Tales From The Bird Islands Development |
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Ulysses Thu Dec 19 01:00:00 2013 |
@ Admin Island layout in the map looks good to me. |
Robert Douglas Thu Dec 19 15:36:40 2013 |
Zombies in their underwear, all big fans of Bird Islands, trying to get it published in defiance of tyrannical mortals. |
Tammy Thu Dec 19 18:12:14 2013 |
HA! |
Tammy Thu Dec 19 21:37:27 2013 |
Bird Islands gets published, zombies torch their underwear and celebrate. Oooh what a mess they make, CLEAN UP IN AISLE 6! |
D-L-T Fri Dec 20 11:18:22 2013 |
I'm about 10 paras in to my book. I expect to be finished mid-jan. the working title is: "Tales from the Bird Islands: Crescent Isle". I may come up with something better... Is there a going to be a common/shared intro describing classes and combat etc. for the series under the Fighting Fantasy system? The one in Isle of the Cyclops' text version is not for FF, it's for a different system. |
D-L-T Fri Dec 20 12:55:07 2013 |
a couple of other things about my book:
Qn for the mod - the 8-item inventory limit written in the intro to IOTC - is that enforced? |
No plans to enforce a limit on the number of items carried. |
D-L-T Sun Dec 29 10:42:29 2013 |
@Ulysses - i need to ask you some things about the baron of blackfort... pls post when you've seen this... |
Ulysses Sun Dec 29 11:01:19 2013 |
@ D-L-T: Ok, I'm here... If you had of posted your questions I would be answering them now... :P |
D-L-T Sun Dec 29 11:50:56 2013 |
@Ulysses - I need some information about him to write the descriptive passages in my book. What is he like? Is he a trustworthy/honourable man? How about cunning? I need to know a bit about his character - despotic/tyrannical/just/wise/rich/scheming etc. Also I am assuming he is powerful enough that he commands some respect/notoriety... |
Ulysses Sun Dec 29 12:21:20 2013 |
@ D-L-T The Baron is a tyrant who is in the process of expanding his influence in the archipeligo. He is doing this by trying to gain a monopoly over the spice trade by forcing all of the trade to go through him. He achieves this by employing a growing fleet of ships to protect his own spice shipments and unofficially sponsoring piracy on his competitors shipments. He is able to do this because Blackfort Island is more or less impregnable and gives him a powerful base to work from. He is a self-styled Baron, holding no official title, and is a vain and increasingly arrogant man. He is intelligent and cunning, but also greedy and ambitious. He is immensely unpopular, though he does reward well those who serve him. Everywhere he has influence he imposes fees and taxes or commands high or low prices as it suits him, which further fills his treasury. He is also, nominally at least, an adherent of the cult of Saitra, a blood-drinking serpent-goddess; whose worship he propagates through the archipelago, though this is suspected by many to be a means of seeking more power. He is quite powerful, having a fleet of ships at his command, which allows him to control shipping, which brings him wealth, which allows him to employ more ships, which gives him more control, and so on... The only limit currently would be any other powers in the archipelago that can muster ships or have a strongly defensible position; and he must be careful that his ambitions do not seem to threaten the King of Analand (whose kingdom I assume the Bird Islands are part of). I hope all that is helpful. I am yet to give him a name or a physical appearance, but I was thinking of him being known at least as 'Baron Highblood' (as assumed name) and that he would be a lordly figure, but stocky in build and not tall (something he would surely be sensitive about). Let's give him long dark hair and huge mustaches. |
D-L-T Sun Dec 29 12:36:24 2013 |
@ulysses: all I needed and more. thanks :-) |
Andrč Pietroschek Wed Jan 1 14:30:48 2014 |
All I think about is replacing the baron with a sexy, villainous baroness instead. The kind, which makes heroes regret being dutiful! Females are usually better with socials, and that political patience needed... in my head the medieval version got black hairs and blue eyes, while the WuXia variant got black hair and jade-green eyes. x-) |
D-L-T Wed Jan 8 02:25:16 2014 |
@Andre - i think you're looking for literotica, not a handbook... @project participants: I've written about 30 paras and am on track to finish next week as planned. I have to say that I'm finding it rewarding, but also quite hard work. Ulysses, I have no idea how you turned out an 800-ref Monster like The Diamond Key - 50 refs will be plenty for me... Q for you all: is there a gamebook intro describing combat, armor/weapon system, common ites etc. which I can simply copy and can be shared across the series? I looked at IoTC but that intro is not for the FF system. |
Volden Katanar Sat Jan 11 20:24:48 2014 |
@D-L-T: If you're talking about the default first few pages in a FF book (before Background) then I think there's one available for download at fightingfantasygamebooks.com. |
D-L-T Sun Jan 12 12:41:45 2014 |
Hi - thanks Volden, that is helpful but IOTC has some special rules to do with Armor and there was some discussion of what we might do with fine/magical weapons...? |
D-L-T Mon Jan 13 03:59:15 2014 |
Well, I've finished my book! (almost, anyway). All 54 entries are done. I now need to finish the introduction and add the gamebook preliminaries. I'll email it in as soon as this is done (which email address should I mail it to, and are there any favoured file formats?) |
It's probably best to send it both to me so that I can get on with the online version and to Ulysses (his email is ff_stories(at)hotmail.com). Any normal file format is OK by me. |
ffproject Mon Jan 13 09:03:48 2014 |
Regarding the introduction/instructions, as nobody has answered D-L-T's earlier question I'll make a suggestion. I think that these should be contained in a separate document, and not copied into each individual gamebook. This document would simply be the relevant parts of the Isle Of The Cyclops introduction, with the proprietary rules replaced by standard FF rules. I don't mind making the first draft of such a document if nobody else wants to, though I would leave it to others to work out the finer details of weapons etc. |
Jest Sun Feb 9 00:14:33 2014 |
Hello everyone involved with this site, from the creator to the authors to the readers, it's brilliant! I've been visiting for years, though I think this is my first post and I'd like to say thanks to all. I'm loving the idea of 'Tales From The Bird Islands', though I have noticed that there's not been alot of activity on the site recently so I hope the project is still going and all partys are still intrested? I have played through and enjoyed 'IOTC' and 'Hummingbird island' (the later I found quite fustraighting untill it clicked together and i had a little laugh at myself!) I have a couple of ideas myself and would love to have a go at joining in? |
You're more than welcome to join in. If you read through the thread everything should be made fairly clear, but feel free to ask any specific questions. As far as progress goes, Gaetano has finished his gamebook and I am working on it now; also D-L-T has done his but I am not sure if he wants to make further changes or not. |
Yaztromo Mon Feb 10 08:46:33 2014 |
Hi Jest, I'm really pleased that Hummingbirds Island made you laugh: that's the best comment I ever hoped to get! I love this project: please join! |
Jest Thu Feb 20 20:24:02 2014 |
Hi again. I've got so many ideas (and questions) that its not even funny. I've had this problem with game book writing before, it tends to get too complicated and spiral so much out of contol that I end up not finishing them. Anyway I've come up with three island ideas and was wondering what you all think? I'll start with the least complicated and work from there (I'm not sure about the third island, its screwing with my head and getting too complicated). 1st island name is lucky island (this is a very simple idea). Basically its an island with a peace loving religion on it. There is a temple and a farm and nothing else. Here you can gain a blessing from a priest (for a price?) that restores your luck score; and for more money you can become ordained so you can return to the island and temple at any time and have your luck and stamina restored for free? This might require a quest? I thought of this because I found a problem with IOTC where you could lose all your luck and not have a chance in the Cyclops' lair (I don't know if I've got this wrong?) What do you all think? |
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