Impudent Peasant! |
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Yaztromo Thu Feb 27 00:17:10 2014 |
Hmmmm... instant death at a single missed skill test, after previous adventures looked dealt with OK...:-S |
Steven Fri Apr 18 23:46:15 2014 |
What went on? Killed in combat by an insect? How pathetic. |
Sunni Fri Jun 6 06:40:32 2014 |
Finally managed to kill the boss! Just one question: what's the use of hero points? Does it affect my ending? |
It affects how tough the final fight is. |
steve w. Mon Jun 23 08:30:38 2014 |
Best one I've played yet. Different and fun format |
Kerry Tue Jan 13 09:12:02 2015 |
I thoroughly enjoyed playing Impudent Peasant so much so that I replayed it immediately and repeatedly until I saw all possible outcomes. A great and inventive game! |
You'd probably like The Black Lobster. Same author, and unusual in that there are two possible good endings. |
Cole Fri Jan 30 14:46:59 2015 |
It was fun but I liked my little guy and he died at the ending |
darkatx Tue Feb 3 18:43:31 2015 |
Challenging and fun little online game...had a good feel to it too. Well done! |
Jman Sun Mar 22 13:01:52 2015 |
Really cool. Like the ending. Nice that you have put effort into calculating the prices of items, I don't think Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone ever did. |
Paul Mc Sun Mar 22 17:00:44 2015 |
Was an enjoyable adventure that. |
dark Sun Apr 5 08:37:58 2015 |
This was the first book I finished on this site and is still lots of fun, with a really nice writing style that is both atmospheric and casual and a gamebook with several different encounters and ways to win. I just wish there was a sequel sinse I'd like to know what that dam silver circlet actually was and what the dark eyes meant, not to mention how such a skull cracker as Gore the Grim got hold of it. Still, definitely a really nice relaxing play. |
Rob Smith Tue Jul 21 17:48:32 2015 |
Very good, enjoyed this a lot cheers |
Black aria. Mon Jul 27 00:36:02 2015 |
Robbiedjude Sun Aug 9 20:29:41 2015 |
I really enjoyed this adventure, loved the day-to-day format and have come back to have come back to re-play it since. Thought the difficulty level was just right. Fun and engaging. |
Jeff Fri Aug 28 03:37:18 2015 |
Ended to shortly and out of no where. What were those guys and where did they come from? |
Stuart Lloyd Sat Aug 29 19:28:39 2015 |
I love this adventure. I'm going to apply the day to day format to one of my future gamebooks. |
Anonymous Sun Mar 6 17:16:10 2016 |
How do i fight...
Kal Sun Mar 6 20:57:31 2016 |
This was absolutely amazing! I died, but it was so fun! Thanks whoever took their time to write it. |
Riley Thu Apr 21 04:57:25 2016 |
Best one I have played so far! |
Riley Thu Apr 21 17:37:56 2016 |
Awesome vibe! I finished it whilst listening to From The Witchwood by Strawbs, very good combination! |
John Doe Thu Nov 3 13:30:45 2016 |
I am in circles I can't escape out of highday. |
John Doe Thu Nov 3 13:33:36 2016 |
After I beat the rogue wheelie, I keep coming back to highday and have to kill the wheelie again and again. Until I run ot of meals and die. |
$ouhail Mon Feb 13 10:07:54 2017 |
nice |
bluejuic Thu Jul 6 21:11:01 2017 |
Now if that wasn't the most simplistically creative things ever. Loved it. Extremely unique style and House of Hell esque need to do exactly the right things play together nicely. Story is great. Would totally recommend and commend. Grade: 99 |
Raymond Mon Sep 11 09:18:27 2017 |
Awesome adventure! Takes me back to the days of the old fighting fantasy books! Love the branching choices of option 1 or option 2 and then the next day, simple yet with added complexities from different items and combos. Enjoyed a lot!!! :D |
RogueOne Thu Nov 23 21:55:07 2017 |
Done! |
Gillie Tue Nov 13 05:33:08 2018 |
Fun game! I love the "day by day" way it plays out. Eating at both night and immediatley after in the morning seems kind of redundant, though. |
paul Mon Mar 11 16:09:44 2019 |
killed in battle with a man-orc. them's the breaks. this is a really fun gamebook! |
Pantelis Polakis Thu Sep 3 01:32:41 2020 |
Very interesting, i especially enjoyed the feeling of your environs and the sense of time passing. resources management was spot on. |
Quasarsphere Tue Dec 1 09:52:53 2020 |
Aw man, I was really getting into the story, then I suddenly found I'd completed the game! |
Mage Tue Oct 19 02:13:25 2021 |
Short and sweet. |
ddd Sat Oct 23 23:37:41 2021 |
I hate the "meal system". Why don't the peasant have food stored at home? Why can't I buy food at the tavern or before i explore some ruins? anyways beat it with fishing gear, iron amulet, dagger(not sure if better than club) and small shield. barely, with only 1 stamina left. |
YARD Sat Sep 2 14:38:20 2023 |
