The Black Lobster


Andrew Wright
Tue Mar 4 20:31:03 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Beat my own gamebook - yay! :-)

Thu Mar 6 22:10:27 2014
Great to see you around, Andrew!

Fri Mar 7 02:59:11 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Great fun and tough to get through, many thanks to the Author!

Sat May 3 16:43:23 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Arson? And I never DID get that bracelet off.

Sun Nov 23 02:53:30 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Last fight was pretty epic XD

Sun Mar 22 23:01:37 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
I've completed a day's work at the Black Lobster! What a place...

Great game!

Mon Apr 6 15:57:18 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
A short and fun adventure. A little tougher than impudent peasant and I want to explore some of the other alternatives sinse I do think there is probably another way through, indeed I don't think the ending I got there was the one I had originally, although it seems this is a game where most fights are dam dangerous and likely to get you killed.

I got the ending with the bargaining but I'm sure there is another where you get rid of Thord.

Mon Apr 6 16:15:23 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
Ah cool, there is the other ending, hurrah! although imho that is imho harder.

Fri May 1 19:26:06 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
one hell of a game with plenty of twists and turns, but also providing a variety of ways to get your character a decent edge needed to survive. don't ask me, look out for the extortionist.

Sun May 15 22:56:27 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
The adventure is way too short.

Fri Nov 25 15:54:55 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
Very good,

Bumwise the Warlock
Sun Dec 4 13:18:02 2016
Is the author still active, or do we read the 'final edition' of the gamebook?

Wed Feb 22 01:41:29 2017
Star - optimum ending reached
this was awesome

Thu Feb 23 00:22:57 2017
Star - optimum ending reached
so short, that it isn't werth playing.

Gol Vareth
Sun Mar 19 10:55:43 2017
Hello Andrew Wright. I've been hunting for your Deathtrap Dungeon 3. It was very good last time I remember erading it? How can I read it again? Willing to pay.

Sun May 7 03:20:12 2017
Skull - non-optimum ending reached

Sun Jun 18 02:25:06 2017
Star - optimum ending reached
I played this before and decided to come back to it. This plays really well for a plot without travel or many battles. Having to nail talking to one particular person is annoying, but far less so than other books that needn't be named. Overall, very likable.
Grade: 95

Mon Jun 19 23:50:44 2017
Deathtrap Dungeon 3 was put in the wood chipper a long time ago. All that's left is our memories.

Tue Jun 20 06:53:41 2017

Thu Jun 22 07:15:07 2017
It's caput. Toast. Dust in the wind. Excremented. Stuffed in a blender and turned on for over one minute. Food for the birds and worms. Done. No more. Gone forever. Put in the paper shredder. Placed on the back burner. Dead in the water. Tits up. D.O.A. Ready for the zombie apocalypse. Waiting for Steve Jackson to write another gamebook that'll be really awesome.

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