Bad Moon Rising


Thu Feb 27 12:08:15 2014
I agree with the other comments about the title, that is very nice in itself but in my opinion doesn't fit too well with this story.

Thu Jun 12 13:54:28 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
I had an initial skill of 7, lost 1 skill due to sword-throwing zombies (what an idea!) and somehow still managed to perform amazing acrobatics to save her own skin.

This lady is 1 lucky b**** and she didn't even have a luck check.

Love the dialogue.

5 down, many more to go!

Fri Sep 26 23:42:10 2014
Love this

Fri Dec 12 13:39:34 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
this is the 2nd book completed in 5min

Sun Dec 21 07:15:32 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
great game

Sun Jan 18 07:55:52 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
I beat it and enjoyed it

Fri Feb 13 00:48:25 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
If I had the time right now to play this game I would/ good game very hard .

Sun Apr 5 13:36:41 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
Good fun, particularly with such a great protagonist who's jaded view on life (and indeed the afterlife), we get to experience.

I just wish there was more of it, or indeed the sequel mentioned in the comments sinse I'd definitely like to know more about Martine and Jack's further misadventures.

Paul Weston
Wed May 20 21:43:19 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
That was a lot of fun. I guess I won, that is I am still alive but I wasn't sure if I achieved the end goal or not. Damm near killed me a number of times. Love the narrative and the humour and adult language made it very interesting. I liked it.

Sun Jan 3 17:43:32 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
Really good! Second one I have completed now!

Thu Nov 3 18:41:22 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
This was a pretty fun one. It's too bad I can't get my hand on the real deal...

Sat Feb 25 14:12:28 2017
Star - optimum ending reached
It plays like one of the supernatural ep in tv, much actionism but no character depth or story arc. Replace the guys with dean and sam and its a supernatural ep.

Kostas 30
Thu Sep 14 20:52:03 2017
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

This is my first expirience with an interactive role playing story and I believe that I might got hooked with the genre already.


Mon Nov 6 11:57:30 2017
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Goes on for quite along time, I have to keep returning back to the same page after going down all the passages. It is quite hard to get killed and hard to gain attributes. Many stages are repeated so you are repeating challenges and losing attributes as you do it although you should only be able to complete a challenge once.

Mon Nov 6 12:20:16 2017
Star - optimum ending reached
I just survived by clicking random options... but I couldn't go east when I selected it.

Mon Nov 20 17:22:19 2017
Star - optimum ending reached
That was wonderful for a short play. I especially liked how play on the way in influenced the play on the way out. I do think some more could have been added for the conclusion, but it was also a relief to not have any instant-losses at the end. Overall great. 98/100

Wed Nov 29 22:22:45 2017
Star - optimum ending reached

Wed May 9 18:19:14 2018
Star - optimum ending reached
Had a blast with this.

I read tons of Choose Your Own Adventures as a kid, and would have loved to play D&D (or something similar) but didn't have anyone else interested in playing. These Game Books would have been perfect, but I only found out about there existence yesterday (I'm 32). Reading up on Game Books brought me to this site, and this story jumped out at me (love the CCR song), and the story didn't disappoint. Not sure how difficult this one rates to others, but I made it through first shot and had some good fun.

Was a great first experience with Game Books, and I'll definitely be looking for more!


Sun Mar 10 19:40:38 2019
Star - optimum ending reached
blimey,i actually completed one. that was fun!

a confused random player
Wed May 22 17:32:12 2019
Star - optimum ending reached
with all the howling and the snarling in the intro, it seemed to be some kind of werewolf story, but the main character is a hobbit or midget? its ok as a adventure but the who is who and what races they are seemed a bit confusing?

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