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Escape The Asylum
Gem Runner
A Princess Of Zamarra
A Saint Beckons
A Day In The Life
Rise Of The Night Creatures
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Bloodsworth Bayou
Golem Gauntlet
Shrine Of The Salamander
A Flame In The North
A Shadow In The North
Escape Neuburg Keep
Any Port In A Storm
Below Zero Point
Tales From The Bird Islands
The Ravages Of Fate
Nye's Song
A Knight's Trial
Return To G15-275
Devil's Flight
Above The Waves
The Curse Of Drumer
The Word Fell Silent
A Strange Week For King Melchion The Despicable
Sharkbait's Revenge
Tomb Of The Ancients
A Midwinter Carol
The Dead World
Waiting For The Light
Contractual Obligation
Garden Of Bones
The Hypertrout
The Golden Crate
In The Footsteps Of A Hero
Soul Tracker
Planet Of The Spiders
Beggars Of Blacksand
The Diamond Key
Wrong Way Go Back
Hunger Of The Wolf
Isle Of The Cyclops
The Cold Heart Of Chaos
The Black Lobster
Impudent Peasant!
Curse Of The Yeti
Bad Moon Rising
Riders Of The Storm
Bodies In The Docks
House Of Horror
Rebels Of The Dark Chasms
Midnight Deep
Lair Of The Troglodytes
The Trial Of Allibor's Tomb

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Fri Oct 6 14:36:08 2006
General Chat
Men this is the best book i my whole life me and my gang are creating this member game that is this game i like to buy all of the books but i can't afford it the first book i bought is "Trail of Champions".I MUST BUY ALL THE BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phil Sadler
Fri Oct 6 18:54:14 2006
General Chat

Fri Oct 13 18:45:26 2006
General Chat

Shieldless in Hellfire
Sat Oct 21 08:25:17 2006
Can anyone give me a clue as to where I can find the black shield in Hellfire? I've mapped out the game up to the point where the Trinitor asks you for it. Where do I obtain it?

Phil Sadler
Sat Oct 21 08:56:07 2006
Black shield:


Shieldless in Hellfire
Sun Oct 22 04:07:55 2006
Thanks Phil.
Now I have another problem

Who can help me?

Phil Sadler
Sun Oct 22 07:46:27 2006
The wall:


Fri Oct 27 05:43:26 2006
General Chat

My friend has started a job, and during slack periods he's slightly short of things to do. Annoyingly, his work server blocks any site that google recognizes as having games on it, so I've been downloading the gamebooks from this site and sending him them via E-mail.

the only one that I couldn't find a copy of though, was midnight deep. the book, certainly impressed me, and I'm pretty sure it would appeal to my friend as well. So if anyone happens to know where I might get a copyfor my friend, that would be good.

Oh yeah, I've also downloaded adobe reader and so can read pdf files (though obviously my screen reader can only handle the ones with actual text in them). A while ago, somebody said that a number of old game books (the fabled lands series I remember), were available as pdfs. If they are pdfs with text, I'd certainly be interested to know where to get my hands on them.

thanks in advance.

Fri Oct 27 17:59:35 2006
General Chat
I thought you said you always had trouble with PDF format gamebooks? I know I certainly can't play the fabled lands gamebooks or whatnot without accidently spoiling something. But anyway, if you want them, its a yahoo group that you have to subscribe to. Just google Fabled Lands and I'm pretty sure you'll hit that site, its pretty high on the list.

Andrew Wright
Sun Oct 29 00:01:54 2006
General Chat
If you're interested in the Fabled Lands PDF's go here:


Once you've been approved, click on the files section on the left-hand side menu. Click on the folder for Book 1, and then on the folder for Book 1 - The Adventure, and you should have a list of six PDF files. The ones you really need are the adventure and the rules, everything else is fairly superfluous.

Let me know on that forum if you have any difficulties!



Infinite Words
Sun Nov 5 05:10:45 2006
General Chat
Hum sorry.

I guess we're both stubborn in our own way :-).

No forum, no book.

Should you change your mind, I would instantly send your the result of my labour.


Mon Nov 6 13:16:33 2006
General Chat
People on this list might be interested to know that I've done a fair bit of updating of my online rpg / gamebook Age of Fable (www.ageoffable.net). It's not finished by any means, but it's now self-contained ie it shouldn't have any more areas where the game suddenly ends because you reach a bit I hadn't written yet. So check it out if you're interested, and please feel free to send any feedback to me - news@apolitical.info


Wed Nov 8 21:17:28 2006
House Of Horror

enjoying this site very much I am currently playing house of horror. I might need a walk through...

Thu Nov 9 01:03:31 2006
House Of Horror
Hello Yvonne. If you need a walkthrough, email me at pericles23@aol.com I would encourage you to play for a while before you do that, though. The adventure can be completed no matter how poor your initial stats are.

Mon Nov 20 22:48:44 2006
General Chat
this is an awsome site. does anyone know how you submit things onto it?

Sun Nov 26 00:29:22 2006
General Chat
Thank you very much for this site. As a screen reader user, this site is really great because I can not access print versions of the gamebooks without scanning them page by page.
The html vversions of the gamebooks are great! I'm currently playing Hellfire. I haven't tried playing pdf versions of the games yet, but I will try it sometime. Again, thanks for this site.

Sun Nov 26 13:10:41 2006
General Chat
I think to submit things to the site you just email your gamebook to the site owner.
Yes, that's correct.

eye of the dragon
Thu Dec 7 12:49:17 2006
General Chat
this is an new way to use fighting fantasy books

Sat Dec 16 13:22:22 2006
General Chat
Is there any way of saving games when you're halfway through because i've never enough time to finish a whole one. This isa great sight by the way

Mon Dec 18 16:44:45 2006
General Chat
Hi Claire. If your using internet explorer, click on the menu bar at the top of the screen, click favourites and click add favourite. Choose a name for the favourite for example Hellfire1 and then click OK. When you want to come back to the game, you access the favourite within IE itself or from the start menu favourites option.