I've added this new gamebook by Ulysses Ai to the downloads page. My intention is that there will be an online adaptation, but due to the sheer size of this one it may take some time.
I just wondered whether if davey was on this guestbook thingy whether he was planning on doing any more with Bad Moon Rising? I particularly enjoyed that game, short though it is and I think a lot more could be done with it.
What is the best possible ending in Hunger of the Wolf? After the twist all the endings seem to be death, or leading a mediocre existence. Is there anyway to reverse the twist?
Hi guys. Thanks for all the comments on Hunger of the Wolf. I'm particularly pleased that you seem to like the twist - I was worried people might find it somewhat contrived.
If you've become a friend to the swamp orcs by killing the swamp orc earlier, it says they give you a bow and five gold. But it only registers the bow.
This and the other bugs that you and James have spotted are fixed now.
there is one crucial thing that you need to do. After you go through the painting and end up in the castle, you need to search the chest. Here, you will find a blank scroll. Then, after you meet Grisela, you show her the scroll, and she is able to read it and warn you about the trap in the secret room. Then continue as normal. Get past the guard, go to the room, give the right password, and enter. Only this time, you will avoid the trap and find the Star of Ages.
Its the part where you go throughthe painting, pass the room of bones, give the answer about orions belt, then reach the room with the password. I think this is where you get the star-crystal, right?
I'm not sure exactly what part of the adventure you are referring to, as there is more than one area that could be described as "secret". Maybe you can send me an email at pericles@aol.com and describe what exactly is in this room and what kind of trap you are encountering, and I'd be happy to give you tips or even a walkthrough if you like.
Right at the start you meet a Blood Zombie. Instead of fighting it call the Trinitour to help you up the tall tree that's mentioned in the text. Much later on you must fight the Fiend from the Pit and and then (at the very next reference) you will notice that there is mention of a "chasm." Get the Trinitour to throw you over this chasm. Do both of these things and toy will get the items you need.
I'm playing 'Riders of the Storm' at the moment, and am stuck at the Earth Elemental. I've mapped out the island to that point and made sure I've collected every possible object, but nothing works. What am I missing?!?!?!?!?!?
I really liked Hunger of the Wolf as well. Two bugs I've found though. (I've stuck them in spoiler tags so as not to spoil the book for people who haven't found them).
The Archery Contest next to the market- if you bet on this and lose, it takes all your money, no matter how much you've bet.
The instant death sword (the one you get from the peasant women if you give them three gold). If you roll a natural 12 and get an instant kill, it doesn't give you any options after that.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, there will be fixes for both of these problems in a couple of weeks' time.
Thank you for your reply (and good luck on your exams!)
Well, it was mostly an idea I've had for a while. I've started countless books (about a hundred paragraphs each) but never finished any of them.
Not to sound pretentious but I think that my writings are up par to yours.
I don't think it's feasible to involve too many people to write one book, but I think it might possibly work if a few motivated individuals are involved.
As far as the main ideas, I personally have quite a lot of them.
I would like to try something very different, along the lines of the Creature of Chaos.
"Phil, I know you aren't working on a new book right now. I would like to know if you would consider participating in a collective effort."
I'm in the middle of exams for the moment so I have to concentrate on those for the time being, which is why it's taken me so long to read your post. I'm still not all that sure that I'd really want to put myself through the process of writing another book even with someone else. Firstly, I just don't really know if I have it in me anymore and secondly I'm very used to working on my own.
It's still an interesting thought though: do you have any ideas about what you'd want to do and do you have anyone else on board for the project?