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Escape The Asylum
Gem Runner
A Princess Of Zamarra
A Saint Beckons
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Rise Of The Night Creatures
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Bloodsworth Bayou
Golem Gauntlet
Shrine Of The Salamander
A Flame In The North
A Shadow In The North
Escape Neuburg Keep
Any Port In A Storm
Below Zero Point
Tales From The Bird Islands
The Ravages Of Fate
Nye's Song
A Knight's Trial
Return To G15-275
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Above The Waves
The Curse Of Drumer
The Word Fell Silent
A Strange Week For King Melchion The Despicable
Sharkbait's Revenge
Tomb Of The Ancients
A Midwinter Carol
The Dead World
Waiting For The Light
Contractual Obligation
Garden Of Bones
The Hypertrout
The Golden Crate
In The Footsteps Of A Hero
Soul Tracker
Planet Of The Spiders
Beggars Of Blacksand
The Diamond Key
Wrong Way Go Back
Hunger Of The Wolf
Isle Of The Cyclops
The Cold Heart Of Chaos
The Black Lobster
Impudent Peasant!
Curse Of The Yeti
Bad Moon Rising
Riders Of The Storm
Bodies In The Docks
House Of Horror
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Midnight Deep
Lair Of The Troglodytes
The Trial Of Allibor's Tomb

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Mon Jan 23 15:34:55 2006
General Chat
Sorry about that. Will pay more attention in the future to the buttons. I know this'll be a question you've often heard, but are there any plans to put more books online? Have you figured out a way of sorting the combat in isle of the cyclops yet? Also, has andrew right considered writing a full length book for the site? Someof the senarios in the black lobster look promising especially the one about the wizard yaztromo.
With Isle Of The Cyclops, it isn't just the rules that are a problem, but its concepts of freer movement and open-endedness. I would like to do something with it, but I haven't decided exactly what yet.

Luck saves lives in combat
Tue Jan 24 16:50:19 2006
General Chat
Why are you so insitent on not letting people use luck in combat? Its not a stupid option, I have died sevral times in these books because you would not let me! They were designed so that people could use luck.
I mean this program is cool and all, but why did you neglect this and insist on doing so?

Fri Jan 27 02:55:15 2006
General Chat
Personally, I don't like the fact that luck is even a part of the equation to begin with. I'd rather live or die on my own merits.

A lot of game books and RPGs use luck, I'm just not a fan of it at all. But since it is, I try to get as much luck as humanly possible. *grin*


Luck Saves Lives
Fri Jan 27 21:11:42 2006
General Chat
Ditto, I always perffered the Fate system in the Skyfall books, even if book 1 and 2 were cruddy.
But Luck is an important part of the ff system, and when the writers design it be used as a strategic option, and when it can mean the difference between life and death, it should not be cut out

Fri Jan 27 21:57:01 2006
General Chat
Oh, reading through thte pages, You could make luck in combat an item. You use it, it rolls as normal and takes a luck off your stat

Fri Jan 27 22:51:08 2006
General Chat
I don't think it's a matter of not the administrator not wanting to use luck in combat on the site; I think it's that it's a programming issue. At any rate, even if he wanted to, it would be a ton of work, I'm sure, to go back and reprogram all of the adventures, especially for a site that he maintains on his free time. Keep in mind also that all of the adventures can be accessed from the link section, so you could print them out and play them with whatever features you like.
It's a bit of both. I don't think it would be quite as hard as you describe, but it's not trivial either. I have no interest in adding the feature, so any time I have available to spend on this site simply isn't going to be used for this purpose.

Elf Of Power
Mon Jan 30 18:31:12 2006
General Chat
Does any one knew how to finish Creature of havoc

Gamebook Fanatic
Wed Feb 1 14:48:42 2006
General Chat
You can try looking in www.advancedfightingfantasy.com. I believe there's a solution for this book available there. There used to be one in www.fightingfantasy.com as well, but I think the owner redirected that site.

Fri Feb 10 03:13:02 2006
General Chat
Heh, long silence.

Wade Crawley
Fri Feb 10 03:58:27 2006
General Chat
Very enjoyable site. A couple of hours flew by while perusing the stories.

Sat Feb 11 13:18:23 2006
General Chat
lol Its amazing how time flys while playing these games.

Sun Feb 12 19:07:11 2006
The Black Lobster
Just read The Black Lobster.
Its fun and well written, but seems really, really unfair. How the hell are you supposed to survive the final chapther? Those 2 fights would be almost impossiable, even if you could use luck, but without it your just plainly screwed. And having read the text verison (theirs no way out of said fight!), the ending seems contrived and thrown together

Sun Feb 12 21:47:42 2006
The Black Lobster
The ending fight was rather simple, you just have to have the right item. I agree that was a pretty good book.

Gamebook Fanatic
Mon Feb 13 14:12:28 2006
The Black Lobster
Actually, there is a way out of the final fight, but you need to make the right choice in an earlier chapter to get a secret reference. You only have one chance to make that choice, and once you miss it, it's gone. You might want to play through the book again to look for it. Since the book is pretty short, it's not that hard to find. If not, here's the answer:


But yeah, I agree that if you choose to fight, it's pretty hard to win, since your starting skill can never be higher than 9.

Mon Feb 13 14:37:16 2006
The Black Lobster
Screw that, just:


Gamebook Fanatic
Thu Feb 16 12:03:42 2006
The Black Lobster

Mon Feb 20 10:54:37 2006
General Chat
to the heck with a couple of hours. A whole day flew by while i was on this enjoyable site!

Now, a fan :)

Wed Feb 22 05:59:54 2006
General Chat
Good to see you into these game books wraith!
Between this and Sryth, I have no time for LoGD. lol

Wed Feb 22 20:24:23 2006
General Chat
What a cracking good site. Thisll keep me occupied. Ive been a fan of the books for some 18 years, and still have lots of 2nd edition origionals. Even tho im about to hit 30 years old, (shhh), you cant beat the escapism of Fighting Fantasy and all its followers.

Wed Feb 22 22:05:41 2006
Sadly, the definitive Fighting Fantasy website, Mark J. Popp's fightingfantasy.com, no longer exists. Following the disappearance of Hugh Eldred-Grigg's site I had anticipated something like this happening, so I made a copy. For anyone who is interested, this can be found on the downloads page.

Please note that I have no intention of supporting it, so don't complain to me about broken links etc.