I liked this game book very much. I've played it several times. Still, death seems to wait for me at the end like it knew I'd be there to meet it
Best I've done was to get the final fight with the beast down to 43 stamina. But of course by then, my skill was 9 and stamina 10. It'd be nice if my energy total played a part in the final fight somehow. Maybe using up the last of my energy enabling me to fight on for two or more desperet rounds.
Great job! And thanks! :)
Tudi20 Sun Jan 4 13:46:40 2015
This is my end:
97 You see the view in front of you suddenly tilt, and feel something hit your side. Things are growing dim as you slowly realise that you have fallen over. You try to move, but sharp pain makes you give up at once. The Ravager is stalking towards you, but you aren't afraid. You know you are escaping, and once your eyes close you hear only silence. THE END
Yes, that's the standard one if you run out of ENERGY or STAMINA in the main fight.
Abu Wed Apr 8 01:02:06 2015
Did anyone ever win ?
AlogicA Sat Aug 27 00:31:02 2016
Enjoyed It
kaio Thu Mar 9 14:44:19 2017
ez, all u need to do is sleep
just sleep
bluejuice915 Wed Mar 15 18:27:18 2017
Great game. The battle was just tough enough to warrant repeat plays to win. The conclusion was slightly confusing at first, but proved to be a quality ending. Great job with game play and the choice of character at the beginning. I'm still not sure, because of how I played, what use the last two were, but still good. Grade: 97
Stinger Thu Mar 16 03:36:45 2017
I hate trolls, and this one in particular! rofl It was a fun run though once again. Maybe one day I'll take him down :) thanks a heap for the fun times here. :D
sssssssssssssss Wed May 17 17:40:03 2017
It's impossible to win
Riftwaker Tue Sep 26 16:10:38 2017
A great story with a difficult battle. Really enjoyed it.
RogueOne Fri Oct 20 20:05:19 2017
Fra Fri Mar 23 23:18:59 2018
Mainly a story, not too much in choice. But still enjoyable read
paul Wed Mar 20 18:22:24 2019
nowhere near! he still had 50 stmina points!
god Wed May 27 07:15:11 2020
Mage Thu Oct 21 04:21:53 2021
wit Mon Oct 3 21:16:28 2022
hard but fun
YARD Tue Sep 12 06:21:04 2023
Masterful. Simply masterful. Very strong descriptive writing, a convincing low-magic world, and simply excellent characterization of everybody. Even the single-scene POV character who appears for just the final ref is better written than the pivotal characters of too many other works.
It works well at what it sets out to do also, as even though there's a lot of text and relatively little room for choice in the opening stretches, it feels far more natural here than in, say, Above the Waves or Any Port in a Storm, which felt outright stifling. And of course, there's the battle which is perhaps not as extensively written as the author would have liked, but still has a fair room for variation (it felt amazing when, trying out a few things after already winning twice before, I actually managed to win without seeing the combat interface.) There's perhaps only a little weirdness which may not be intentional.
Around ref 45 can get Energy to 0 and still keep subtracting from it (though if that happens, you'll surely fall not long after anyway.)
Gouge is protected by his breastplate from getting crushed, yet your own breastplate does not protect your ribs at all when he is hurled at you? Does the breastplate actually make it more likely you get hit? Or is it simply irrelevant vs. the troll, much like the shield and helmet appear to be? After a few runs, including four victories, it felt like only the lantern actually made any real difference, and the other item could be literally anything?
Also still not sure about the box's relevance. My only guess is that it makes you more likely to get attacked first, but that could just be how the dice rolled behind the scenes that time.
I was going to say that it felt like you could keep "hanging back for now" to regenerate your energy with no seemingly no ill consequence - neither the risk of one of the companions getting killed, nor the risk of The Ravager regenerating a bit more. Then I tried it again, and noticed that it could lead to The Ravager just attacking you first, and potentially instakilling you.
And of course, the now-traditional proofreading section. This wor
Sometimes uses "nondescript" and sometimes "non-descript" + "Will you talk to :"
"The soot covered ground" + "The pit is a large crater" + "within the pit" (capitalization?) + "and find a ravine stones that ends in a large cave." (?)
"you never forget that you are could at any moment"
light the cast iron stove. + "Just anything that can help us. (missing quotation mark.) + You also see a rude path leading up to a hilltop. (rude or crude?)
"that are the gristly work" (grisly?) + " until their hair faces and skin" (comma?) + "another broad flat stone covered in dark bloodstains a table;" (?) + "You can see only his legs" (only see?) + " but a intelligent being" (an?) + "all he meant to do was distract you." (to distract?) + " Dark grimed in armour" (?)
"it is been eaten on the spot." (being?)
"with one claw fingered hand" (hyphen?)
"to avoid breathing in ashes" (the?)
"Do you want to :"
"coming to seeing the smudged sky rippling above you"
"Do you want to :"
"As the sword comes free a agonising roar "
"Do you want to :"
"cold and careless his eyes" ("his" should probably be the first word here?)
"turn and stark to quietly follow"
" only a moments warning"
"a normal sized troll" + "seemed to be in earnest."