The Cold Heart Of Chaos


Wed Feb 22 22:22:09 2006
The Cold Heart Of Chaos

I've added Al Sander's gamebook to the site for online play. MS Word and text versions can be found on the downloads page.

Sun Mar 5 14:06:34 2006
whoa!!! new gamebook!! :)
Well, savour it, because it's another short one.

Tue Mar 7 13:24:23 2006
Awwright! New Story!

Thu Mar 9 19:24:35 2006
Yo waddup mates?! the new story luks pretty cool, don't it?

Wed Dec 18 18:36:16 2013
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Sheesh, I keep dying at the wolf pack, is there a glitch somewhere?

Thu Dec 19 21:16:27 2013
Star - optimum ending reached
short but sweet

Tue Dec 24 09:18:22 2013
I hate the wolf pack, I am killed by it.

Tue Jan 28 07:06:39 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Wow great story! Will there be another?
Probably not, as it's been nearly eight years now. There are other gamebooks by Al Sander around, though. At this site, there is Beggars Of Blacksand which I think is the pick of the bunch. He also won the Windhammer prize in 2008 with Raid On Chateau Fekenstein, and the official site has Deathtrap Overlord, Blacksand Assassin and Assault On The Fortress Of Evil, which I think were all entries to various competitions.

Sun Feb 9 05:32:50 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
I like the tests of Stamina. There are times in life that neither Skill nor Luck get you through, but rather your ability to just endure without collapsing. Well done.

Wed May 7 06:17:49 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Pretty cool

Wed Aug 20 03:26:09 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
First try, woo!

Wed Sep 3 17:58:00 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
Good one, but a bit too few choices.

Gabriel Barros
Tue Dec 23 05:11:29 2014
Star - optimum ending reached
It's short, but really cool and well made, took me two times to complete, well done friend !!!

Tue Dec 23 10:21:29 2014
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
Basically on this run I just rolled the dice: for SKILL and LUCK first and then for fighting the Snow Wolves...:-(

Reginald the son of Thagrimar
Wed Jan 21 19:18:02 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
Amazing, but too short for me ^^
Still, like it! :)

Sat Mar 28 22:08:03 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
A decent adventure, certainly phsically taxing for the dwarf.

Sun Apr 5 13:00:14 2015
Star - optimum ending reached
I remember finishing this one previously and finding it not too hard, and sure enough it wasn't that bad, indeed sinse I had good attribute scores it was almost a forgone conclusion, I really wish there had been more choice. More than that though, this really feels either like a prologue or end to a much larger book than something stand alone, plus I confess the similarities in the plot and setting to the absolutely magnificen t Windhammer over on chronicles of arborell were a little on the nose too.

Certainly not bad, but not really enough to say much about.
This was an entry in one of Dave Holt's competitions back in 2004. The brief was that it should "only be a taster of a larger epic quest", which I think explains the way that the final paragraph is worded.

Thu Jun 18 18:17:29 2015
Skull - non-optimum ending reached
This is NOT Fairly easy, I've not got more than 7 sections in before death on 15 attempts.

Either that, or the dice rolls are Rather unbalanced.

David Brent
Sat Jul 2 11:30:59 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
Good story, well written. Enjoyed this a great deal!

Sat Jul 2 12:48:33 2016
Star - optimum ending reached
I think that this format of adventure, short and full of action, suits particularly well this way of playing on line.

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