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The Black Lobster
Impudent Peasant!
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Sun Sep 11 23:33:32 2005
General Chat
Did you know about those:

Most of them could be adapted using your system. This is something to think about!


Thanks - yes I am aware of these. Of the ten that are there, I've already done three and one of them in all fairness isn't worth doing. Two more are not really Fighting Fantasy, but the remaining four could be possibilities in future should the writers come forward.

War Angel
Tue Sep 13 02:00:02 2005
General Chat
I've personnaly tried Death trap dungeon III. I believe it was good enough, although I wouldn't say as good as Hellfire or Riders of The Storm.

I realise that once you've played gamebooks with your system, it's really hard to go back to the old way where you have to write down stuff and roll dice and so on, and turn the pages to find the right paragraph.


Phil Sadler
Wed Oct 12 08:10:55 2005
General Chat
Holy cow, not so much as a single post for an entire month! Has everyone completed all the adventures now and no one has anything new to say?

According to the statistics, the site is more or less as popular as it ever was - that is to say: not particularly. This was always going to be a minority interest thing, but a healthy trickle of visitors are still downloading and playing yours and the other gamebooks, even if they are being quiet about it at the moment.

Fri Oct 14 00:28:45 2005
General Chat

This site is a real treasure. I have a complete collection of the original FF books, and to find this site now has re-ignited the old FF passion. I remember, years ago, trying to convert the Deathtrap Dungeon book to play on the Commodore 64, and ended up giving up for the lack of memory available, so I can really appreciate the effort involved in getting these things to run as smoothly as you obviously have.

Sincere thanks for the hours of pleasure I now have to look forward to in playing through these books.

Well I didn't have the problem of trying to get an entire gamebook to fit into 64K. Someone apparently managed it though:

Sun Oct 16 23:45:28 2005
General Chat
Thanks for the link.

Just tried the C64 version of Citadel of Chaos through an emulator. They did a remarkable job considering, even though the Test your luck function was bugged... They got around the memory problem by using a multiload from disk, allowing sections of the book to be loaded in as needed, and thus not restricting the program to the C64's ram limits. At the time, I was writing the software for tape users - multiload was a nightmare for this - , and also, despite the name, the Commodore 64 did not truly offer 64k in most cases. If any of the program used BASIC for the loader, or the shell for the machine code, as mine did, then you were in trouble. The BASIC interpreter used some of the allotted memory, so you only really had about 38k to play with, for a single one load program.. Ahhh, happy days! lol

Anyway, one small suggestion for this site: might it be possible to inject a little more drama into the combat sections by separating the dice rolls for the player character, and the enemy, rather than displaying it all at once? Just so we could say, like "Oooh, attack strength 12, now, to survive, I need to roll a 7 or lower, Come on!!", etc.
It's a good idea, but I think as Gaetano says below you'd soon get tired of clicking for every dice roll when you're fighting seven opponents.

Gaetano Abbondanza
Wed Oct 26 20:48:17 2005
General Chat
I'm sure the above suggestion is possible, but it would slow down gameplay, especially during repeated attempts at adventures that require multiple fights.

Name? You think I have a name!
Thu Oct 27 21:27:23 2005
General Chat
I was curious if there are any other sites like this on the internet. Not even fighting fantasy, but something that isn't as simple as a choose-your-own adventure, that I could play online?
I only know of two :


Name! You think I have a name?
Sat Oct 29 18:16:18 2005
General Chat
One of those has like nothing, and the other is in German. I realize that I might be asking for more than is avaliable, but not even just gamebooks. Anything you can play with a web brouser that is interactive fiction that is fiarly advanced. Thanks for your help. I apreciate the info you gave me.

Wed Nov 2 00:55:46 2005
Impudent Peasant!
Great site! I can't read normal text and have been having war with the British braille libruary to produce Ff game bbooks in braille (they'd work the same way, it'd just take you longer to look up each page). They totally refused! grrr!

well anyway it's lovely to find text fantasy game type things on the net that don't just involve leveling your charactor up (with no decent text!), in order to avoid being creamed by some high level player who's got nothing better to do than newby hunting!

If you know of any other sites that host similar gamebooks, or games, please let me know!

In the mean time, I've all your work to play through I've already got a fair way through impudent peasant, and fun it was.

Thanks again for making such a handy site, I can't wait to play more gamebooks like this with out having to rely on a friend.

Name! You think I have a name?
Wed Nov 2 02:01:45 2005
Impudent Peasant!
I know how that feels. Anyways, some online muds are fun, even when they envolve leveling up your character. However, they have to have some protection against newbie hunting... anyways, that's a whole other topic for a totally different forum. Impudent peasant is fun.

Wed Nov 2 08:49:32 2005
General Chat
Great site. I use a screen reader and love interactive fanatsy type games, but most of the things on the net I've found that claime to be Rpg's are just fairly dull stat grinding with no actual text content and thus no atmosphere.

I had a running arguement with the British National braille Libruary about producing Fighting Fantasy iin braille, it'd work the same, just take longer to look things up. They totally refused, but now there's this site to fill the gap!

