Wow, I think 'Bodies in the Docks' is simply marvellous - besides having an original (afaik) and interesting storyline, it is also rather rich in detail for a gamebook. Kudos to Mr. Osborne for his ingenuity. Too bad it's so short... Any chance this might be extended to a 400-sectioner in the near future?
(PS: I overcame the problems I had initially with the 'way-too-contrasty' text by changing my browser's text settings.)
So I need to get the Open Door spell off the Werewolf, then use the Time Spell to go back and use the Open Door Spell somewhere before I would meet the Werewolf?
I'm clueless as to which door. I have blue, red, silver, platinum and crystal keys - which seem to open all the doors I've found. I can't be arsed with a trial and error approach to every single door - it would be better if there was a clue in the book somewhere, otherwise it's just a random case of using a spell at every location. Where's the fun in that?
So please, could somebody give a clue about what to do once you've used the Time Spell and gone back to the beginning.
It's right there in the text. There's nothing hidden. Just use the Time Spell at the acid river and read the text as it's presented to you. You'll kick yourself when you find it, it's so obvious.
You are looking for a door that you have already seen but were unable to open. It is not hidden, it is described clearly in the text. I'll give you a clue - you don't need to go all the way through the dungeon to find it.
Meanwhile, I'm still stuck looking for the Rusty Gauntlet/Shadow Hunter. Clues please!
"Meanwhile, I'm still stuck looking for the Rusty Gauntlet/Shadow Hunter. Clues please!"
You will have to use the Reveal Invisible spell at a certain area in the adventure. The area in question is unusual in that it doesn't seem to have a purpose.
I've just realised that Riders of the Storm no longer seems to have the choice of a Skill, Stamina or Luck potion at the start, but rather intergrates them into the random beneficial items instead. Surely this will make the adventure far too hard?
And remind me again how I get on top of the wall? I'm guessing I need some object that will make use of the holes in the corner of each brick, but I cannot work out which one.
I know it's not the Eye Ring, nor the Cats Claws (even with the Ninja Headband to complete the outfit)
The Cyclops give clues? Presumably you don't mean the two just after Libra's Breath? They weren't very communicative at all. Is there another one somewhere else?
By the way, the online version is much tougher than the text version. The reasons being that you can't use Luck in combat and that, lots of times, if you don't have a certain item at a certain location you are not told.
In the text version Luck is very important and each combat takes it into account. Further more, the items you need are almost always reffered to directly in the text.
I've finally completed Hellfire and now I've only got to complete House of horror!!! SO any one who needs any help on any of the fbooks (bar hoh) giz us a shout
P.S does any one know how to complete house of horror because i'm stuck (I pick up the star kill the count and then all these Men in black robes kill ME)