 05:57:30 2017
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
If you wanna read alot then well play this

Tue May 22 10:40:58 2018
Star - optimum ending reached
Well i stat boosted and loved some of the stories written here. Short book but considerable effort has been taken

only thing i dont know......


Thu Aug 23 09:30:39 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
A nice game full of reading comprehension .

Mon Jan 28 00:19:32 2019
Star - optimum ending reached
too quick and easy...but written well

Sat Mar 16 23:22:19 2019
Star - optimum ending reached
omg i completed it.... i just picked my directions at random... wait this probably isn't good is it?

Mon Mar 18 12:36:51 2019
@ paul

You've picked up on something a few other readers seem to have missed...


Thu Mar 13 09:17:35 2025
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I died very easily, my carachter was a weakling

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