Tales From The Bird Islands Development


Sat Mar 26 12:37:13 2016
The things I would do to own that.

Fri Jan 27 22:34:36 2017
Quite a lot of time passed since last island was added... does anybody want to bring this project forward? :)

Mon Jan 30 23:51:50 2017
Yes! Am still working on mine with the few scraps of time I get to write. Have almost finished my sea going adventure, just a few more passages and then to jumble them up. Am not looking forward to that though, have got a feeling that's going to be the tricky bit :-)

A.E. Johnston
Fri Feb 3 04:35:04 2017
Hi Jest,
I also have similar problems when I write my gamebooks, the "jumbling up" paragraphs portion is always a drag! However, I believe there may be pieces of software that can do this for you- I am not the familiar but it may be worth checking them out online. Just a thought!

A.E. Johnston
Wed Feb 8 06:38:14 2017
Jest, I found a great program online- "Twine" that is easy to use and has helped me plan out my gamebooks. It is worth checking out!

Sat Feb 11 15:23:00 2017
When I write gamebooks I use Libro Game Creator 3 http://www.matteoporopat.com/librogame/libro-game-creator-3/ - English is part of the supported languages, if you were in doubt.
It is donationware and supports up to 999 paragraphs.

Tue Apr 11 15:03:47 2017
Hi all.
Thanks for the responses and sorry it's taken so long to reply. I will try and look up these programs when I have the chance, but I've also found some valuable hints and tips on the subject of not only writing but also jumbling up the references, mainly from a blog from Jonathon Green (I'm sure you've heard of him) and another American author who wrote another type of game book that seems similar (can't remember his name :-( ). I'll first attempt to just copy and pasting and keeping lots and lots of notes, hopefully that will suffice!
I can only apologies for how long it is taking, I just hope it is worthy and workable once I submit it/them (fingers crossed).
While I'm here I'll mention that I've played through a few islands recently (to get back into the swing of things), mainly the debacle at dead man's inn and the follow up games - but also others - and found a few things that seem a little strange? I'm not trying to point out faults - well I am, but for a good cause - I'll post them in a spoiler alert when I have the time.
Peace to all, and I love this site!
Thanks very much, good to hear that you're still working on it. Regarding the strange things, if you think you have found any bugs, could you email me the URL, or alternatively paste it into a guestbook message?

Wed Apr 24 13:29:55 2019
Wow! Two years passed since last post.... :/

Richard Evans
Mon May 27 22:06:33 2019
Ah, sad times... it was a good concept, and tbf a surprisingly large number of islands got made in the end.

Would probably ended up writing more for it myself, but I've gotten distracted by other geeky hobbies (RPG's, to be precise). Don't suppose anyone here saw they brought out some new versions of the old FF's? They also created a new one, "The Gates of Death", which was a lot of fun.

Sun Aug 4 11:18:26 2019
I'm busy with other things as well, but chances are that sooner or later I'll be back to this, just to put a bow on it, if nobody else does it before.
What I love of Fighting Fantasy Project is that it always played the slow but sure game.

Sat Mar 6 14:06:42 2021
On Hummingbirds Island, section 2-27, at the end of the section are the words: "Restore your SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK to their Initial values."
I think these words should be hidden from the player, as they are automatically delivered by the software.
You make a good point, but rightly or wrongly this is the way I've done it throughout all the gamebooks. It would be a huge task to change it everywhere now.

james marshall
Tue Mar 12 22:06:19 2024
In Isle of The Cyclops 1 of the quests from the temple has you be asked to get A Rocs Egg from Crescent Island

But the book that covers Crescent Island isn't out yet, can you tell me when it will be out?

Sun Mar 17 08:57:37 2024
Hi james.
New islands get added when an author takes the time to write one, submit it to the site. Unfortunately, the momentum for this project has ran out and I don't think therer has been an addition for many years, which is reflected in this thread.
That said, I do have a memory of reading an adventure set on an island involving seeking out a Roc's egg. I believe I read it because the author asked for some feedback, but I don't recall anything happening after that.
Perhaps your interest will prompt them to provide what was done at least for the downloads page.

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