Hunger Of The Wolf |
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ffproject Wed Dec 20 11:19:57 2006 |
Hunger Of The Wolf This is a new full-length FF gamebook by Kieran Coghlan featuring certain elements from Scorpion Swamp. I've added it to the downloads page. An online version will follow in a few weeks' time. |
ffproject Fri Dec 29 10:14:31 2006 |
Hunger Of The Wolf Kieran Coghlan's new gamebook is ready to play. |
Gamebook Fanatic Sun Dec 31 04:29:48 2006 |
Finally finished the new book! As I said I liked the storyline, and now I can say that the game mechanisms IMO is well-structured. I also think this seems to be the most balanced game in terms of difficulty (neither too easy nor too hard). |
Et.Z. Tue Jan 2 13:39:53 2007 |
By the way: Hunger of the Wolf? Fantastic. Great book. |
Duck Fri Jan 12 14:56:27 2007 |
I really liked Hunger of the Wolf as well. Two bugs I've found though. (I've stuck them in spoiler tags so as not to spoil the book for people who haven't found them).
The instant death sword (the one you get from the peasant women if you give them three gold). If you roll a natural 12 and get an instant kill, it doesn't give you any options after that. |
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, there will be fixes for both of these problems in a couple of weeks' time. |
James Tue Jan 23 13:17:26 2007 |
Hi, I've found a bug in Hunger of the Wolf:
Duck Wed Jan 24 21:59:01 2007 |
Another Hunger of the Wolf bug-
This and the other bugs that you and James have spotted are fixed now. |
James Mon Feb 5 14:55:18 2007 |
I just got up to the plot twist in Hunger of the Wolf - that was pretty cool! (I think this is vague enough to not count as a spoiler) |
Kieran Coghlan Sun Feb 18 17:34:31 2007 |
Hi guys. Thanks for all the comments on Hunger of the Wolf. I'm particularly pleased that you seem to like the twist - I was worried people might find it somewhat contrived. |
James Mon Feb 19 16:37:00 2007 |
What is the best possible ending in Hunger of the Wolf? After the twist all the endings seem to be death, or leading a mediocre existence. Is there anyway to reverse the twist? |
James Mon Feb 19 17:37:30 2007 |
nevermind, I just had to replay it a few times |
Claire Fri Mar 9 18:01:09 2007 |
Hey, Great site. Just have one question. In "Hunger of the Wolf", what kind of endings are there and what are the best ones? I've finished it twice and got different endings, one good and one ok. Thanks. |
Kieran Coghlan Sun Mar 11 14:31:11 2007 |
There's only one good ending in Hunger of the Wolf:
Claire Sun Mar 11 19:14:19 2007 |
Oh thanks. i got that ending. It was a really good game though. Well done! |
Al Sander Wed Mar 14 04:08:52 2007 |
I second that, very nice Gamebook. |
duffmeister Wed Aug 6 15:34:26 2008 |
Andy, you said that if the sections didn't fully appear, I should copy and paste them here. Well here you are: Hunger Of The Wolf YOU First SWAMP ORC Attack Strength = 19 Attack Strength = 14 YOU Second SWAMP ORC Attack Strength = 21 Attack Strength = 15 YOU Third SWAMP ORC Attack Strength = 20 Attack Strength = 16 72 |
No, I didn't say that at all. The only thing I suggested copying and pasting (and then emailing to me) was the URL (this would be very helpful). However, this gets us a little closer. What exactly are you saying happens here? Does the page only partially load, or does it load completely but not give you any fight links? |
duffmeister Thu Aug 7 10:03:08 2008 |
I'm very sorry Andy, and I know this makes me sound denser than a...dense thing, but...okay, here goes ... what is a URL (I'm sorry for my dimness, but if I never ask, I'll never learn) Oh, and do any FF gamebooks, official or amateur, have a 'Chi' rating (ie: as well as Skill, Stamina and Luck)? |
No shame in it, either you know or you don't - and now you do. I don't know of any FF gamebook with a chi rating, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. |
Gamebook Fanatic Thu Aug 7 14:18:20 2008 |
The URL is basically, for laymen like you and me, the weblink to the page you are referring to. :) For example, the URL for this page would be: |
duffmeister Thu Aug 7 16:46:35 2008 |
Thanks, Gamebook Fanatic. Sorry, Andy, next time, I'll know what to do. |
I have to admit, I'm not optimistic about finding a solution though. The fight you mention above is just an ordinary one - there isn't a great deal there to go wrong. But we will see. |
duffmeister Fri Aug 8 19:30:26 2008 |
Here you are, then: n=12&a=08080C0C0707000000002000000000000104 000000000A010000000000030404&b=10E063900000 0000000070200000000300000000&s=1875110214&f =000001045700000008000000000000000000000000 000000&x=164305&t=24 |
Thanks for posting this (I have chopped it up now to avoid making a mess of the guestbook, but it's all still there) - in general the URL is very useful when it comes to debugging. In this instance, however... I have tried it and for me it works fine, so I'm not really sure what to suggest, especially as you haven't really made clear exactly what the symptoms are. In as much as I can decipher your original post on the subject you seemed to be talking about being presented with an incomplete page, is that correct? If you reload / refresh the page, does the situation recover, or will the link you posted always produce the same results for you? Do you experience similar things with other websites? |
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