Just stumbled across this page, and I'm very impressed with the online implementation of the Fighting Fantasy thing. Fantastic work, mate, seriously. Are you still making adaptons of ameteur gamebooks? I have something I wrote a whiles back that has yet to appear on the interweb, should you be interested....
I'm definitely interested. I can't guarantee an online adaptation - for example I may not find the time, or your gamebook might have rules too complicated for the software to handle - but at the very least I could put it on the download page if you like.
You get the spell by solving the riddle that the girl sings to you, you will then be sent back to the start. However, if you use another item at that point, all will become clear.
Hey there, Just checking that you recieved the FF I sent you - I sent it to the address on the main page, and I am the sort that never fully trusts e-mail.
Thanks for the answer. I was sort of on the right lines, but to be hones I would not have got that from the riddle itself. Maybe my definition of the answer is different.
Just to put my mind at rest, is there a clue anywhere in the text that I missed?
Blimey, Hellfire is tough. I'm stuck again - can someone help me out?
I used the Time spell at the Acid and went back to the start. Presumably this is so I can take a diferent route and get a different item to help me get past the acid. But the only items that you can't pickup on your first run through are the Ruby and the Ivory Beetle Charm - neither of which seems to make much difference. Someone give me a clue as to what I need to do different on the second run through!
Hi, I'd just started playing 'Bodies In The Docks', and found the creativity and pace of the storytelling to be excellent.
Sadly though, I was unable to carry on playing after 10 minutes as the colours (bright white on dark grey) used for the text had way too much contrast it not only left 'glare-streaks' in my eyes but also a banging headache!
Oh I think I realise what to do. Okay do I take the open door spell of the man and then use it the second time round oh some body please if i'm right and also where do I use it (if i'm right of corse)
Sir Killsalot Sun Nov 21 11:50:36 2004 General Chat