I have already seen many comments on other works' threads warmly refer to this tale, and I can certainly see why! Like his first work on here, Lair Of The Troglodytes, it's a cleverly written and humorous look at the low-powered side of Titan. Unlike it, it's a lot less restrictive - while your limited options in that story were mostly well-justified by the inherent weakness of the character, being automatically forced to march to Chief's Lair sooner or later felt like an overkill. That, and being a human peasant fighting goblinoids is clearly more relatable than being a troglodyte warrior to a typical reader as well. While some of us may malign this inherent bias, it's hard not to admire the details here, like player's regular preoccupation with the weather and having to deal with leaks in his roof all the time. The concerns and preoccupations of only somewhat wealthier farmers and merchants come alive on the page as well, along with all the locale descriptions. It's a pity you cannot attempt to use the torch to either set the goose tree on fire or to generate smoke to scare off the bees, but then again, the torches are already essentially the most useful thing you start off with by far. After all, bow and arrow is rather underused when compared to, say, what you could do with in A Saint Beckons (written nearly two decades later, I know.) I was hoping you could attempt to use it against the final boss, or at least against more of his forces before the big battle begins. And I suppose everyone who had played this to completion knows that he fishing rod is practically a trap option, not only making it harder to win the more you use it, but even a typical fishing day is actually far MORE dangerous than a typical job board day. (To the point that a "spend the entire week fishing and see the town destroyed" or "spend all but one day fishing, survive" challenge might make sense.) I am surprised that you are not able to just abandon the fishing rod and flee, and must fight to death every time instead. Now, typos. Firstly, there are excessive spaces again (a lot of the earliest submissions seem to have them?) 7, 9, 11, 21, 31, 33, 34, 41, 45, 53, 55, 60, 64, 68, 77, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 90, 91 - extra space between the options and the question mark or period. 2 "whose antadorned surfaces" (hyphen?) 8 " a large, crowlike bird" (hyphen?) 15 " cooks what appears to be the remains" (tense?) 23 "it has more than four legs,"says" (missing space.) 24 "You may fire an arrow at the RAVEN, but the it is a difficult target to hit." 27 " Also, by doing so in such weather lessens the risk of us setting all this corner of Allansia aflame" (is "by" necessary here?) 37 "of his two remaining dogs. " (extra space.) 39 "small, fireblackened figure" (hyphen?) + "near to you" (is "to" needed here?) + "and dressed like some sort of sneak-thief." (a?) 46 "of once what was its neck." 47 "you may eat one meal , two meals or nothing." (extra space.) 57 - mentions multiple carcasses even if you had only fought one carrion bug. 66 "the prospect of a day of unpaid idle however," (idleness?) 68 "You job would be" 79 "Galana the Gardner" (?) + "its highcolumned galleries" (hyphen?) + a strangely placed paragraph break. 87 "You spent a short time " (tense?) 90 "ike slowmoving phantoms." (hyphen?) 92 " now broken storm lantern" (hyphen?) |
YARD Sat Sep 2 14:51:25 2023 |
Forgot to enter a name before hitting submit the last time, and it seems that this erases "the victor's star" from your post when you do re-enter your name. Oh well. Speaking of stars: the more works I check out here, the more I am interested in seeing a fourth kind of post-run symbol. There is currently a star (victory), shooting star (all-challenge victory) and a skull for everything else. I think it would be nice to see a symbol for the endings where the character does not reach the initial stated goal, but also doesn't fail catastrophically, with outcomes ranging from acceptable to arguably better than the main ending(s). I am thinking of
White flag would be an acceptable pictogram, I guess, though some stylized flower might be even cooler (since a lot of those endings are comparatively peaceful next to the primary ones.) |
Not a bad idea. I'll have a think about a suitable symbol. |
Andrew Wright Thu Sep 7 05:45:54 2023 |
Thanks for playing this and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think it was inspired by a competition, or maybe just the thought of what it would be like to grow up in a typical Allansian village, with all the potential carnage on your doorstep. I did do it as a play-by-post with 6 playtesters on the original FF forum I believe, which was fun. Apologies for all the errors! |
YARD Thu Sep 7 16:54:05 2023 |
Interesting, and I guess I can see some play-by-post traces here if I look closely enough! This actually gets me to wonder if converting some of the more-famous play-by-posts which have proliferated on the internet in the two decades since this plucky website came online would be feasible. At least some of them have to be worth it in terms of writing, narrative stakes, etc., right? Though, either way, I suppose more people need to know about this place as a prerequisite. Thanks again for returning to comment after so long! |
anon Sun Oct 22 22:41:38 2023 |
Fun gamebook! The MC's low social status while doing normal hero things made me chuckle. |
jimshady Wed Apr 10 02:50:03 2024 |
checked the comments and didn’t see anything addressing this (my bad if i missed something).
Gabe Fandango Sat Apr 20 03:57:43 2024 |
^It reduces damage taken in combat by half, I think. And to equip it, just select it from your Equipment dropbox and click use (you do the same thing to switch to new weapons). |
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