I'm looking forward to playing all the games on this site, and any others you come up with as well. I also can't wait until writing of this style of adventure game becomes more comon among fans, the way Interactive Fiction aka text adventures have.

any other links would be welcome.

also, how do I play the gamebooks that haven't been adapted using your programme? the ones just in Ms word format?

what's the best way of searching for each page number I need to find with out getting spoilers?

(I want to find page 40, not find every place in the book where I'm told to turn to page 40!).
Thanks for your kind words. I've made a mental note to update the links page. It's never going to be an exhaustive list though.

You raise an interesting point regarding searching for the reference numbers. As part of the adaptation process, I save the gamebook as a text file, then put a hash before each reference number. If you had such a file you could search for, say, #100, and you would indeed only find the reference in question and not the routes to it.

Unfortunately I only have one or two of these modified files left. Let me know if you are interested, and I will post what I have.

Wed Nov 2 09:03:08 2005
General Chat
Wooopse! sorry about the repeating post there!

I've tried a couple of Muds, but the firewall on my university network seems to have arguements with Telnet, grrrr!

For anyone interested, there is a really really good online Sryth the age of Igtheon Www.Sryth.com, which works in a very similar style to the gamebooks you've posted here, the difference is the game has a much more complex stats and magic system (never fear though, it's easy to get the hang of and I'm writing a beginner's guide for it!), and also over five thousand pages of content with new stuff being added every day!

Oh, and sinse Sryth is single player, no newby hunting!

Why do I want more when Sryth is so good? I'm greedy that's why!

Seriously come and have a look, I love Sryth and I love this site, I'll leave the deductions up to you.

Andrew Wright
Wed Nov 2 23:36:21 2005
Impudent Peasant!
Hi Dark!

I'm the author of Impudent Peasant! - glad you enjoyed it as it was certainly a lot of fun to put together.



Thu Nov 3 01:50:28 2005
Impudent Peasant!
Yep, Andy, impudent peasant was indeed much fun, though it only took me too goes to finish, which probably means I've just been very lucky.

I'll be checking out Laire of the Trogladites and the Black Lobster as soon as I can avoid the necessities of essay writing.

Name! You think I have a name!
Thu Nov 3 03:44:11 2005
General Chat
Sryth seems a bit overrated. Not that it's bad or anything, but it takes to long to level up. Besides... I like multiplayer type games. I have the same question about gamebooks in ms word format )I am blind also). Anyways, once you get the beginners guide to SRyth posted, I would be delighted to read it. I was probably too hard on sryth, I just couldn't use skills/spells as much as in mud type games.

Thu Nov 3 08:51:03 2005
General Chat
I'm wondering nameless one, when did you play Sryth? the game's had a lot of updates run through it recently, including a compeition feature, and new content is appearing on an almost dayly basis. there was a point earlier this year when nothing was heard from the gm for ages, and everyone had thought he'd given up on the game, but now he's back in force.

the guide should be finished in a week or so, but come along to the Sryth.com forum, it's very screen-reader friendly and there are lots of people ready to answer your questions about skills, powers or anything else. there's even a new competition feature been introduced, but Sryth is stil closer to a very huge gamebook than a morp.

Oh, one thing you should probably know is that to get access to the new content (including the competition feature), you have to pay a twenty dollar a year subscription. But there's stil about 2000 pages worth of game that you can play for free, and with dayly updates I personally think Twenty dollars a year is sort of worth it.

Sorry about posting stuff about other games on a Fighting Fantasy board, but I'd personally say that Sryth is like a huge, much expanded and developed gamebook.

Nameless one
Thu Nov 3 17:29:07 2005
General Chat
I am the same person as was earlier. HOwever, I like Nameless one better now lol. I played about a week ago, it just seemed to slow paced. Not that's a bad game or anything, I just like other stuff better.

Thu Nov 3 21:54:40 2005
General Chat
I've never personally noticed Sryth being slow, but if your used to muds then it probably feels that way. Oh well, if we were all the same, everything would be very boring.

I have now finished the Black Lobster, it was also good, nice to play a charactor who isn't the main adventuring hero for once.

I also had a very good go at Hellfire, and I think I got really far. Unfortunately I got roasted by a wall of green flame that non of my items seemed to do much good against. Oh well, so it goes.

The Nameless One
Fri Nov 4 00:33:12 2005
General Chat
It's kind of weird. I like gamebooks more than sryth, but I am used to muds. Can someone explain that to me lol. I like really fast paced games, and really slow paced games (like the turn based manage your own country games on the internet etc). I don't like the stuff in between as much, and that is the category that sryth falls into I guess. Oh, Dark, play midnight deep. It's fun.

Fri Nov 4 10:50:22 2005
General Chat
Well I find the turn based internet stuff rather dull myself, but more due to a total lack of atmosphere than anything else. But the main reason I play any game is for exploration and atmosphere rather than anything else. Be it fast or slow, if there's a good sized world to explore, plenty of good writing in the descriptions that really drawer me in, and plenty of tasks to perform I don't mind how slow or fast the interface is. I've even pplayed quite a few text adventures aka interactive fiction, and sinse you have to type commands they can be really slow, but if they had the atmosphere and exploration elements I really enjoyed them.

I'll be away from my computer for the weekend but when I get back I'll certainly give midnight deep a go (along with all the others).