Tales From The Bird Islands Development


Sat Mar 15 16:44:48 2014
Large scale battles

Whenever the book says that your crew must fight, or when the opponent has STRIKE and STRENGTH values instead of SKILL and STAMINA, then the rules for large scale battles must be used. they are as follows:

1 Combat in large scale battles is simultaneous and is conducted in a very similar manner to individual combat.it is a series of roundsin which one force in the battle will inflict damage upon the other.

2 Roll two dice. Add your opponents' STRIKE score to the roll. The total is your opponents' attack strength

3 Roll two dice again. Add your CREW STRIKE score to the roll. the total is your crew's attack strength.

....as per usual FF rules, the higher attack strength deals two CREW STRENGTH damage to the other and with a draw you have no damage for anybody...
I could find no use of LUCK to increase or reduce the damage, and this will make Andy happy....;-)

Wed Mar 19 20:19:29 2014
Hi all
I've been working like a man possessed over the last few days! My trading game idea is really coming along. It's the maths I have the biggest problem with (so far), but I've made it over the hill and from now should be coasting.
I've got three questions I wish to ask (only three? That's not like you!)
I will start with the easiest first if that's ok?
Q1. Mr editor. How are the online conversions going for the 'Bird island' Game books? Haven't seen any updates (or anything) in ages?
Q2. 'Humming bird Island'. To be blunt, I want to be able to go to your island, harvest (for want of a better word) a box full of your 'special fruit' and return to my ship with it. Would this be possible?
Q3. Ulysses. How much is a healing potion worth at your Apothecary (if they sell them?) The reason I am asking is that I've got some for sale on my own islands and I don't want 'em to be wildly different (for obvious reasons). My price was around 25 talons per potion (for a full STAM restore, the price of two and a half 'Hyena pelts' on Goi-Han'). Is this too much or too little? To stop mass buying of this product, you cannot buy one if you allready own one or more. Since your Apothecary probably makes such fine potions they would probably be cheaper there (though I have got an idea for a secret outlet for them of my own.)
Q4. I Was wondering (no praying) if I could write my game book/s into smaller versions. I've never been good at mixing up the Ref numbers (on a big scale any way, I'm sure I am missing something, some trick to make it easier???) This would make it far easier for me (Alot).
I.E. If I have a particularly tricky location to write (like a market for instance) then can I write a seperate 'game book'(?) for that difficult location? The reason being is that there could be multiple reasons why some items might be or might not be for sale at that momment in time.
Will this generate any problems? i hope not?

Wed Mar 19 20:33:57 2014
Sorry, was that four?

Wed Mar 19 20:56:50 2014
Hello man possessed :-)
Q1 Just write your gamebook and Mr. FFProject will convert it for on line use (thank you, Mr. FFProject!!!)
Q2 Everything is possible and if it's not we can just change Hummingbords Island to make it possible. I'm not sure what you mean with "special fruit", but I'm sure that if you explain it clearly enough to Mr. FFProkject, he'll be able to make it happen, while implements your gamebook for online use.
Q4 When I write gamebooks, I use a free supporting siftware called LGC (LibroGameCreator) that helps a lot keeping track of everything, randomizing the paragraphs and updating the gamebook "tree of choises". I know that there are several other free software editors available for the same duty. Just pick one and enjoy!

Thu Mar 20 00:16:29 2014
Q3: I'll look it up when I get home tonight, but I don't think it's a problem if the prices are very different. Generally, leaving an island will mean abandoning your adventure there, so when you get back you have to restart it; therefore the price of anything should be consistent with the prices of other things within an adventure, but there is less need for everything to be the same price everywhere. If a player knows they can get somethign cheap somewhere and is willing to travel there to get it, I think that's a good thing since it makes the archiapelego more of a world to be travelled rather than a list of gamebooks.
I would expect things in the Blackmaw markets to be cheaper that elsewhere due to high competition there. But I'll look it up later. I have also tried to base costs on things in Goi Han.

Thu Mar 20 09:29:00 2014
Q3 (continued)
Ok...if a full STAMINA restore (up to 24 points) on Goi Han cost 25 talons, that's more or less 1 point of STAMINA per Talon. Currently I have in the Blackmaw markets a bottle of healing potion costing 10 Talons and restoring 6 points. That's probably still consistent given that I believe on Goi Han STAMINA was restored through a spell, whereas a bottle of potion has packaging costs, not to mention other overheads involved in getting it from its point of manufacture and into the store.
So I think those prices are fine.

