Wrong Way Go Back |
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Ulysses Tue Sep 15 08:55:20 2015 |
@Pyrokryos Well done. Make sure to play each new episode with the Continue link to retain your character and build up bonuses. You can bookmark your progress at the start of each episode to keep your character in the event of unfortunate choices. |
nag Wed Sep 23 16:18:46 2015 |
ahah spent so much time on this but the conclusion was worth a laugh, let's see what chapter 2 is hiding :p |
Zero_Cool235 Fri Oct 16 00:01:56 2015 |
Stupid Elevator |
Hanky Tue Oct 27 22:46:33 2015 |
The elevator is the stupidest idea ever. It starts well, then this ... thing completly broke the rythm and put you out of the story. So after 15 attempts to get the good floor, I just quit. |
Ulysses Wed Oct 28 11:09:32 2015 |
Hi Hanky. Glad you're enjoying WWGB! Hints:
Unfortunately there will be more frustration to come. The rest of the series is not so unfair. |
gavman Sun Jun 19 16:32:50 2016 |
just lost 20x in a row, closest i got was a utility locker and maint tunnels |
Yaztromo Fri Jul 8 19:02:48 2016 |
Hello Ulysses, if you have a look here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2036759092/stellar-adventures you will notice that Arion Games funded a version of Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG rules dedicated sci-fi settings and already opened the playtesting forum even if there are still more than ten days for supporting the game (and be included in the playtesting forum). I don't know what your point of view is on this, but I'd love you collaborate with Arion Games to make sure that your gamebook adventures can be easily converted into a RPG adventure. In particular, I'd love being able to use the cool weapons used in WWGB saga! Well.... now I told you, so you can't pretend you don't know! ;-) |
Shadow Mon Aug 22 12:16:21 2016 |
Is there any way to tell what battery you need for the screwdriver? |
Ulysses Mon Sep 5 12:05:13 2016 |
@Shadow Yes.
t Tue Dec 13 16:18:24 2016 |
I keep going into the sun |
burnt Sat Jan 7 11:13:32 2017 |
burnt Sat Jan 7 11:25:51 2017 |
I flew into the sun after only thirty minutes. |
Ulysses Thu Jan 12 10:20:57 2017 |
Hi burnt. You go into the sun early if you've skipped vital steps and can't win. In retrospect the gamebook is a bit unfair, but it is definitely beatable. It relies a lot on using objects in the right time and place, and there are clues for most of these. Good luck! |
Al Toro Fri Jun 30 19:10:50 2017 |
Hi guys, I just couldn't get how is "go mo" = 50? I'd appreciate if someone has figured it up and can share the knowledge :) |
Ulysses Sat Jul 1 06:50:54 2017 |
@ Al Toro When you assign numbers to letters starting at A=1, B=2 and so on you get: g=7, o=15, m=13, o = 15 7+15+13+15 = 50 Wrong Way Go Back has too many leaps of logic like that, and I would like to go back and rewrite it - but the rest of the series gets more reasonable. |
Al Toro Sat Jul 1 09:28:41 2017 |
Thank you for the support, I figured it out just a bit after writing the question here. I just finished the editing of the gamebook translation in Bulgarian, btw. I think it is a pretty cool one, both light for reading, with enjoyable sense of humor, but with gameplay and story as well. I changed only this "puzzle", since I think very few readers will figure it out, even if they know the password, which makes no sense - it would be more difficult for the reader than the character, so I added instruction in the spirit of "If you know the password, sum the numbers, corresponding to its letters (A=1, B=2...)" Also I added sections for "Items" and separated the usage of "time" in the rules. Finally, I rounded up the minutes used. It seems like a fun idea, but after few chapters it gets extremely annoying to sum up the seconds and rounding it to 10 seems like a good idea. I do not know whether you were contacted regarding the translation, but if not - there are some friends here from "Gamebooks" magazine (Bulgaria), which will definitely be interested in publishing it. It is not distributed in bookstores and is in small quantities, 100-200, sold just to cover the expenses, usually in crowdfunding manner. If you are interested to be published here on paper, you definitely can be :) |
Salrik Wed Aug 9 03:16:09 2017 |
I appreciate a good challenge. But screw you for not only putting a different floor level and making any kind of screwdriver (a traditionally hand-powered tool) require electricity. Or, like, adding in more options that let you go back would help immensely. |
RogueOne Fri Dec 8 19:12:03 2017 |
Done! |
Bob Fri May 18 10:28:21 2018 |
I should hate this kind one one path exact follow style........ but damn if it isnt funny!!! |
bluejuice915 Sun Jun 3 01:19:15 2018 |
This was a weird gamebook. I don't like the linearity and need to get lucky on dice at one point very much, but it was engaging and fun to have to find the right items. I also really liked the Trial of Champions reference. Nice sarcastic ending too. 98/100 |
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