That website with the software on it is useless. It's in a foreing language! It looks cool (the picture at the bottom, anyway), though. I that what you got on this site?
By the way, That adventure I was writing, I have stopped it now, because it wasn't hanging together properly. I have started another one where you climb a mountain, but it follows a system like Arimies of Death - not the normal FF rules. Would it work on this website?
No, the ADVELH software is nothing to do with this site, and it appears to be quite highly regarded. If you're frightened of a bit of French you needn't worry, the programme itself has an English version as the picture shows.
I don't know the rules of Armies Of Death, so I can't say whether it would work here or not.
Armies of Death has the same combat rules, but you would have a number representing the people in your army. Then if you were in a battle you would roll a dice against a battle table, and it would tell you how many people were killed.
Hi, this is a really great site. I actually discovered this site a couple of months ago, although I was so engrossed in playing the online gamebooks that i neglected to post my compliments here till now. :P Anyway, great job, and I hope there would more updates of new gamebooks in the near future.
Reading the reviews posted here earlier, I also saw two spoilers/solutions posted for Lair of the Troglodytes. but neither of them lead to the most successful endings. Of course, they were posted more than a month ago, so the writers have probably already found the best solution. Just thought I'd add my own version here:
1) Go to Badduz the Brewer and drink 2 cups of Elven spleen (-2 Sk). 2) Go to the Fungus Garden and track Badduz down, you'll get a Shroomshrine Grog, 6 tusks & 2 nuggets. 3) Spend ALL your tusks (you won't need them further) on dumplings and puffballs. I personally reccommend 2 puffballs and 3 dumplings(you can trade the Grog for a dumpling). 4) Head to the Guardroom. 5) Run for the tunnel and fall (-2 Stamina) and get Bosha's Gourd. 6) Fight a random monster (i believe there are six diff kinds in total). Note: remember that your skill is still down by 2(due to elven spleen) at this point. If you meet a monster of skill 4 or higher you may find it hard to win. Use all your puffballs if necessary, since the monsters all have low Stamina like you. 7) Beat the monster a get 2 tusks. 8) Proceed to the top of the Warren. 9) Show Bosha's Gourd to the Hag. 10) Buy the Elixir to restore your Skill (use the two tusks u got from monster earlier). 11) Buy the Mushrooms with your copper nuggets(THAT's why you have to visit Badduz earlier, to get the nuggs) 12) Go down left passage. 13) Turn right. 14) Follow the ghosts throughh hole in ceiling(get the clue about wrath of Akhuz). 15) Go to the Moon Cave--you now have the the Spear of Akhuz! (+2 Sk). Now quickly restore your Stamina to the full with dumplings if it's not full before 'turning the page'. 16) Use the growth potion and fight the Adventurer for 3 rounds. 17) Your clan chases off the humans, and Chief Vurg asks you for the spear. Do NOT give it to him. Be prepared to fight the final boss... 18) Fight Chief Vurg. Use ALL you puffballs/dumplings if you need them. Since you have the spear, you should be able to beat him... Voila! You are now the new Chief!
Hope this would be of some help to other players who are stuck. Short as this gamebook is, I still took a long time before i succeeded.
How are you doing whith that Lord of the rings game book, Matt. Is it going to be very long? (100 references should suite it fairly well - bellow that number is quite short)
Been slack for a while. I'm going to do some more now. I'm on paragraph 87, in which your character is on Rohan's West Border. The only problem is, one successful path through the book is shorter than the other - something I will do differently if I do a different book in future.
I'm trying to come up with a book idea. I sorta know the rules now, but the thing is, I'm trying to come up with a great idea. I think it'll be a modern-day type of book in which you're a world hero going around the earth to save towns, villages, and big cities. What does everyone think?
Greetings to all. This is the first time in several months that I've checked the site, and I must say (judging by the heavy posting) I'm thrilled with the amount of interest that it's drawing. Thank you to the admistrator (I'm sorry, I can't find your name!) for your maintenance, quick responses and support.
I really didn't think 'House of Horror' was that difficult when I wrote it. It's interesting to see the disconnect between myself as the writer and the way people actually react when reading the book. I think the difficulty with HOH is that it's counter-intuitive in a couple of places; in other words (and I'm guilty of this many times when I read gamebooks) you get used to taking a certain pathway repeatedly through part of the book because it 'feels' like the right one, so you don't explore other possible options.