Fri Mar 21 22:35:51 2014
Hi all, back again.
Yaztromo. 'Specail fruit'.
I seem to remember from 'Hummingbird' that there were three different types of fruit (or fungus maybe) that had different propertys on your island. I think one of these had a 'special' property, either magical or hallucinatory?
I may have this mixed up though, as I think I read a post about someones island having hallucinatory fruit which is what I'm really after. I've got a funny idea for it, thats all. Nothing too sinister I might add.

Sat Mar 22 00:30:58 2014
Yes, there are hallucinatory mushrooms.
My point is that everything can be changed to make room for a good hook for a good story.

Sat Mar 22 09:33:40 2014
Thank you Yaztromo.
The reason I asked was because I consider it rude to assume it was ok to add or remove or change things on other peoples islands without the authors consent.
I ask permission to be polite, thats all.
Is there any hallucinatory fruit on anybody elses island? This would make more sense for my gamebook than mushrooms, though they will do just fine if not?
How's your 'Atol' idea going by the way?

Sat Mar 22 17:11:27 2014
My Albatross Atol is going OK: fundamentally it's such a nice place that inspires you to give up whatever quest or adventuring life you were involved in. A kind of "reverse adventure", under some point of view.
I'm probably 3/4 of the job, but during last couple of months I had huge headaches from the work side and I come home very heavy headed, so progression slowed down quite a bit...

Sat Mar 22 18:40:09 2014
@ Jest

Yes, on Papagayo island one can find a certain fruit that causes hallucinations.

Sat Mar 22 20:33:48 2014
Hi Gaetano.

Yaztromo. Sorry to hear about your head problems. I myself have just come down with a pretty nasty case of Tonsillitis. Haven't been ill in years and I forgot how much fun a sore throat, coughing, sneezing and feeling like the undead really was!
Just a thought, but will there be an underlying reason to go to 'Albatros Island' or is it simply a trap island? If you put a strange indigenous fruit on there that could be harvested, I could use that and it would make a good reason to keep going back? Just an idea.

Gaetano. Could I write it into my gamebook that it's possible to go to your island and collect a box full of your fruit for my own purposes? I'd tell you why but it might spoil the surprise.
Instead of asking for changes in already-written gamebooks, why not simply follow Ulysses' original instructions and just name one object that you need and one object that you will provide (this latter could be one that an earlier author has requested, if there are any unaccounted for) ? Then write your own gamebook and leave it up to a future author to introduce the object that you need.

Sat Mar 22 23:20:58 2014
I can put some strange fruit ;-)

Sun Apr 6 09:29:48 2014
With Gaetano's Papagayo Island this project is taking "official" life!!!
Happy! :-)

Mon Apr 7 02:01:28 2014

Regarding the emerald-studded crown you requested, does it need to be an "ancient artefact" kind of item, or can it be just a newly made golden crown with emeralds in it? If you want to provide a one-line description I can use that directly.

It doesn't matter to my story what the crown is like, I just need to be able to describe it in a way that's consistent with the item in your story.

I'm currently redesigning my gamebook because I realised that the main quest was probably boring, so there will be a bit more of a delay in getting it completed.

Mon Apr 7 21:34:31 2014
@ Ulysses

I picture it as being more of the "ancient artifact" type of item, but my description is pretty sparse. Feel free to add in more details.

Tue Apr 8 05:45:54 2014

My description will also be rather sparse, but an antique-looking one it will be.

Sun Aug 24 21:49:47 2014
I just sent to Andy the draft of Albatross Atoll. I don't know if it will be deemed acceptable for his standards, but anyway I hope this will re-ignite the interest on this lovely project!

Sun Sep 28 09:14:01 2014
@ Ulysses Ai, Ramsay Duff, D-L-T and pi4t.
How are your gamebooks progressing?

Tue Oct 28 20:31:41 2014
I'm exploring Silouhette Island and I found that paragraph 9-1 tells you "You know you must find the old temple within it.", but actually there is no way for me to know it (at least along the game that I'm playing, I don't know if somewhere else this is explained).
Maybe this bit could be explained a bit better? Nobody told me about that old temple before...
The issue is that in the background to the original gamebook you are commissioned by Lord Azzur to go to the temple on Silhouette Island and bring back the Sleeping Dragon statue. Obviously, this aspect doesn't fit in with "Tales From The Bird Islands" so I've attempted to remove all references to it. The sentence you mention is a bit that I missed, and I've now got rid of that one as well.

As things stand, the player is not meant to know anything about Silhouette Island before visiting, and it is just one more island to explore for its own sake. In future, somebody could add a reason to go there (and I suppose that could even be the appearance of Lord Azzur to kick the mission off as originally written), or indeed some use for the Sleeping Dragon statue itself.

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