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Curse Of The Yeti
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Riders Of The Storm
Bodies In The Docks
House Of Horror
Rebels Of The Dark Chasms
Midnight Deep
Lair Of The Troglodytes
The Trial Of Allibor's Tomb

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Sat Jan 8 07:55:51 2005
Lair Of The Troglodytes
I find this the best way...correct me if I am wrong.

That any good?
I think that's the same ending reached in a slightly different way.

Eliot Ball
Sat Jan 8 13:18:10 2005
Lair Of The Troglodytes
Thats prety much how I won (I didnt find the VENEMOUS SNAKE, but I still got that ending).

Eliot Ball
Sat Jan 8 14:08:38 2005
Midnight Deep
I had a go at Midnight Deep but I died at 184. So far! The 400 referrences + books on this site take a Really long time to play; personaly I like the shorter ones. I am working on a 100 refference book at the moment, but wether it will be ready soon, (or wether I will actually finish it) is another question.

Sat Jan 8 17:24:22 2005
I'm Writing A Gamebook
OK, I can only allow so much flexibility with Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. Anyone here interested? If so, say what you would like to be able to do in my book. So far you can:

Sat Jan 8 18:12:49 2005
I'm Writing A Gamebook
As to its length, it is currently 30 paragraphs and I have got as far as(depending on which route you take)


Eliot Ball
Mon Jan 10 13:55:14 2005
I'm Writing A Gamebook
The 'Travelling Rule' is very complicated in the Sorcery! books:

If you don't eat a meal each day, you lose 2 STAMINA
If you dont sleep each night you lose 3 STAMINA
(I think)

However, the software on this site, probably doesn't support it.

The FF books where you travel long distances are relly good fun; travelling rule just makes them more intresting.

Eliot Ball
Mon Jan 10 14:06:06 2005
Midnight Deep
Another attempt at Mydnight Deep and I died at 396 this time. anyone got any tips?

I like the concept of loads of items for you to use in your adventure.

Mon Jan 10 17:27:13 2005
I'm Writing A Gamebook
Midnight Deep is cool, I read it and got as far as the city of Tempest, then my LUCK points ran out. As for the items, when do you actually use any of them?

And LOTR TTA will have you travelling a lot if you want to, for any who are interested. (Someone must be!)

Thu Jan 13 11:50:42 2005
I'm Writing A Gamebook
Matt - LOTR gamebook

Just my opinion of course, but I would have thought LOTR was more suited to a Sourcery style epic. It's a big book and they cut a lot out to fit it into three long films. You may find you don't do it justice in 30 paragraphs...

Perhaps you should split it into three gamebooks of 400 (even 500?) paragraphs?

Eliot Ball
Thu Jan 13 14:30:55 2005
I'm Writing A Gamebook
400 to 500 paragraph gamebooks take a very long time to finish. if you work really hard on a gamebook you can (possibly) finish it in a month, but the normal time is 4 to 6 months. making 3 books would
mean 1500 paragraphs, wihch at 10 a day is just under half the year (and that is at 10 paraghraphs every single day, including weekends). Sorcery! is an amasing epic, but would take a really long time to write.

Eliot Ball
Fri Jan 14 14:48:58 2005
Bodies In The Docks
Bodies In The Docks is really really really really hard (I ran out of different ways to say it - without being complicated). If anyone has any tips could you please please please please put them in this guestbook, 'cos I'm having loads of trouble with it.

Sat Jan 15 08:20:32 2005
I'm Writing A Gamebook
Valid opinion, but I have tried to write long books before - after a while, I forgot about them. Plus, the game The Third Age is built to combine three films into one, so I think the book should too. And dont worry - it will be, in fact already is, much longer than 30 paragraphs. Anyway, the shortest route skips out practically all of the Fellowship, although it may not be very rewarding to choose that route.

Fri Jan 21 12:58:36 2005
General Chat
Owner of site - your homepage is dwon
Sorry about that, it seems to be working now though.

Tue Jan 25 19:39:57 2005
General Chat
Er...whatsyername...FFBC. There was a post a bity ago under the username Ipslore, that was me, and me and my friend have stopped with the book.

Wed Jan 26 11:43:58 2005
General Chat
This site is really cool. it's got loads of free books!


Theyre Lone Wolf, not Fighting Fantasy, but I think Lone Wolf is better than FF anyway (and who cares, if theyre free?).

Wed Jan 26 18:08:05 2005
General Chat
Yeah, I started one of those, Flight from the Dark. I'll finish it soon, you mark my words.

Mon Jan 31 04:44:28 2005
I'm Writing A Gamebook
Hey guys, do any of you know how to make a gamebook? Just wondering./ I have some great ideas, but I can't write them into gamebooks because I don't know how.

Tue Feb 1 07:05:46 2005
I'm Writing A Gamebook
What do you mean? I do it by writing paragraph 1, then writing the choices to go to page 2, 3, 4, etc. Then I jumble the paragraphs up at the end.
Here's a link to some software that may be useful :

Fri Feb 4 13:14:12 2005
I'm Writing A Gamebook
> Hey guys, do any of you know how to make a gamebook? Just wonderomg./ I have some great ideas, but I can't write them into gamebooks because I don't know how.

Yes. First of all, think up a plot for your book: if you don't do this, you find yourself wondering what to do next, and it takes a lot longer to finish. Then, write your ideas down. edit thgem until you have the BACKGROUND for your book. Write the rules, then you will know what penalties to make, and how to make fights. (NOTE you do not have to do this, if you are sticking to FF rules) Then flowchart the book, so that you know just what will happen where. then, start writing your adventure!

1. Don't write too much all the time: you will get bored very quickly (I do about an hour a day, but I shouldn't do any more!).
2. Make all your ideas your own: an adventure that is another book rewritten, is boring.
3. Makew the plot interesting: no boring tunnels with no different routes and nothing to do.

Check out this:

Better still, try http://www.fightingfantasy.com/ffgame.htm, which has all the information at the above link plus more.

Fri Feb 4 18:57:56 2005
House Of Horror
I tried House of Horror and died and 389. I ran out of stamina points.