james hutchings Mon Dec 26 12:06:29 2005 Outsider!
There's a sort-of-flaw in 'Outsider': when you have a low Psychic score, you can be caught in a very dull loop of failing to open the lock and fighting an endless succession of Watchmen.
Dull though it may be, it is not endless as eventually you will either be killed by a watchman or succeed in opening the lock.
Hi all, I am sure the answer to this question is simple and I am being dense...but...How do I get the Golden key out of the Ruby? I am standing in a room very near the end I think which has some red stuff but all I can do is prod around with my sword which reveals nothing. It's late here and I am probably needing sleep but some help would be really appreciated.
Lol that part made me mad too. I've beaten the game, but when I went to replay it I forgot to do a certain part that wouldn't let me get the key. I'll give you a hint. There's two ways you can do it. One of them is extremely, and by extremely I mean extremely extremely, lol, close to the beginning. The other I can't remember where is, but I think it involved a book on a pedestal somewhere pretty deep into the plot. The first way is probably easier, but if I remember right, you miss something important by doing it that way, or at least something helpful or cool. *shrug* The choice is yours, good luck!
And so endeth the lesson...I had come across what you indicated which was why I knew what I was supposed to do, and then I thought...I wonder whether the bookmarked place I saved hadnt been a game where I came across the right location???
Just went back and played through in one go and...Yup!
I am wondering if I could get a hint as to the end of Outsider. I've bookmarked probably about 15 places in the game, but no mater what I do, I always either die a weird way, or die in the sewers. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Don't give it away entirely, I want to play the game and have fun. HOwever, the dumb thing is driving me crazy!
I have completed outsider and will happily offer up a hint to the hapless confused adventurer.
The key turning point to the game as to whether you will live or die at the end of your adventures (should you make it to the end that is) is in the second target presuming you killed Copper firstly that is. This man is one of the men described in your mothers diaries so killing him might not be the most appropriate course of action.
Gamebook Fanatic Sun Jan 15 11:20:57 2006 Outsider!
Actually, two out of the three men mentioned in the diaries should not be killed if you wish to play through to the end. They are both as vital to your survival.
I don't want the happless adventurer to be confused now, so I will offer up some hints that will lead to one of the several optimal endings that don't involve dieing.
When you have successfully killed Copper, you are sent to assasinate a necromancer who is one of the three men listed in your mothers diaries. If you don't kill him and if you let him teach you the ways of the left-hand path, you will have an opertunity to read a book in which are details of how to bring back the undead. Proceed with reading the book and carry this out. Your mother will reappear but won't tell you who your father is. However, you will have a long scar across your arm which we'll come to in a moment.
The other important turning point in the game if you followed the above course of action involves Defender. Defender is the last of the three men your father could have been, and again, if you don't murder him, he will offer you the opertunity to learn the secrets of the right hand path with him in exchange for the sword of one of his ancestors which you must fetch. If you successfully do this for him, you will be rewarded with a pentagram on your right palm which will again we'll come to in a moment.
Finally, after you have vanquished the prince after of course uncovering his plot to rule the city and idora has returned to you, you will meet your mother who you unwhittingly brought back from the dead when studying under your necramancy friend. She'll reveal your father to you and then you must kill her.
Depending on how you encountered and dealt with the second of your potential fathers, the count, you will reach one of two optimal endings if Idora survives the cataclismic battle between the mother and you.
you don't bring your mother back, but still never involve yourself with the thieves? I always thought that was one of the main turning points as well, if you tick off the thieves or not when you do the lil crossbow bit.
Can you still reach the endings if you
involve yourself with the thieves but still take the steps above?
Note: I've only done one of the endings, but I wouldn't mind knowing what happens durin the other one. If you think this is too much to spoil on site, could soeone contact me personally? I don't check my email much, so the oly way is through: Aim: Elementalblades0 MSN: kicrush@hotmail.com Yahoo: bladestorm360@yahoo.com
As far as I am aware, the thieves have nothing to do with your success or failure in the end. They are just useful contacts for information if you can get them to talk but are not worth worrying with as you have lots of alternatives. When you are given the opertunity to consult the thieves in the first instance when seeking information concerning the necromancer, you have the option of using your mental powers or seeking the words on the streets as well. The next time you are offered the opertunity to consult the thieves concerns the tracking down of ... but you can avoid them as well if you are level headed and explore the other avenues open to you.
Hope this helps. Got any more questions, email me on igucukoglu@hotmail.com
Spoiler: Ah, I figured the ending where the thieves killed you had to do with that little bit where you forced the thieves to kill that guy that shot at you when you caught his bolt. I avoided them when I went through the story and got thre true ending.
If I remember, you and Idora just ride off in to the sunlight to lead your new clear of wetworks life.
Could I suggest that you use the spoiler tag for this kind of thing, there may be people reading who would prefer to discover the endings for themselves.