ffproject Thu Oct 16 19:22:19 2003
Hellfire Bug Fix
Apologies to those who reached paragraph 441 (in the shop) only to encounter an error message. I have now fixed this problem. |
Josh Tue Oct 28 21:57:05 2003
House Of Horror
House of Horror is REALLY difficult so far. I have died many times. It seems very easy to die of fear.
On the plus side, it's one of the easier ones to complete with low initial values - if you go the right way of course. |
ffproject Sun Jan 4 14:16:26 2004
Down Time
Sorry about the lack of reliability over the last couple of weeks. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it seems to be back to normal now.
The site appears to have been restored from a pre-Christmas backup, so unfortunately messages posted here, and possibly emails, over that period may have been lost. |
ffproject Sun Jan 4 14:18:15 2004
Bodies In The Docks
Bodies In The Docks
Coming soon - Simon Osborne's Lovecraft-inspired gamebook. Expect it in about three weeks' time. |
ffproject Wed Jan 28 21:22:48 2004
Bodies In The Docks
Bodies In The Docks
Here it is. I should point out that the rules have been heavily simplified from the original version, but the story remains unchanged. |
LeeWhoHe Fri Feb 6 12:56:47 2004
General Chat
What can I say?
What a great site.
I have just found it today whilst browsing and have done no work since.
The text really takes you into your worlds.
Excellent work!!
Lee :) |
Darmok! Fri Mar 5 23:59:41 2004
Lair Of The Troglodytes
Truly amazing site! I've been looking for something like this for ages. No more accidentally reading the wrong passages, spoiling the plot.
I just finished "Lair Of The Troglodytes" - onward!
MikeDHS Thu Mar 11 00:55:53 2004
Great site. I've been very impressed by every adventure so far. I can't wait to explore them all. However, I'm stuck playing Hellfire. I just can't seem to get past the river of acid. I'd appreciate any hints you may have for getting past this difficult obstacle.
Phil Sat Mar 13 08:11:52 2004
(To MikeDHS)
You must solve the riddle that the girl sings to you. This will not give you the answer to the acid river directly, but it will help you on your way, even if it doesn't seem so.
MikeDHS Mon Mar 15 04:55:36 2004
Thanks for your help Phil. I had a feeling that singing girl had something to do with it. Now if I can only solve that riddle!
Josh Wed Mar 17 21:02:04 2004
General Chat
Hey, can we expect more books? I love your site. |
Possibly, but I've no immediate plans. And thanks. |
Ekaterin Fri Mar 26 14:36:24 2004
May I report a bug in Hellfire? When you open the box with the Spider-Man, you get two chances to Test your Luck, and if you fail both of them you get no message about what happens (your Adventure Sheet, but nothing else, is displayed on the screen).
Thanks for pointing that out, it's fixed now. |
Phil Sat Mar 27 07:36:55 2004
(To Ekaterin)
This is the section that is supposed to appear when you fail both Luck rolls:
You have been bitten! Almost instantly, you start to convulse into violent spasms as the creature's deadly poison courses through your veins. You hardly even notice the aforementioned monster biting your face as you die in agony on the floor in the dirt...
Graham Thu Apr 1 15:52:38 2004
General Chat
FBook is excellent. I like all the adventures and it is so easy to play them online. |
Chris Tue Apr 6 14:18:48 2004
General Chat
Ever consider making Fbook adventures downloadable for play offline, or distributing the program itself so that others can adapt/write gamebooks with it? It's quite impressive. |
Thanks Chris.
Without going into details, making them downloadable would take more time than I have available at the moment. It isn't straightforward.
Regarding others adapting gamebooks - as I said in response to the same question from 'robsterman' last year:
The thought did occur to me, but the game language is pretty low-level and the amount of people with both gamebook writing and software skills is probably very small. Writing a tutorial for such a small group didn't seem worth the effort. |
Chris Tue Apr 13 19:52:28 2004
General Chat
Hello again,
I really don't mean to pester you but I'm enjoying this site too much not to ask. I hope, regardless of your response, that you will take that as the compliment it is intended to be.
I just wanted to take my previous inquiry one step further and ask as to whether you would consider burning the fbook adapted adventures onto CD. Although I understand you couldn't charge for the adventures themselves, I would certainly be willing to pay for the time, cost of shipping and material, and use of the fbook program.
Anyhow, just thought I'd ask. I hope the fbook site continues to grow. |
That's OK. I'll bear it in mind but realistically it's very unlikely to happen. |
Simon Thu Apr 15 12:50:30 2004
General Chat
Many thanks, superbly captures the essence of the original FFs.
Only complaint is you can't cheat! ;oP |
Will Sat Apr 17 16:43:09 2004
Great web site. Fighting fantasy is fun but I find the best bit is being wiped out in the most gory circumstances possible. If you are like minded or just want to read though some of the tradgic ending FF has to offer, please visit my group.
http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/youradvantureendshere/ |
Ekaterin Fri Apr 23 15:59:46 2004
General Chat
Hi again, I really like this site and have completed "Lair of the Troglodytes", "Midnight Deep" and "House of Horror" (though I had to cheat by downloading the original Word document for that one).
However, I seem to have fallen over a bug in Outsider. I was fighting Fiorentino when he drank one of his healing potions, and since he was giving me a hard time I tried drinking some of my own, but the game got into a state where nothing but the Adventure Sheet was displayed on the screen. |
Thank you for spotting this bug. I've put in a workaround which is to disable the USE button in this situation, but I will have a think about a better solution. |
Anonymous Player :D Sat Apr 24 21:32:10 2004
General Chat
Playing with the fbook software makes things a lot more difficult since you never get any hint about alternative ways which are dependent on carrying some special item. I've played House of Horror but finally gave up the fbook system and tried the text file. Having the pure text was actually a helping hand in this adventure. |
Yes, the online version is often harder for this reason. But I think it makes more sense for the text not to mention items that the central character has no knowledge of. |