Artwork © Rado Javor |
Even after decades, the dreaded pirate known only as Kurtz still terrorizes travelers on the southern
sea. An unknown for most of his life, Kurtz exploded onto the scene when he turned to a life of murder.
Using a modified military-grade aircraft, Kurtz has robbed and killed thousands.
Though pirates have always been common, Kurtz's daring and brutality sets him apart from the
multitude. Unlike other bandits, who rely on sheer force of numbers, Kurtz flies only with a small band
of devoted followers. Thanks to this limited membership, along with the fact that he only attacks at
night, Kurtz has evaded capture.
The world has chugged along despite his efforts, but Kurtz remains a very real threat. The blood he's
spilt could stain the very ocean, and more lives are claimed every month. Even as his death toll rises,
many search for Kurtz. Whether for bounty, justice, or fame, these brave souls search for a true demon.