These aren't online versions of the old books. They are new adventures that the guy has come up with, some appear to be loosely based on certain books...
Well, yes. As it says on the front page. Also, I only made the website, the books were written by eight different authors.
Fair enough. But I find these amateur ones you have posted fiendishly difficult.
I am sure the originals were easier!!!
To a large extent that is down to the online format, in the original text you tend to get told what object you would have needed in certain situations. It's also a little harder to cheat. Occasionally the format makes a given puzzle slightly easier, but far more often it has the opposite effect. But yes, sometimes the original is exceptionally difficult, for example Hellfire.
If you prefer the easier games, I would recommend starting with The Trial Of Allibor's Tomb, Lair Of The Troglodytes (which is harder but very short), or maybe Outsider (which apart from an early difficult section is much less arbitrary than any of the others).
I really enjoy playing the various adventures here. Wanted to tell you about an error I encountered while playing Midnight Deep though. (Sorry - I didn't have time to note the damned reference number!) It was while trying to sneak into the city of Tempest via some sewer grate. I had 7 luck points remaining and had to test. The computer rolled a 7 and I was told I was unlucky! Wondering if maybe the sequence of events was out of whack here - did it lower my luck, then make the test?
Huh. Actually, it's occurred several times in different adventures now. Have I been playing wrong all these years? You test your luck, THEN the luck lowers by one, right? Here it seems to lower, then test, which basically means you're permanently at 1 less Luck point than you should be...
I think I've just spotted another small flaw in Riders of the Storm. The flaw is to do with the fight against The Creature (stupid name I know). Anyway, in the book version you are supposed to lose a die of skill for the fight. However, in the online version you always seem to deduct 6 points?
In fact this is working correctly - but I can see why you think it isn't. The die is rolled earlier than you think.
"Please somebody tell me what item I need to use to kill the Earth elemental Please"
You must first use the flute, which is got by using the Trinitour to throw you over the chasm that the Fiend from the Pit comes from. Then, you must stab it with the dagger that is gained by using the Trinitour to help you climb the tree right at the start (at the reference where you meet the Blood Zombie).
You know what, I'm still not sure that 'hiding' options in these online books is a very good idea. I'm pretty sure it just makes the adventures too difficult.
Someone has said before that they fought the Trinitour and he didn't cause you any damage. Then you suggested that he may have recieved a blessing that countered the damage. Well, the same thing happened to me but I did NOT have the blessing and was taking normal damage from the enemies. I wonder if you could take a quick peek at this? It's at reference 8.
It turns out that you, and everybody else who mentioned this was right after all - there was a bug despite my denials. But I have definitely fixed it now...
So I've made it through in House of Horror to the room with the Count and D'onoffrio and the woman and I keep getting killed immediately after I kill the Count.
What am I doing wrong?
(I hope that's vague enough to not need a spoiler warning, yet specific enough that those who have solved the game know what I'm talking about.)