If anyone is thinking about reading 'House of Horror', or for those who have failed a few times but want to come back, here are a few general hints:
1) The story CAN be completed even with the lowest character scores. So if you find yourself facing an "impossible" fight, you should explore a different pathway.
2) One of your adversaries plays an important, recurring role.
3) FF fans will doubtless recognize some similar situations to 'House of Hell' (FF #10), but modeling your decisions based on what you did in that book might not be a good idea.
And don't forget that you can email me for a walkthrough if you ever need it. My email address is posted in the story's introduction.
Thanks to everyone who has read and posted (especially the female readers! It's cool to see that Fighting Fantasy and more generally interactive fiction can have a varied following).
I like your site, but I think should add an option let people do the combat roles themsleves, so you can go back if you die unfairly. It'd also let you use luck in combat (I got killled because you removed that!)
Thanks. The luck in combat feature will almost certainly never be added, though you are not the first person to request it, it seems to be a popular rule.
You are however the first to suggest that the players should do their own dice rolls. The trouble with this one is that it makes the software virtually redundant, you may as well just read the book.
1: Why won't you add luck? Do you hate that part of the rules so much? I think it adds stratergy to a combat
2: say your going up with foe with vastly inferior but you get screwed by the die and die because of it
It's not a question of hate, simply that the rule is (in my opinion) more trouble than it's worth. I suspect that it has virtually no bearing on the outcome of the vast majority of fights and I can't think of a good way to incorporate it into the user interface. And although the rule is quite simple in its basic format, authors often introduce variations, usually relating to different weapons.
I think that the possibility of getting screwed by the dice is a fundamental aspect of any game involving dice.
I'm sorry but I think that Luck is a fundamental aspect of FF and I've always missed its appearance on your pages, but I understand that it must be difficult to implement.
However, I disagree with your statement that, "I suspect that it has virtually no bearing on the outcome of the vast majority of fights", because I'm afraid to say that it most certainly does.
In fact, without the Luck attribute, most of the tough combats in most FF books, become a bit too tough (especially mine).
This is even more true in my second book where certain combats become all but impossible without being able to resort to the statistic in question.
Now, I personally have no knowledge of Java or anything like that, but I'm sure that someone who reads your pages does and I wonder if they would be able to help you implament said statistic?
Funnily enough I had Hellfire in mind when I wrote the previous reply - I think that it has a fight you can only win by using LUCK. I forget exactly what I did to get round it.
I stand by my general statement though, which I admit is based on gut feeling rather than statistical analysis. I can see that if your LUCK starts very high this may afford you a few extra points of damage against one opponent. But it doesn't have to fall very far to become useless, and you may need to rely on it outside of combat. I suppose it all depends on how readily you can regain LUCK.
I'm not ruling anything out in future, but realistically it's never going to be the highest thing on the list. I apologise in advance to all "LUCK in combat" fans.
Anyone who has attempted to visit the site within the last week or so will have noticed that it wasn't there. This was caused by the hosts failing to renew the domain name despite taking my money for doing so.
I'm now in the process of moving to a different host, which may take another couple of weeks. In the meantime the site will hopefully continue to work, but any messages posted to the guestbook from now on (and maybe the last few already posted) will probably be lost when the switch finally takes place.
Finally, everything is transferred to the new host and there should be no problems from now on. As I indicated above, the most recent guestbook messages have been lost, which sadly means the interesting dog-related discussion is gone forever.
As I didn't set up the email correctly until today, it may be that some emails have also been lost. If you have sent me an email within the last month or so and received no reply that's probably what has happened. Sorry about that.
Um... I'm not sure you want to know. On a lighter note, I just played Impudent Peasant. It was a really fun game book, but how the heck do you win? Any help would be apreciated.
Yay, I finally beat Impudent Peasant, it was actaully a fairly easy gamebook. It was rather fun though. I have one other problem. I can't seem to beat Midnight Deep. Can someone help me? I always get to the ruins, but I die because I didn't follow the path I chose or something like that. CAn somebody please help me?