Curse Of The Yeti


Mon Feb 1 12:24:35 2010
In of the yeti, I'm starting with stats 6/12/6. Is this meant to happen?
No, you shouldn't have any stats at all. I have fixed this now, thanks for pointing it out.

Wed Oct 16 23:28:03 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Sun Oct 20 23:07:18 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
what is the riddle anser

Sat Dec 7 03:31:22 2013
Star - optimum ending reached
Love the yeti adventure

Wed Dec 18 10:48:28 2013
Star - optimum ending reached
very easey to do if you have:

Wed Dec 18 16:28:16 2013
Star - optimum ending reached
Good adventure - liked the lack of stats and the fact I won (first time I've done so on one of the online books), however the final battle with the yeti seemed a trifle easy (I just turned him to stone).
There are quite a few different ways to kill the Yeti. One day I'll make these into 'Additional Challenges', probably.

Thu Dec 19 10:43:11 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Sat Jan 11 15:49:33 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Scroll #2, thank you.

Fri Jun 13 08:56:19 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Bah, couldn't find him.

Guess I'll never have a chance to return the 25 gold pieces I borrowed

Barbour son of lane
Mon Aug 18 04:20:26 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Must keep going north... I think ? Oh well this was very entertaining and I enjoyed the story

Player dude
Mon Dec 15 20:06:10 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
This was good, but, to be fair, I got in a position I was completely powerless to do anything.

Kev from skem
Mon Dec 7 21:50:53 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Loved this even though i died

Sun Dec 13 04:14:02 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Muah, I died. Enjoy your feast dragon.

Mon Apr 18 02:09:33 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
either this is really short or im just lucky.

Fri Oct 20 18:03:08 2017
Star - optimum ending reached

the yeti
Mon Feb 12 05:44:54 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
so much words and I have no idea what the crap I'm suppose to be headed and I died suddenly?

Thu Mar 1 08:46:15 2018
Star - optimum ending reached
I killed the yeti !😀

Sat May 12 16:48:06 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Nice quest

Billy Bob
Sat Jul 21 16:12:39 2018
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
To much reading

Mon Mar 11 10:40:11 2019
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
took the wrong ice bridge :(

Sat Apr 20 20:19:01 2019
Star - optimum ending reached
Interesting...that was a incredible interesting.

Levi Ackermann
Mon Apr 19 08:52:01 2021
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Ofc i survived

Tue Oct 19 03:01:16 2021
Star - optimum ending reached
Refreshing not having to deal with being screwed by the dice.

Fri Feb 24 06:39:02 2023
Been a while since I was on this site but wanted to come back & do some stuff again. Apparently I either never did this one or I forgot to comment after. Anyway, agree somewhat it's nice to just have to rely on skill & not dice for this. I might've gotten extremely lucky as I did this in one shot without my usual map/chart making. Seems like it's good overall though, with nice content & choices. Lower rating only because I'm not sure of everything in it. 80/100.

Sun Sep 17 11:03:23 2023
Star - optimum ending reached

This isn't the worst adventure on here, but it's far from the best. I do wonder if I might have had wrong expectations from looking at its difficulty rating. It is supposedly "medium" difficulty, yet I have completed it just now, on my third attempt. You can get one of the items which guarantees victory when used really, really early, and it takes no real effort to find the solution to the one riddle which will likely block your path a little earlier, either. After that, it's just knowing where to turn to avoid straying too far off the path, which is again not very difficult.

I have had a similar experience with Below Zero Point - again, it's marked as "medium" difficulty, yet I completed it in four attempts, and it was hardly luck - its very structure is such that one of the earliest choices in the whole thing trivializes about half of all encounters at no cost, and once you bypass a couple of instant failure choices, practically all that's needed is to not be stingy at the shops and buy all the stuff with interesting names. Meanwhile, the supposedly "fairly easy" A Flame in the North has a timer mechanic and a very considerable range of choices, many of them seemingly reasonable-looking, which either end the run instantly or collectively leave you unable to win. Its predecessor, A Shadow in the North is easier, but still considerably more demanding than either this work or Below Zero Point. For that matter, The Word Fell Silent is also described as "fairly easy", yet it has both the potential to engage in fights that might be really difficult for certain backgrounds, random events and associated skillchecks which may end your run immediately, and some pathways always end in failure for certain backgrounds.

Some proofreading. (Having won once, I haven't explored many of the remaining choices, at least not yet, so it's best to assume this is only a fraction for now.)


Wed Jul 10 16:26:56 2024
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
I died ;

Sat Oct 12 13:59:00 2024
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
is this immpossible

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